
20 years ago, farmers cut these wild fruits and fed them to pigs.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Twenty years ago, almost every household in the countryside would raise one or two pigs in the pigsty, feed them for a year, and kill them at the New Year. Pigs are animals with a large appetite. At that time, there was not so much food to feed pigs, so there was an item when I was a child.

Twenty years ago, almost every household in the countryside would raise one or two pigs in the pigsty, feed them for a year, and kill them at the New Year. Pigs eat a lot of animals, there was not so much food to feed pigs at that time, so there was a very important job when I was a child, that is, to go to the wild "play pig food". The so-called pig food is wild plants such as weeds, leaves and wild fruits that pigs like to eat. I believe that many post-70s and post-80s have had the experience of "playing pig food"! The most impressive thing about Xiaobian is a plant called "Broussonetia papyrifera", whose leaves and fruits are the favorite of pigs.

Broussonetia papyrifera is also called Broussonetia papyrifera. It is a kind of Moraceae plant. Its leaves contain a lot of crude protein. Pigs eat snooze and gain fat, so they are very popular with farmers. In addition, Broussonetia papyrifera was everywhere in the countryside. It grew fast. Every few days, it could shoot a basket of leaves. Even if all the leaves were wiped clean, they could grow quickly. When autumn comes, the fruit of Broussonetia papyrifera ripens. It looks very good hanging on the tree. It is also a wild fruit that pigs love to eat. It is called "Shizi". It is said to taste very sweet, but basically no one eats it in the countryside.

In fact, the fruit can be eaten, in China's traditional Chinese medicine or blindly kidney medicine. However, when the fruit matures, it can emit a favorite smell of insects. It is often covered with flies, ants and other insects, which looks disgusting, so no one usually picks it off and eats it. The fruit is cold in nature and sweet in taste. It mainly enters the kidney meridian. Its effects are mentioned in Rihuazi Materia Medica: "strengthen bones and muscles, help yang qi, tonify deficiency and fatigue, help waist and knees, and benefit color." "It is a good son of tonifying kidney and tonifying deficiency."

20 years ago, it was everywhere and often ignored. Now it is rarely seen. Instead, it has become a very expensive medicinal material. The autumn ripe fruit will be picked off after washing clean, remove the fruit stalk, dried, each kilogram can be sold to 40 yuan. It could be used as a nourishing herb, soaked in wine, boiled in soup, or eaten as a wild fruit. However, you need to pay attention to the hygiene of the fruit, there are many insects on it, plus the fruit will itch your tongue if you eat too much, so it is generally used as medicine.

Readers friends, farmers cut down to feed pigs, have you eaten?