
How to play with combined styling seedlings in Xiangman Forest

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, "Xiangman Forest" how to play the combination of styling seedlings from 2001 to 2010, "Ten years to grind a sword" is the founding period of Xiangmanlin nursery in Tianma Town, Dujiangyan City, Sichuan Province. We have adopted "seedling stem parallel to fit type"seedling stem cross network.

How to play "fragrant Man Forest" with combined styling seedlings

From 2001 to 2010, "sharpening a sword for ten years" was the founding period of Xiangmanlin nursery in Tianma Town, Dujiangyan City, Sichuan Province. We used three different methods of "seedling stem parallel fitting type", "seedling stem cross mesh type" and "seedling stem twisted twist type" to carry on the combined modeling seedling raising contrast experiment. Results four ideal combination seedlings of hedgerow, style, vase and flower ball were selected and immediately put into mass production, and considerable economic benefits were obtained.

From 2011 to 2018, these eight years are the growth and development period of Xiangman forest nursery. We have solved the following three technical problems in time, and now we will introduce the specific situation as follows.

(1) the selection of combined seedling species and varieties. The investment of seedling raising in combination modeling is larger and the time is longer. According to the two principles of long survival life and high ornamental value, we selected sweet-scented osmanthus, crape myrtle and their representative varieties as the breeding objects of combined modeling.

1. Osmanthus fragrans. Also known as rhinoceros or Jiuli incense, is a plant of the genus Oleaceae. Small evergreen trees or tall shrubs, 3 m to 8 m tall. Sweet-scented osmanthus is native to China and has a life span of more than a thousand years. At present, a 2200-year-old ancient Chinese cassia is preserved in Shengshui Temple, Hanzhong City, Shaanxi Province. Osmanthus fragrans is a kind of excellent garden tree species with ornamental and practical value, which is well-known in ancient and modern times and integrates greening, beautification and fragrance. The florescence is generally concentrated from September to October every year. The flowers are small, Cymes, with yellow, red and white colors. When the flowers bloom, they are fragrant and fragrant. Osmanthus fragrans like light, warm and humid climate, not resistant to waterlogging; like fertile and loose soil, not resistant to salt and alkali. Sweet-scented osmanthus seedlings are suitable to be popularized and planted in the Yangtze River basin. In particular, the variety of autumn cinnamon (commonly known as "August Gui") is the first choice. The Xiangman forest nursery now uses the famous species of cinnamon 'Yan Honggui' cultivated by itself, which has six advantages: early flowering, good growth, colorful flowers, large number of flowers, many branches, strong flexibility and not easy to break. Now the introduction effect is good in the Yangtze River basin.

two。 Crape myrtle. Also known as Baizhihong or Wantanghong, it is a plant of the genus crape myrtle of the family Lycopodiaceae. Deciduous small trees or tall crowns, 3 to 6 meters tall, smooth bark, branchlets slightly tetrahedral, terminal panicle, 6 cm to 12 cm long. There are 6 petals and 3 cm in diameter. The flower posture is extremely strange and chic. The colors are pink, bright red, purple, white and so on. The flowering period is from May to October every year. Flowers can be seen in summer and autumn, and the bright and lubricated bark in winter and spring can still attract tourists' attention. Crape myrtle originated in China and is naturally distributed in the south of the Yellow River basin. at present, there are still century-old trees in many places. It likes light and warm and humid climate. The soil should be sandy loam soil rich in humus. It is afraid of waterlogging, is more resistant to drought, slightly resistant to salt and alkali, and has stronger cold tolerance than sweet-scented osmanthus, but it should still be planted in a place away from the wind and the sun in Beijing to survive the winter safely. Crape myrtle seedlings are suitable to be popularized and cultivated in more than half of China in the south of the Yellow River basin, especially the red crape myrtle varieties, including domestic big red and two red crape myrtle and imported three red crape myrtle can be used as the preferred varieties.

