
The harder the mother of her second child is, the luckier she is.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Follow encyclopedia to meet beautiful (WeChat account: duoroubaike) text begins: thank the author [Guoer Ma Ma] for original contribution sharing contribution date: 2018-05-17 Editing: encyclopedia coordinates: Zibo City, Shandong Province.


Follow encyclopedia to meet beauty (WeChat account: duoroubaike)

The text begins:

Thanks to the author [Guoer Ma] for his original contribution and sharing.

Submission date: 2018-05-17

Editor: encyclopedia

Coordinates: Zibo City, Shandong Province

Recently, I don't know what I've been busy with. I haven't contributed for a long time. I was ignorant about raising meat for five years. I still bought meat in last month. When the meat was beautiful, I couldn't see it in person because it was all in my mother's house. I could only ask my husband to take a picture of me, and immediately put it on the pot as Erbao began to grow up. I often felt too tired to take care of my two children and took care of so much meat. I would think of giving up. But unwittingly looked at the previous pictures and found that they have been working hard, trying to be beautiful, what reason do I have to give up?

Many meat lovers have a variety of helpless weather and environmental reasons, even if they are not so perfect, they still work hard and enjoy it, so they also feel a lot of comfort. Back to the original intention, the purpose of raising meat is to watch them become beautiful and colorful. The mood will also become beautiful. So, I'm back. I hope you still remember me.

When summer comes, give yourself and your friends some encouragement. As long as we get through the most difficult days, all the good things will come. Let's make some comparisons.

This Baiji was bought from South Korea a few years ago. At that time, the price of domestic meat was very high, so it was bought by Haitao. When I bought it, I thought it was already very good-looking, but now it seems to be much more beautiful.

At the end of autumn, a head was frostbitten and the bouquet was gone. It's a pity.

This Lu's has forgotten whether he gave it or bought it. Anyway, he really didn't take it seriously at that time. He didn't accept it all the time and replanted it several times.

As a result, it quietly grew into an Anna rose on the market.

White bear, did not find the photo, found the photo of the goods, refer to it, buy it is so big, the previous white bear price meat friends, you know

The present condition is still not very good, because it has been frozen several times. The leaves are a little hurt and the ribbons are beautiful.

Yellow bear together

The pink beauty spelled out an old pile by herself. I was in good shape when I came here.

It really stunned the time.

It was a quiet night, but luckily I saved an ugly photo.

The way it is now, it will be beautiful as long as you stick to it.

A bowl of freshly boiled balls.

Turned into a bowl of crushed balls. I really don't want to change the basin.

Cinnabar mole fairy, the photo on the basin is gone, it is really miserable, this is already after taking the basin for a long time.

Mei Meimei, this autumn and winter should be more beautiful, but I hope she can make it through the summer.

Guanghan Palace

Many meat lovers keep tossing about the pot, soil, meat, into this pit and into that pit, but always feel that this kind of life is quite interesting, now many people are tired of mode life, succulent should be their own seasoning, suddenly in the busy, boring time to find a little peace.

I have always hoped that I can stick to it, just like Grandma Ruth abroad, who has been growing a succulent botanical garden for decades. I am also old and I don't have to have a botanical garden. As long as I have my own succulent garden, whenever I see a succulent one, I can remember which year I bought this one and how big it was at that time. It must be a very beautiful thing.

Ping-pong Funiang

Finally, I would like to thank my family, because my family loves flowers and plants very much, so they have given me a lot of support. Dad inadvertently in order to build a small succulent shed, let me have more meat space, make shelves for me, move meat, I do not always help me take care of. Mother from the beginning did not understand, a little bit of learning, now moving pots, sowing leaves and seedlings are quite good at this technical work, to help me with the baby and help me raise meat, it is really infinitely tolerant of me. Although my husband will deliberately tease me that your meat is more important than me, he still tolerates me and helps me buy half of the meat. I remember that last autumn, it frosted and died one by one, and there were many old stakes. I was confused and couldn't help crying at that time. My husband told me, it's all right, just buy it again, just start all over again, and then help me deal with the rest of the meat. Although my daughter is a few years old, she will help me open toilet paper and carry meat to water meat. thank you for your love for me.

Stop nagging, have some summer experience, if I water it once a month or more, although the meat will be ugly, but the survival rate is high, last year the bear who likes to take off his clothes didn't lose a leaf.

Here are some beautiful pictures, hoping that the meat friends will spend the summer safely and wait for the autumn to become more beautiful.


Money string

Special Yulian

My leaf inserts the fruit basket, the flesh friend who reads my article at the beginning should remember

Yan Ri umbrella, recently began to become a mage.

Tang Yin

Clotting fat lotus


Balls. Balls.


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