
Technical specification for transplanting and raising seedlings of rice printing and sowing large and strong seedlings

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Technical regulations of Rice Printing and sowing large and strong Seedling Machine transplanting Seedling raising Fund Project Jiangsu Province key Research and Development Program (Modern Agriculture) key Project (BE2015340-7); Jiangsu Province Agricultural Independent Innovation Fund Major Agricultural issues Project (cx (15.

Technical specification for transplanting and raising seedlings of rice printing and sowing large and strong seedlings

Fund projects Jiangsu Province key R & D Program (Modern Agriculture) key projects (BE2015340-7); Jiangsu Province Agricultural Independent Innovation Fund Major Agricultural issues Project (cx (15) 1002).

The seed is fixed by the glue point of the printing planter, the seed adheres to the paper according to the required density and distance, and the sowing operation is completed by laying the seed paper on the plate during sowing, so as to realize the accurate and quantitative positioning of seedling sowing and sowing. To solve the problems of uneven sowing and high leakage rate of conventional machinery with low sowing rate. The use of printing sowing technology can not only improve the quality of seedlings, but also improve the uniformity of mechanical planting in the field, and has obvious seed-saving effect, which has obvious advantages compared with conventional mechanical assembly line sowing.

By adopting the technical route of sufficient fertilizer and promoting chemical control, a strong seedling cultivation technology supported by physicochemical products was developed. Through the matching application of independent research and development of "seedling raising green" nutrient soil conditioning agent for the allocation of nutritious soil, machine transplanting "seedling green" bottom fertilization plate to strengthen supply and supplement, and special seed dressing agent for disease prevention and control, to cultivate strong seedlings in a wide and suitable planting period, change the practice of blanket seedlings raising seedlings without fertilization or less fertilization for fear of overage and prosperity, and reverse the situation that the quality of machine transplanting blanket seedlings is generally low and easy to fail over age.

On this basis, the cultivation technology of "broom" seedling was developed by further strengthening nutrition and regulation. This technique prolongs the light exposure time of the lower leaves and expands the suitable planting period of mechanically transplanted seedlings in order to strengthen the seedlings. On the basis of innovation and integration, the technology of transplanting and raising seedlings with printing sowing machine was developed. By using this technology, the sparse sowing and uniform sowing of mechanical blanket seedlings were realized, and the quality of rice seedlings was significantly improved, breaking through the seedling age limit of conventional blanket seedlings, the seedlings of 20 to 30 days old were suitable for machine transplanting, and the seedlings of 35 days old could still be planted by machine. Therefore, we can refer to the conventional transplanting time to advance 25-30 days to raise seedlings, so that the sowing time of japonica rice in Huaibei wheat stubble is 7-10 days earlier than that of conventional blanket seedlings, the growth period of rice is prolonged, and the maturity period of rice is more than 3 days earlier than that of conventional seedlings. it can significantly increase the yield of mechanically transplanted rice (generally increase by 5% to 30%), improve rice quality, and alleviate the contradiction between rice and wheat stubble caused by conventional blanket seedling mechanical transplanting to some extent. For this reason, this paper introduces the standard of planting large and strong seedlings by printing seeder and the technical regulations of raising seedlings, in order to provide reference for the popularization and application of this technology in the production of Huaibei area and to promote the technical progress of raising seedlings by mechanical transplanting rice blanket seedlings.

Rice printing and sowing

Rice seeds are printed on special paper.

Planting site

1 the standard of machine transplanting large and strong seedlings

The suitable seedling age for single-cropping rice blanket seedlings in Huaibei rice-wheat double cropping area is 25 ~ 30 days, and the leaf age is 4.0 ~ 5.0 leaves. The morphological and physiological indexes of standardized blanket seedlings are plant height 15 ~ 22 cm, stem base width more than 0.28 cm, green leaves ≥ 3.5 leaves per plant, developed white roots, more than 12 white roots per plant, and rooting ability more than 6. Seedling blocks are knotted into blankets and are not scattered. The seedlings were evenly distributed, the shoot dry weight of 1.2-1.5 plants / cm2; was more than 3.5g, and the dry weight per unit seedling height was more than 2.0mg/cm. In the same period, the differences of plant height and sturdiness among individuals were small, the seedling uniformity was high, the population growth was exuberant and there were no disease spot tracks.

2 Technical regulations for raising seedlings

2.1 preparation and preparation of nutritious soil

2.1.1 nutrient soil preparation. Select the fertile field topsoil to dry, break the clods, remove sundries, and sieve with 5 mm mesh. The field has enough 1800 kg/hm2 of sifted fine soil. Try to avoid heavy clay, heavy sandy soil, it is appropriate to choose acidic soil.

