
High-yield and efficient cultivation techniques of Chrysanthemum morifolium in Xiushui County

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The high-yield and high-efficiency cultivation technology of golden silk imperial chrysanthemum in Xiushui county has the function of health care. Xiushui county has a long history of planting golden imperial chrysanthemum, and the local unique environmental conditions make the produced golden imperial chrysanthemum of good quality. In recent years, as people live.

High-yield and efficient cultivation techniques of Chrysanthemum morifolium in Xiushui County

Golden silk imperial chrysanthemum has the function of health care. Xiushui County has a long history of planting golden silk imperial chrysanthemum. The local unique environmental conditions make the quality of golden silk imperial chrysanthemum produced is good. In recent years, with the improvement of people's living standards, the demand for golden chrysanthemum is surging, and the planting benefit is about 10 times that of ordinary food crops, and the enthusiasm of farmers is high. In this paper, the high-yield and high-efficiency cultivation techniques of golden chrysanthemum are summarized as follows for growers' reference.

1 planting plot selection

The suitable growth conditions of golden chrysanthemum are cool climate, ventilation and light. The sandy loam with loose soil structure, good air permeability and drainage, high content of organic matter and pH 6.2-6.7 is the most suitable for planting land. Golden chrysanthemum avoid dampness, clay and low-lying land should not be planted, when the soil moisture is high, the growth is poor, if long-term stagnant water, it is easy to rot root death. Golden chrysanthemum bogey continuous cropping, planted on the same plot for years, many diseases and insect pests, yield and quality decreased greatly.

2 planting

2.1 Seedling selection

The transplanting seedlings of Chrysanthemum morifolium can be divided into two kinds: cutting propagation seedlings and ramet propagation seedlings. Cutting propagation can maintain the excellent characteristics of the female parent, with developed new roots, strong growth, high survival rate, strong branching ability and high yield. Ramet propagation seedlings grow fast at the initial stage of seedling breeding, but they are easy to infect the mother strain and reduce the yield, so it is not recommended to choose them under suitable conditions.

2.2 planting

The summer climate of Xiushui County is characterized by high temperature and rain, while chrysanthemums are afraid of dampness and waterlogging, so they need to be planted in high beds. Before planting, the soil depth was about 25 cm. Combined with soil preparation, commercial organic fertilizer and high efficiency compound fertilizer were applied 7 500 kg/hm2 and 600 kg/hm2 respectively. The soil rake was made into ridges with a width of 90 cm, a width of 30 cm and a depth of 30 cm. After the plot is leveled, the border surface is covered with a 1.2 m wide silver gray film (upper white reflection, increased light, less heat absorption; lower black anti-biotic grass), the film should be paved, and the surrounding area should be compacted with soil and cannot be broken. In order to reduce the harm of diseases and insect pests to golden chrysanthemum, 50% carbendazim wettable powder 7.5 kg/hm2+3% phoxim particles 22.5 kg/hm2 was applied to kill and disinfect the soil, which can control root rot, stem rot, grub, ground tiger and other diseases and insect pests.

Golden silk imperial chrysanthemum likes sunshine, avoid shade, ventilation and transparent light is one of the important factors for high yield of chrysanthemum. According to the difference of soil fertility, planting method and time, the plant row spacing should be adjusted properly. The suitable density of cutting seedlings is about 30 000 plants / hm2, and the maximum is not more than 36 000 plants / hm2. Choose sunny or cloudy evening, plant 2 rows in each row, 1 plant in each hole, and seal the planting hole with soil after transplanting, so as to prevent hot air from burning chrysanthemum seedlings in high temperature season.

3Fertilizer and water management

3.1 Scientific formula fertilization

Golden chrysanthemum has developed root system and needs a large amount of fertilizer, so it is a fertilizer-loving crop. According to the nutrient absorption and distribution of golden chrysanthemum, the demand for potassium is relatively high. During the whole growth period, attention should be paid to balanced fertilization. In order to prevent overgrowth and infection, nitrogen fertilizer should not be too much in the early stage. The purpose of topdressing is to promote rooting and increase flower branches, which should be concentrated after pruning. Reasonable application of phosphate fertilizer can make chrysanthemum bud early, bud more and blossom early [Jishan Huayao].

