
If you meet these seven kinds of flowers in the flower market, please don't buy them or don't blame me for not saying that the last one is suspected of breaking the law.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, I believe that in addition to sharing with each other, the source of flowers and plants in the home of the major flower friends is to buy and buy. The purchase is divided into online shopping and local flower market or greenhouse purchase. Compared with online shopping, the local flower market or greenhouse can be real.

I believe that in addition to sharing with each other, the source of flowers and plants in the home of the major flower friends is to buy and buy. The purchase is divided into online shopping and local flower market or greenhouse purchase. Compared with online shopping, the local flower market or greenhouse can really see the actual situation of flowers and plants, relatively more at ease, and shopping in the flower market is a habit formed by many flower friends over the years. However, sometimes your eyes see good, it does not necessarily mean that it is really good, next, small exquisite life with you to see what tricks are available in the flower market, which flowers and plants can not be bought.

1. Buy flowers and plants in new pots carefully

In the process of restocking or transportation, flower pots will be knocked off the pot or even damaged, and in order to reduce losses, flower vendors will remedy this situation, that is, the flowers and plants will be put back into the pot. And the flowers and plants that come back into the pot need to go through a slow-pot period, which is often the most dangerous time for flowers and plants. If you know in advance, you can also prepare for the flowers and plants in the slow-pot period and provide a suitable environment for them to pass through the slow-pot period after buying them home. But you can imagine the consequences if you don't know about it. What's more, some unscrupulous traders, knowing that the roots of flowers and plants have been severely damaged or have no roots at all, will directly insert them in flowerpots to try to muddle through. Therefore, when selecting flowers and plants, we should first look at whether the potted soil is new. In addition, we must gently shake the stems of the flowers and plants to see if they are loose. If they are too loose, do not buy them.

2. Flowers with shiny leaves should be bought carefully.

When visiting the flower market, you will always find that the leaves of some flowers are particularly bright and green. I will tell you that this situation is likely to be some brighteners sprayed on the leaves by merchants in order to better sell flowers and plants. These brighteners often form an oil film on the surface of the stems and leaves of flowers and plants, hindering the normal respiration of plants. If they are unknown, they may gradually wither and die after they are bought home for a period of time. Even if they survive, the leaves are not as bright as they have just been bought. So when you encounter some particularly shiny flowers, be sure to touch whether there is an oily substance or peculiar smell on the surface of the flowers and plants, if so, you must be careful.

3. You can't buy naked roots without stems.

Friends who often go to the market or go back to the market may often see that some stalls only have some naked roots, and then there are some pictures that tell you what flowers are. The pictures are usually colorful and colorful. Flower names are often gaudy names with good meaning rather than scientific names. If this naked root is bought home and put on the pot, it will often die without sprouting, even if the bud grows up. I don't know where I dug up the weed root. So when you encounter this kind of booth, you just ignore it.

4. Dry branches wrapped in mud with flower buds cannot be bought.

Like the stemless naked root, there is also a kind of flower branch with flower bud, also with pictures to say what kind of beautiful flowers, do not buy this one, once a colleague bought it home only to find that the flower bud is glued to the flower branch! In fact, this is the poplar branch and then attached to the chili root and wrapped in mud. By the same token, there is another kind of dry branch, which says that you can live if you soak in water, and there is really a bottle next to you that looks good with such branches in it. Just take a look at this and don't pay IQ tax.

5. be careful to buy potted plants.

In order to be beautiful, some bosses often plant several different combinations of flowers and plants in a flowerpot, which is often difficult to maintain because of their different growth habits. Rookie rookies often wither after looking at flowers for a few days because of improper maintenance. Of course, if you are a veteran and the price is cheap, it is also a good choice to buy it separately from home. Spend the same amount of money to buy a few things. However, as far as exquisite life knows, such a combination is often not very cheap.

6. Buy colorful cactus carefully

There is a variety of colorful cactus in the flower market, which is especially liked by women, but every time I see a small delicate life, I always feel a strange feeling. Colored cactus is real, by grafting peony cactus and yellow pineapple cactus with cactus whip. But there are more dyed cactus on the market, this kind of dyed cactus not only will not absorb computer radiation, but will also be harmful to the human body, and it will slowly wither and rot after a few days, so if you see that kind of colorful cactus, you must be careful.

7. The "dry branch cuckoo" on the street is suspected of breaking the law.

During the Spring Festival this year, there are suddenly many people selling "dried cuckoos" in the streets, and some are also called "dead wood and spring flowers". They will sprout and blossom soon after they are bought and inserted into a vase for 20 yuan each. However, this "dry branch cuckoo" is actually a wild cuckoo in the Daxing'an Mountains, and driven by interests, many people began to cut down and sell it wantonly, and the recovery of this wild cuckoo was extremely slow, causing serious damage to the local ecological environment. Daxing'an Mountains has issued a "notice on banning the collection and sale of Xing'an cuckoos." if there is no sale, there will be no killing. Hope that the majority of flower friends also consciously boycott.

"abnormal is a demon" this flower is also applicable in the flower market, if you see some extremely flirtatious and counterintuitive flowers and plants, it is better to be cautious.

The little exquisite life is arranged and released.