
High-yielding cultivation techniques of Alpine eggplant covered with plastic Film in South China

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, High-yield cultivation techniques of film mulching in southern alpine eggplant 1 when selecting varieties, we should first choose those with high quality, good commodity and disease resistance. in addition, we should also consider the specific conditions of the place, so we should mainly choose Xianfeng No. 1 and Hongfu No. 2. 2...

High-yielding cultivation techniques of Alpine eggplant covered with plastic Film in South China

1 Variety selection

When selecting varieties, we should first choose those with high quality and good commodity resistance to disease. in addition, we should also consider the specific conditions of the place, so we should mainly choose Pioneer 1 and Hongfu 2.

2 cultivation techniques

In the cultivation of eggplant, no matter after raising seedlings or transplanting, plastic film should be used, especially in high mountains. In general, early spring plastic film mulching is selected for cultivation.

In addition, the seedling raising technology of certain thermal insulation facilities must be adopted to prolong the fruiting period and increase the yield. Cultivation techniques mainly involve the following aspects.

2.1 Select sowing date and determine sowing quantity

The sowing time of seedlings is in late February, and the sowing amount is 5 m2 per 667 m2 of land, in which the amount of new seeds is 35 g and that of old seeds is 50 g.

2.2 preparation of seedbed and nutritious soil

The extension direction of the seedling bed is east-west, in which the length is 3-5 m, the width is 1.3-1.5 m, and the depth is 40-50 cm. In the preparation of nutritious soil, 6 samples of garden soil should be selected, which should not be planted with eggplant fruits for 5-7 years, then half part of plant ash, 1 part of peat and 2 parts of mature organic fertilizer should be sifted and fully mixed to get the required nutrient soil.

2.3 soak the seeds to accelerate germination

Eggplant seed has dense and thick skin, outer layer has colloid, and has poor water permeability, so it is difficult for eggplant seed to germinate. The key to cultivate strong seedlings is to skillfully master the technology of seed soaking and accelerating germination, first bleach the shrunken seeds with clean water and soak them for 30 min, and then use the method of soaking seeds in medicine solution to sterilize the seeds.

In order to achieve a good germination effect, the soaking time and the concentration of the solution must be strictly controlled. The solution needs to soak the seeds for 5 times 10 cm, the solution is usually 1000 times formalin, and the soaking time is 10 min to avoid drug damage to the seeds. After soaking the seeds in the medicine solution, rinse the seeds repeatedly with clean water, then soak the seeds with clear water or soak them with warm soup, that is, put the seeds in hot water of 55 ℃, and keep stirring until the temperature is about 30 ℃, then scrub them with clean water.

In addition, in the process of seed soaking, the mucus outside the seed coat should be scrubbed every 3 to 4 hours, and the seed should be soaked for 24 to 30 hours.

The seed is wrapped in wet cloth, and the temperature needed for budding is 30 ℃. It needs to be washed once a day, and then drained and then continue to sprout. Usually, it can germinate in 3 to 5 days, and when the germination rate reaches 50%, it can be sowed.

2.4 sowing and seedbed management

In the first day of sowing, the seedbed should be watered thoroughly, and the selected solution is 3 L boiled water and 10 g 72.2% Prik, which can effectively avoid diseases in the seedling stage. When sowing, it is necessary to mix a small amount of fine sand or fine soil into the seed, spread it evenly into the seedbed, cover it with fine soil of 1 cm, and finally cover it with plastic film. Before dividing the seedlings, the seedlings were refined for 7 to 10 days, and the seedlings were divided into three leaves in one heart, and the seedlings were divided at a distance of 10 cm, or the seedlings were directly planted in a nutrition bowl. Of course

Slow the seedling water after pouring, then loosen the soil, then control the water and temperature, squat the seedlings, and so on, when the seedlings have 5-6 leaves, refine the seedlings at low temperature. Water thoroughly before planting.

(3) soil preparation and fertilization

3.1 Land preparation

In soil preparation, it is necessary to select the soil, the soil should be loose and fertile, and have good drainage and irrigation conditions, must avoid eggplant fruit stubble. Be correct

To keep the soil loose, the depth of turning over in autumn should be more than 25 cm, which is helpful to store water and fertilizer, flatten and rake the soil fine, and achieve the purpose of preserving soil moisture.

3.2 rational fertilization

When eggplant is cultivated in high mountain, it grows faster and its fruiting period is concentrated, so it needs reasonable fertilization, and quick-acting base fertilizer should be re-applied. Among them, 5000 ~ 7500 kg mature stable fertilizer, 200 kg plant ash and 50 kg phosphate fertilizer should be applied every 667m ~ 2, while zinc fertilizer and boron fertilizer should be applied every 100m ~ 2. First sprinkle 50% fertilizer, then carry out ploughing, and then concentrate the remaining fertilizer between the rows, so as to effectively improve the effect of fertilizer.