2.1.2 allocation of nutrient soil. Before sowing, allocate the nutritious soil. According to the ratio of conditioner ∶ soil = 1 ∶ 100: 120, the green nutrition conditioner for machine transplanting seedlings was added to the sifted fine soil and mixed well. Note that the green nutrition conditioner for raising seedlings is different from the general seedling strengthening agent and acid regulating agent, which does not need to be mixed with the soil in advance, but only needs to be mixed with the soil according to the prescribed proportion and will not burn seedlings; generally, it can be mixed 2-3 days in advance, and the large amount that needs to be prepared in advance is no more than 7 days.

2.2 preparation and manufacture of seedbed

2.2.1 site selection of seedbed. The fields with flat land, fertile soil, convenient transporting seedlings and convenient drainage and irrigation are selected as seedling raising fields. According to the ratio of ∶ to 1 ∶ 80, the seedling field must be ploughed and turned over in advance to dry the crushed soil.

2.2.2 production of seedling board. According to the degree of fine crushing of the soil, the seedling field was rotated for 1 and 2 times. The width of the border is about 1.4m, the width of the seedling furrow on both sides is 2530 cm, the depth is 20 cm, and the width of the surrounding ditch is 30 cm and the depth is about 30 cm. Nursery bed board surface to achieve "solid, flat, light, straight", surrounded by a good ditch, ditch depth of 30 cm to ensure smooth irrigation and drainage. The width of the border with micro-sprinkler irrigation is 2.8 ~ 3.0 m.

When the surface of the seedling board is leveled and compacted, the height difference of the whole field is not more than 1.0 cm, and the height difference between inside and outside of the seedling board is not more than 0.5 cm. The area of the seedling field is large, so it is best to carry out water leveling more than 10 days in advance.

2.2.3 fertilization on the border. After the initial leveling of the ditch, the green bottom fertilizer for raising seedlings was spread evenly on the bed surface for about 100g/m2, then the soil was shallowly mixed, and then it was leveled and compacted. For the whole seedling bed with water, the green bottom fertilizer of raising seedlings can be evenly spread on the bed surface according to the amount of 100 g/m2 while the border surface is wet after drainage, and the water of the seedling board can be used to dissolve fertilizer into the soil.

2.3 seed preparation and treatment

2.3.1 Variety selection and seed quality requirements. The varieties with high quality, high yield and strong comprehensive resistance should be selected, which have passed the national or local examination and approval and are suitable for mechanical planting in Huaibei area. The seed quality requirements are above the national second-class standard, with a purity of more than 98%, a germination rate of more than 95%, a germination energy of more than 85%, and a moisture content of less than 15%. Rice seeds have been mechanically treated to remove awn and branches.

2.3.2 seed treatment and seed dressing with special chemicals for raising seedlings. The seeds were dried outdoors for 2-3 days before printing to improve the seed germination rate (potential) and seedling emergence rate, and to remove dust and impurities.

Seed dressing powder of 3.5% Metalaxyl, a special type for large and strong seedlings, was mixed with seeds according to the proportion of ∶ species = 1 ∶ 80,100. When mixing seeds, you can first add the seed mixing agent to the water of 5 times its weight, stir into a uniform suspension and pour into the seeds to mix seeds. You can also wet the seeds with water of 5% of the seed weight before adding chemicals to mix the seeds. Pay attention to seed dressing must be uniform, so that the seeds generally uniform red prevail.

The salt water with specific gravity of 1.08 to 1.10 can be used to select seeds with printing and sowing, so as to improve the seedling quality and uniformity. If possible, it is recommended to use ammonium sulfate solution to select seeds, and then rinse slightly. If the seed is selected with sodium chloride salt water, it is necessary to rinse the seed with clean water for 1 or 2 times. after the selection, the seeds are slightly dried, and the special seed dressing agent with 1% seed weight is added when the seed surface is wet and not dry. Dry in weak sunlight or shade and then print sticky seeds. Do not expose yourself to the sun after mixing.

2.3.3 print seed paper. Using printing and seeding machine, choosing different width of seedling plate matching printing width and hole row point distance (0.7-0.9) cm × (0.9-0.7) cm hole plate, printing glue dot with special glue for printing and seeding, printing seed paper, and rolling it into rolls and set aside. It is required that the vacancy rate on the glue dot is less than 5%, and the multi-/ double-point rate is not more than 20%. For 28 cm × 58 cm seedling plate, the sowing rate is about 3000 seeds, and for 23 cm × 58 cm seedling plate, the sowing rate is about 2500 seeds per plate.

2.4 sowing

2.4.1 sowing time. On the premise of ensuring the safe heading and filling of rice from the harm of low temperature in autumn, the suitable sowing date was calculated according to the transplanting period, field stubble time, field tillage and setting time, etc., according to the scheduled seedling age of 25-30 days. In the double cropping area of rice and wheat in Huaibei, most of the machine planting time is June 15, May 15, and the sowing time of printing and sowing big and strong seedlings is May, 18 and 25 days.