(2) the problem of the design of the size of the seedling in combination modeling. In the past ten years, the Xiangman forest nursery weaved small shaped seedlings with a height of 1 meter to 2 meters. It is generally suitable for greening of units and residential areas. After 2013, we began to develop a batch of medium-and large-scale seedlings with a height of 3 meters to 4 meters. It can meet the needs of modeling seedlings in most urban parks, green spaces, squares and other places in China. Of course, if the "mold" is bigger, the specification of seedlings should also be improved. originally, when weaving small-sized seedlings, it was only necessary to provide seedlings with a stem length of 2 meters; now weaving medium-and large-scale seedlings requires the provision of high-quality seedlings with a stem length of 3 meters or more. We have finally solved these problems through watering, fertilization, fake planting and pruning techniques.

(3) the types of combined modeling seedlings and the number of products. At present, Xiangman forest nursery mainly produces three kinds of seedlings: style, vase and flower gourd. Among them, the largest number is the style, the middle is the vase, and the least is the flower gourd. The nursery produces a large number of 'Yan Honggui' seedlings. The seedlings of the best quality are used as flower gourd shapes, those of medium quality are used as vase shapes, and those of lower quality are used as style shapes. The details are introduced as follows.

1. Style-shaped seedlings. The column of the style is equivalent to a long cylindrical column. Weaving this kind of post, the workers do not need to spend a lot of physical strength, and the stem of the seedlings will not be seriously hurt in the process of knitting. As long as all the work is qualified in strict accordance with the technical regulations, and after five years of careful management, all the cross meshes of the stem of the column will heal into "connected branches", and the underground roots will all heal into "even roots" and become a large seedling of a combined style. Because the seedling stem injury is less, no dead seedlings, fast growth, good quality, welcomed by the masses, become "people have nothing" best-selling commercial seedlings.

two。 Vase-shaped seedlings. The bottle body of the vase is a bottle-shaped object with symmetrical left and right sides and a very natural, smooth and beautiful curve. The technical requirements of the vase are extremely high, and a leader with strong independent thinking and practical ability must personally preside over the work in order to see the actual effect. Zhang Lin, the person in charge of the nursery, has seen many picture albums, wall calendars, and cultural relics. He carefully measured and recorded the sizes of the four key parts of these vases (bottle body, belly, bottleneck, and mouth) of many precious photos and vases displayed in the store, and copied them when he came back. Skillfully bending the stem of the seedling, making the arc beautiful and natural without breaking the stem of the seedling. After several years of meticulous management, the interchange of the seedling stem completely healed into a "connected branch". One by one homophonic rich, safe and graceful modeling vases are centrally supplied to the market, and the original image of the rigid and high-priced "mold vases" on the market is not a rival at all. The combined styling vase has the demonstration effect of "people have my essence".

3. Flower gourd shape seedling. Xiangman forest nursery has its own gourd, which is a good teaching material for on-the-spot observation. Gourd homophonic Fu Lu, symbolizing good luck, from which we created a flower gourd shape seedling. The flower gourd has one more cylinder than the vase (two flower gourds and only one vase); at the same time, the diameter of the neck and mouth is thinner and smaller than the bottleneck and the mouth of the bottle. Therefore, the modeling technology will be more complex and difficult, and longer maintenance and management time is needed. At present, the nursery is only in a small number of trial production, mainly in the "human essence I strange" publicity effect.

The construction of ecological civilization is the basic national policy of our country. Green water and green mountains is Jinshan and Silver Mountain has become the broad consensus of the Chinese people. We believe that in the process of the most wonderful part of afforestation, styling seedlings are favored by all parties because of their short time, quick effect and good quality. We will devote ourselves to the battle and always lead the country and win the title of forerunner with the three innovative concepts of "no man without me", "man with my essence" and "man with my wonder".

Osmanthus fragrans vase

Crape myrtle gourd

Crape myrtle style