
Medicinal resources of peony bark, how to pick buds and how to prune them

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Peony bark medicinal resources, how to pick buds and plastic pruning scientific plastic pruning can control its vegetative growth, promote reproductive growth, make flowers, leaves and fruits get sufficient sunlight, maintain its perfect plant shape, exuberant growth, and reduce the incidence of diseases and insect pests.

Medicinal resources of peony bark, how to pick buds and how to prune them

Scientific shaping and pruning can control its vegetative growth, promote reproductive growth, get enough sunlight for flowers, leaves and fruits, maintain its perfect plant shape and exuberant growth, and reduce the occurrence of diseases and insect pests. When shaping and pruning, we should combine the growth habits, growth trend, flowering position and other factors of peony to ensure its flower and fruit quantity.

Contact information for purchasing medicinal peony seedlings Wechat; 18374545223

(1) the principle of shaping and pruning

① should make the tree high inside and low outside, forming a natural and plump round head or semicircular tree.

The twigs in the inner chamber of ② shrubs should be thinned properly, the strong branches should be cut short properly, and the sprouting twigs and ground curls sprouting on the surface should be removed thoroughly.

The senescent branches planted by ③ for many years should be renewed year by year, the dense branches in the inner chamber should be thinned and new branches should be cultivated.

The overgrown branches of ④ growing outside the crown should be thinned in time or cut short as soon as possible to promote the growth of secondary branches.

The residual flowers and fruits formed by the lag of ⑤ flowers should be cut off as soon as possible if there is no other need.

⑥ shrubs planted in pieces should be trimmed to form clusters that are high in the middle, low around or low in the front and high in the back.

(2) the pruning order is first large and then small, from coarse to fine; first up to down, from high to low; first outside to inside, from beginning to end; first open then sparse, from light to heavy; first sparse and then cut, from long to short; go first and then manage, from chaos to clear.

(3) when the peony was pruned before and after Ching Ming Festival, the mixed buds began to germinate. at this time, it was necessary to cut off the withered shoots, pedicels, branches and leaves on the peony branches and clean up the weeds around the rhizome.

According to the plant age, size, variety and growth potential of peony, 7-8 or 11-12 evenly distributed and robust branches were selectively left, and withered branches, disease and insect branches and other redundant branches were cut off.

Break off the soil buds from the sprouting roots in early spring in order to concentrate nutrients and ensure the germination and flowering of the buds left on the branches.

The adventitious buds on the rhizome soil buds and old branches need to be cleaned in time to avoid consuming the nutrients of peonies.

When leaving buds to trim, you should choose a flat cut, which can make the wound small and heal quickly. When pruning, select the bud on the outside of the branch, the cut mouth is higher than the position of the bud l-1.5cm.

If there are no seeds, the residual flowers should be cut off in time after flowering to retain nutrients and provide sufficient nutrients for a new round of flower bud differentiation.

Peonies can also be pruned according to different classifications.

① pruning according to use: ornamental peony requires colorful flowers and strong plants, so evenly sparse buds, control the number of branches, retain soil buds used for regeneration or crown correction, and cut off the rest of the soil buds.

In order to remove buds and strong branches for peony production, soil bud branches can be retained and overdense branches, parallel branches, cross branches and branches of diseases and insect pests can be cut off, but their buds must be knocked out in spring, because flowering consumes most of the nutrients of peonies. Peony long branches in spring and autumn take root. Removing buds can promote peony to grow more branches and stronger branches.

Xindan should keep its roots flat, so that it will grow stronger and stronger. 2-5-year-old peonies need to be fixed. From the second year, the branches will be fixed according to their growth. When the new buds grow to about 10cm in spring, 4-5 buds with uniform distribution and strong growth are selected and retained as the main branches, and the rest are cut off. 5-10-year-old peony needs strong branches, and the number of branches can be controlled by pruning to keep the peony sturdy and round. In autumn, the soil shoots can be retained according to the plant shape, leaving the robust ones to remove the weak ones, and cleaned up in time to reduce the occurrence of diseases and insect pests. As long as the old peony is properly pruned and managed in place, it can maintain good growth. The sprouting branches on the old branches should be trimmed off, otherwise it will cause the decline of the upper branches, and the soil buds in the roots will be retained except when they are renewed and rejuvenated.

② is pruned according to the season: winter shearing and spring clipping.

Winter scissors should follow the principle of "before and after leaving", that is, shrinking. It is generally chosen in late autumn and early winter to cut off one of the two annual branches germinated in spring so as to reduce the amount of branches and buds and concentrate the supply of nutrients to the branches and buds left behind; it can also reduce the density of peony shoots, improve its ventilation and light transmission conditions, and increase photosynthesis, so as to increase the yield of photosynthetic products. Pruning the perennial site will form a cut after retraction, which can promote the germination of latent buds in the wound, thus grow new branches, and at the same time reduce the tissue that can only consume nutrients without photosynthesis and concentrate nutrients.

Spring shearing should be carried out at the budding stage and budding stage, which can clearly distinguish the advantages and disadvantages of flower buds. Remove defective and incorrect buds, concentrate nutrients on full buds, make them bloom with large and colorful flowers, and prolong florescence at the same time. By removing the weak branches grown from latent buds and roots, it can also achieve the purpose of centralized nutrition, improve its ventilation and light transmission conditions, and increase the yield of photosynthetic products.

Contact information for purchasing medicinal peony seedlings Wechat; 18374545223

(4) misunderstanding of pruning

① pruning before defoliation: pruning before defoliation will have a great adverse effect on plant growth. The most suitable time for pruning is from deciduous leaves to the dormancy period before sprouting in spring, when the physiological activity of peony is slow and most of the nutrients in the plant return to the root. Choosing pruning at this time can minimize the nutritional loss of peonies, and the wounds left during pruning are not easy to be infected by microorganisms and further rot.

② pruning in severe cold: it is not suitable to prune peony when it is cold, because the temperature is too low at this time, pruning at this time can easily cause the sap of the cut mouth to be frozen and affect the growth of the plant. Therefore, the best time for pruning should be before the temperature begins to warm up in early spring and the roots begin to exuberant activity. At this time, the root system sprouts forward for a long time, and transports nutrients upward to provide nutrients for peony sprouting, branching and so on.

③ non-selective flowering pruning: peony should not be pruned before flowering, when pruning will reduce the number of blossoms. Pruning should be carried out after flowering to remove residual flowers and withered leaves so as to reduce the consumption of nutrients.

Contact information for purchasing medicinal peony seedlings Wechat; 18374545223