Fertilization should follow the principle of organic fertilizer, combined application of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer and supplement of trace element fertilizer. One is base fertilizer. Before transplanting, apply sufficient base fertilizer, mainly apply vegetable cake, tung cake and commercial organic fertilizer, properly apply high-efficiency compound fertilizer, and supplement trace element fertilizer. The second is topdressing. The golden chrysanthemum cultivated in the open field can drill holes beside the seedlings and apply 375 kg/hm2 of high efficiency compound fertilizer after the rain in the middle of August. Branching fertilizer can not be applied to the fields transplanted with sufficient base fertilizer and plastic film mulching. If there is a lack of fertilizer in the later stage, 375 kg/hm2 of high efficiency compound fertilizer can be applied during light rain or in the ditch after rain in the middle and late August. Before budding in the first ten days of September, the extra-root topdressing was sprayed with 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution for 3 times and 4 times. The effect of this method on multiple flowering and large flowering was very obvious.

3.2 Water management

Golden silk emperor chrysanthemum is afraid of waterlogging, pay attention to clear ditches and drain water in the rainy season, and check every time before and after the rain to ensure smooth drainage and prevent waterlogging and rotting roots. Golden chrysanthemum can not be short of water in bud and florescence, and should be watered in time in case of drought.

4 pick the heart to build a frame

Cutting seedlings and coring is an important link in the production and management of golden chrysanthemum, which can inhibit tip growth, increase crown width and increase yield [5]. The early transplanting golden chrysanthemum should be cut once in the whole growing period. The height of remaining seedlings should not exceed 3 cm, which should be completed at the beginning of June and no later than June 15. The seedlings from the soil are of good quality and the stem is thick and resistant to wind. Leave 3-5 healthy seedlings after seedling emergence, and erase the rest, which is helpful to ensure the flowering time and quality. The cuttings transplanted later only need to pick the heart once, and the heart must be finished before the end of July. Each operation should be carried out on a sunny day, and the seedlings should not be cut in rain, and all the cut parts should be taken out of the chrysanthemum ground and burned.

After one cutting, the plant has many branches, the number of flowers is large, and concentrated at the top, it is easy to lodge in rainy weather, affecting the ventilation and light transmission of the plant and the quality of flowers. Therefore, when the plant height reaches a certain degree, the plant should be fixed with net, stick and rope on the border surface to prevent lodging.

5Prevention and control of diseases, insect pests and weeds

Golden chrysanthemum is a shallow-rooted plant, which can grow normally after 7-10 days slow seedling stage. The chrysanthemum cultivated in the open field should be ploughed and weeded in time, and should not be too deep, but should only loosen the topsoil for 3 to 5 cm, make the topsoil dry and loose, moist the bottom slightly, promote the root to root down, and control water and fertilizer, so that the aboveground part grows slowly, which is commonly known as "squatting seedling", which is beneficial to the growth of chrysanthemum seedling. In the later stage of growth, the root neck base of the plant was cultivated in combination with mid-tillage and weeding to promote the root growth. The weeds next to chrysanthemum seedlings should be pulled out by hand, and Nongda Gaduer should be used to weed in the ditch. Do not spray when it rains within 3 days, otherwise the leaves and roots will be easily damaged.

Before transplanting golden chrysanthemum, if the disinfection of seedlings and soil is in place, there are generally few diseases and insect pests. The common diseases and insect pests of golden chrysanthemum are Fusarium wilt, blight, root rot, small land tiger, Spodoptera litura, grubs, aphids and so on. The control method is to disinfect chrysanthemum seedlings and planting holes before transplanting, and to eliminate stagnant water in the field in time after transplanting. It is found that the diseased plants should be pulled out in time, and biological pesticides should be used to control diseases and insect pests according to the occurrence of diseases and insect pests.

6. Harvesting and processing

Golden chrysanthemum blossoms for a long time, but the time of picking flowers is more concentrated, mainly in the first ten days of November, when the flowers bloom for 3 months and 4 days, choose sunny dew and dry picking, not dew spray and Rain Water flowers. When picking flowers, put the good flowers and secondary flowers separately, pay attention to keep the flowers intact, eliminate mud flowers, insect flowers, diseased flowers, and do not carry sundries. It should be processed in time after harvest to prevent decay and discoloration.