2.4.2 swing the plate to pave the earth. Pull the wire in the middle of the two ends of the seedling board. The swing mode is determined according to the supplementary seed width printed on the attached seed paper. If the radiation width of the seed paper printing glue is close to or the same as the longitudinal width of the seedling plate, or if there are two end widths and leave a blank in the middle to divide the printing attachment surface into two, the long edge of the seedling tray is parallel to the drawing line, arranged in a long straight line, and the head is closely connected to the head. at the same time, the edge is close to the edge, leaving no gap. If the width of the printing seed is close to the width of the seedling plate, the vertical or horizontal row of the seedling plate can be done, but the rows are required to be straight and close.

After arranging the plate, put the nutritious soil in the seedling plate and lay it flat, the thickness of the soil should be about 2.0 cm, not less than 1.8 cm. The seedlings were laid according to the quantity of 450 × 525 plates / hm2 (28 cm × 58 cm) or 570 × 675 plates / hm2 (23 cm × 58 cm) for field use. In this step, you can also use the sowing assembly line to lay the nutritious soil first and then lay it, or you can use the field soil planter to lay it, but the seams should be tight and straight. The seedling bed with a width of 2.8m and 3.0m was laid in the form of two plates with space in the middle, and the gap in the middle was about 40 cm. The outer edge of the border is 10-15 cm away from the outer edge of the border. The middle is for laying the micro-spray belt.

2.4.3 spread paper and sow seeds. Seed facing up, roll the seed paper roll along the long direction of the seedling board, roll it on the seedling plate, spread the seeds evenly on the plate, and gently press the edge and end, so that the side is affixed to the plate soil. You can spray water while laying to avoid erection at the end of the side. Pay attention to the adjustment when laying to prevent the deviation. After laying the seed paper, spread a layer of about 0.5 cm thick nutritious soil, so that the seeds can not be seen strictly.

2.5 emergence management

2.5.1 Water supply after sowing. After covering the seeds, put water into the field. The height of the water surface should be flat or slightly higher than that of the plate, that is, the soil in the seedling plate should be soaked by infiltration when the height of the seedling plate is less than 1 / 3. Avoid leveling the soil surface in the water surface, not to mention higher than the pan soil. For individual high seedling plates, water can be irrigated manually after enclosure, so that the water can penetrate the soil from below. The water intake should be smooth, prevent the surface of the water from rising sharply, and float or wash the seed paper. Especially at the water inlet, it is necessary to prevent the flood from rushing onto the border. After all the plates have been absorbed and discolored, drain the water.

2.5.2 Film mulching and moisturizing. After drainage, put some thin bamboo poles or a little straw on the plate to prevent sticking film. Cover the agricultural film and compact the edge. Then cover the film with a layer of straw or sunshade net to prevent high temperature scalding seedlings. In order to prevent weeds from sprouting in nutritious soil, 42% butyloxine EC 1 500-1 800 mL/hm2 could be applied before film mulching. Cover the film after spraying for more than 30 min to keep the relative humidity above 80%. In case of heavy rain, timely drainage, seedling bed plate before emergence should not be stagnant water, and timely check, found that Rain Water integrated puddles on the film should be drained into the ditch in time.

2.5.3 seedling emergence management. Pay attention to check in time during the emergence period to prevent the strong wind from sweeping the grass away, resulting in local high temperature scalding seedlings. 5-8 days after sowing, pay attention to check, when the seedling is neat and the first leaf is fully unfolded, uncover the grass and film. It is appropriate to uncover the film in the morning on a cloudy day, in the evening on a sunny day, and after rain. After uncovering the film, put on a plate of water. Using micro-spray, you can spray enough water once. If there are dew seeds or warped roots, sprinkle the soil and water it in time.

2.6 Seedling stage management

Pay attention to strengthen the water management at the seedling stage, generally irrigate the surface water of the flat border once in the morning on a sunny day, and drain after the surface soil of the seedling plate is wet. In order to conserve water and prevent the edge of the seedling plate from losing water too quickly, it is appropriate to moisturize the surrounding soil outside the seedling plate. When the topsoil in the seedling plate becomes white during the period of mechanically implanted strong seedlings, water should be irrigated or sprayed in time. Before the three-leaf stage, we can not wait until the leaves are rolled before watering, so as to avoid the phenomenon of stiff seedlings caused by dry curling leaves and withered shoots. When the leaves of seedlings fade in the plate, fertilizer can be applied properly. It is recommended to use "fertilizing under the bed of raising seedlings", and the amount of fertilizer used is generally calculated according to 5g / plate. Add flat water before sprinkling, or the surface of the water is slightly higher. The normal tube water was restored after water retention for more than 12 hours. For micro-spraying seedlings, you can first spread fertilizer and then spray water, or you can dissolve the fertilizer and mix it with water. Two or three days before planting, ammonium phosphate was applied at a rate of 8g / plate for marriage fertilizer to promote the early development of strong seedlings. One day before planting, the water was cut off according to the actual situation. The insecticides with high efficiency and low toxicity were sprayed before planting, and the insecticides were taken to the fields to reduce the number of diseases and pests.