
Here are 17 pictures to teach you to master the abnormal situation of rose through leaves and countermeasures

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Rose is known as the "queen of flowers", is the fifth of the top ten flowers, won the majority of flower friends love. But at the same time, rose is also a famous "medicine pot", for inexperienced novice friends, want to raise rose is a fee...

Rose is known as the "queen of flowers", is the fifth of the top ten famous flowers, deeply loved by the majority of flower friends. But at the same time, the rose is also a famous "medicine jar". For inexperienced novice friends, it takes a lot of effort to raise the rose well. Below, the small exquisite life sorted out the reasons for the abnormal performance of 17 kinds of rose leaves and the corresponding measures to deal with the abnormal situation, and shared with you.

1. The bottom of the rose, small, thin and slow-growing weak branches, bud spots, and blocked leaves will change from green to yellow. these are the normal metabolism of the rose, such as the lower part of the rose is gradually upward Lignification and fallen leaves, nutrition transport is not timely and normal elimination, or due to lack of light caused by shading and yellowing, yellow leaves like this can be removed in time.

2. If the branches and leaves of the rose droop, the buds are mostly drooping downward, the flower buds are always unable to form and are easy to blind branches, and the leaves turn yellow from top to bottom, mainly due to waterlogging damage caused by frequent watering and poor soil drainage. In this case, it is best to replace the soil with good drainage, put it in a well-ventilated environment, and control the watering frequency.

3. If the leaves of the rose gradually wither and dry or even the whole dried leaves from the bottom to the top, and the soil is hardened, there is no need to ask, this is the rose lack of water. If you pour water once at normal temperature, if it is more than 35 ℃ in summer, first move to a cool place to cool down, and then pour water.

4. If the rose lacks light for a long time, the color of the whole leaf of the rose will slowly change from green to light, to yellow until falling off. If this happens, do not suddenly accept full sunlight, but step by step, gradually increase the light time and intensity, until full light is fully received.

5. If the edge of the rose turns yellow or even scorched, it is mainly caused by sunburn. In particular, some friends like to spray water on flowers and plants. If the remaining droplets of leaves after spraying meet the summer noon sun, I don't think I need to say any more about the principle of convex lens making fire. The prevention and cure measure of this kind of situation is that the summer high temperature must be shaded to avoid the sun exposure, at the same time the environment needs ventilation.

6. If the summer temperature is higher than 35 ℃, the rose will dormancy because of the high temperature. If it is overwatered at this time, it will cause the young leaves of the rose to curl, the leaves become pale, droop and lifeless, and there may be a certain degree of scorched yellow or random withered leaves. So please remember 10 words: high temperature is not high humidity, high humidity is not high temperature.

7. If the temperature is below-5 ℃, the rose will stop growing and go into dormancy. The branches and leaves will start to turn red from the top down, and if the low temperature continues, the leaves will gradually turn yellow until the leaves fall. Rose can be used to cover the basin or lay hay and other measures to prevent freezing.

8. If the leaves are infected with red spiders, at the initial stage, small white spots appear on the front of the leaves from the bottom to the top, and then gradually increase, more and more red or white spots appear on the reverse side of the leaves, and white wire knots appear between the leaves and the leaves. Finally, the leaves withered and fell off completely. Red spiders are easy to break out in a dry and unventilated environment, so the rose must be placed in a well-ventilated environment, often spraying water from the bottom up to increase air humidity to prevent, if the infection must be isolated in time. Remove the diseased leaves, spray them on the back of the leaves after mixing with water, such as gold mite branches, Aika mites and other drugs.

8. In high-temperature and rainy summer, Rain Water, sprinkler splash and insects are very easy to spread black spot pathogen. At the initial stage of infection, the leaves will have purple-brown to brown spots, and then they will become black or dark brown. The main way of prevention is to reduce the chance of water on the leaves. If the disease has occurred, the diseased leaves need to be cleaned up, and then DuPont Fuxing, Gaozhao and other drugs are sprayed with water to cure them.