4 colonization

4.1 determine the planting date

Usually, the colonization begins when the soil temperature is 13-15 ℃, and the planting date is usually in the middle of May.

4.2 determine the density of colonization

The planting density of eggplant varies with different varieties. For Xianfeng 1 and Hongfu 2, the number of plants per 667m2 is about 1200, and the row spacing is (700.80) cm × (303.35) cm, or the double row form is 1.2m wide and high, and the plant spacing is 60 cm × 30 cm.

4.3 adopt reasonable colonization methods

Plastic film should be covered before colonization. The main use of plastic film mulching is to raise the low temperature of early crop growth. Compared with plastic film mulching after planting, the soil temperature is several degrees higher than that of plastic film mulching at the same time or one week before planting, which is more conducive to the growth and slow seedling of crops. it is helpful to promote the early ripening of the fruit. in addition, plastic film mulching before planting is easy to operate. Usually, when the eggplant is planted, the last choice is when it is sunny and windless, which is helpful to slow down the seedlings and carry out planing or digging holes according to the definite row spacing of the plants.

30 kg diammonium phosphate was applied every 667m2. Put the seedling into the planting hole, the depth should be moderate, on the day of planting, you need to pour fixed planting water, once.

4.4 do a good job of management after planting

The arrangement after planting mainly includes the following points. First, sort out the side branches. Double trunk pruning is adopted, the first side branch under the door eggplant needs to be retained, and the following leaf buds need to be removed. Second, remove the excess leaves. The bottom leaves of eggplant are usually removed 2-3 times, the lowest old leaves are removed for the first time, 2-3 pieces are removed, and then every other week. Finally, 1-2 days before harvest, the side branches immediately under the door eggplant are retained, and all the lateral buds and leaves below the side branches are removed, which helps the plant to grow as soon as possible, and ensures that the plant type is normal and healthy. Third, protect flowers and fruits. Usually, the growth agents of 30mm 40 mg/L and 50ml / L PCPA are used as flowering growth agents, which should not be dipped repeatedly or sprayed, let alone on the growing point. Fourth, cultivate the soil by ploughing. When alpine eggplant is cultivated with film mulching, the soil surface under the film basically does not sprout weeds, so there is usually no need for soil cultivation and weeding. After removing the film, it is necessary to fertilize and water the soil and change the planting ditch into a high ridge. Fifth, rational watering. Eggplant needs a lot of water during the growing period. After 7 days of planting in the open field, slow seedling water should be irrigated once. At this time, small water is needed for slow irrigation, and from high to low irrigation, no flooding is allowed. Sixth, rational fertilization, usually, 4-5 days after planting, watering one time to lift seedling fertilizer. It is necessary to properly control the supply of fertilizer and water after flowering to before bearing fruit.

5 harvesting

When harvesting eggplant, the appropriate time should be chosen, which is generally judged by the place where the fruit and sepals are connected. If the banding is not obvious, it indicates that the fruit grows slowly. For Xianfeng No. 1 and Hongfu No. 2, it can be harvested about 50 days after planting. The quality of the fruit harvested in the morning is the best, followed by the evening, to avoid harvesting at noon.

(6) Disease and pest control

6.1 Common diseases and their control

When eggplant is cultivated, the common diseases are Verticillium wilt, anthracnose, cotton blight and Botrytis cinerea.

The details are as follows.

Verticillium wilt, which usually occurs after the door eggplant is fruited, causes harm to the adult eggplant. The prevention and control methods are: selecting disease-free and disease-resistant seeds; pulling out the diseased plant in time and burying it deep outside the shed; in the early stage of the disease, the method of filling the root with liquid medicine is adopted. The solution is 1500 times the solution of 50% carbendazim wettable powder, and the amount of liquid is 500 mL per plant.

Anthracnose, which harms ripe fruits, can be prevented and treated by spraying 50% carbendazim wettable powder 1000 times, 80% anthrax Fumei wettable powder 600 times, 78% Cobo wettable powder 600 times, and 1 ∶ 1 ∶ 200 Bordeaux.

The control method of cotton blight, which harms leaves, stems, roots and fruits, is to spray the pesticide every 7-10 days and control it for 2-3 times. The medicament is 600-fold solution of 69% Anke manganese-zinc wettable powder, 600-fold solution of 72.2% pric water agent or 600-fold solution of 64% poison alum.

Botrytis cinerea, which harms fruits and leaves, can be prevented by spraying 50% Sukeling 1000 times or 50% Prometholide wettable powder 1 500 times 2 000 times at the initial stage of the disease.

6.2 Common insect pests and their control

When eggplant is cultivated, the common pests are aphids and red spiders. When controlling aphids, 40% dimethoate EC 1 000 times 1 500 times or 25% kungfu EC should be selected; for red spiders, it should be eliminated in time, 73% gram acaroid EC 1 200 times, 20% gram mite EC 2 000 times.