9. If the air humidity is too high, it will cause the rose to be infected with downy mildew. The symptom is that irregular chlorosis spots appear on the back of the lower leaves at the initial stage of the infection, and are covered with frost-like mildew layer, and water-immersed dark purple will appear in the later stage of the infection. until it becomes a polygonal burning brown mildew layer. In severe cases, all the leaves will fall off until the whole plant dies. The preventive measure is to reduce the air humidity and keep the light. If the disease has been infected, the diseased leaves need to be cleaned and cured by spraying aldicarb and irrigating roots.

10. if the plants of the rose are too dense in the environment of high temperature and humidity, the pathogen is likely to invade from the wound of the rose and infect the leaf blight, which is characterized by yellow-green needle spots on the leaves at the initial stage of the infection, and enlarged at the later stage. It will form a round or irregular shape with purple edges, and will be connected into pieces after further expansion, and small black spots will appear on the edges of the diseased leaves. Can reduce plant density and pay attention to rain prevention, such as infection first clean diseased leaves, with chlorothalonil spraying + carbendazim root cure.

11. In the climate of low temperature and high humidity in March, April and November, the rose is easy to be infected with Botrytis cinerea fungi, which is characterized by smooth, sunken light brown spots on the leaf tip or leaf edge at the initial stage, and then expands and decays, eventually preventing flowering and causing the diseased buds to die. Therefore, special attention should be paid to keeping the air dry in these three months. if the disease has occurred, it is necessary to clean up the diseased leaves in time, use carbendazim with water and spray + root irrigation treatment.

12. In the rainy months of June, July, August and September, the rose is easy to be infected with rust, which is characterized by many small orange powder spots on the front of the leaves, yellow spots on the back of the leaves later, and white spots on the front of the leaves later. preventive measures are also mainly dry and ventilated environment. If the infection disease needs to clean up the diseased leaves in time, and spray chlorothalonil for treatment.

13. If the rose begins to curl and fold from the tender leaves, and then the leaves gradually harden and the bud is deformed, it is due to the infection of thrips insect pests. Although this insect is small, it does great harm and occurs all the year round. Huasheng, imidacloprid, parachlor, matrine and other drugs can be used to get rid of insects.

14. If green dots appear near the young leaves, new shoots and buds of the rose, it is likely to be infected with aphids. When aphids occur, attention should be paid to cleaning up the diseased leaves, and at the same time, Huasheng, imidacloprid, cypermethrin, aldicarb and other drugs should be used to get rid of the insects.

15. From May to September, if the rose is poorly ventilated, it is easy to be infected with powdery mildew and cause powdery mildew during high temperature and dryness. The main symptoms are irregular yellow-green spots at the initial stage of infection. With the expansion of the disease spot, a layer of white powder will appear on the leaf surface and tender shoots. When the disease is serious, it will lead to leaf yellowing and shedding, seriously affecting plant growth and flowering. It can be prevented by strengthening ventilation, replenishing moisture, increasing air humidity and reducing nitrogen fertilizer. for example, infected bacteria can be cured by spraying chlorothalonil, mancozeb, Guoguang triadimefon and other drugs.

16. If the rose branches gradually turn yellowish brown from top to bottom and turn black, it is likely to be infected with black rod disease, which is mainly caused by the invasion of bacteria in the environment of lack of light and humidity and poor soil permeability, and when it is serious, it will lead to the withering of the whole plant, so it is necessary to keep the light, increase the air permeability of the soil, and avoid rain before and after rain during pruning, and choose dry weather pruning. If it has happened, cut off the diseased branches in dry weather.

17. If the rose fertilizes too frequently, the concentration is too high, or the fertilizer that is not completely mature is used, it will cause the young leaves to turn green and white and then wither and yellow, and the old leaf tip and the edge of the leaves will show symptoms of withered yellow and brown. So usually we must pay attention to the application of thin fertilizer frequently, if fertilizer injury occurs accidentally, irrigation can be diluted, serious cases can be dug out after root washing, change the soil and re-basin.

The above are 17 symptoms and corresponding manifestations of rose leaves. It can be seen that suitable conditions such as ventilation, light, temperature, humidity, watering and soil are indispensable in the maintenance process of rose. If you want to fully master the maintenance methods, you also need to learn a lot of practice and accumulate experience.

The above is a small exquisite life arrangement and release, I hope it will be helpful to you.