
Raise flowers, raise rubber bark, thick meat to feed beer, wipe and grow to the roof.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Rubber tree is a relatively atmospheric potted green plant, but also very easy to raise, and the leaves are thick and broad, oil-green and shiny, and it is a very good decoration to be put indoors, so what is the cause of its slow growth? rubber tree.

Rubber tree is a relatively atmospheric potted green plant, and it is also very easy to raise. Moreover, the leaves are thick and broad, oil-green and shiny, and it is a very good decoration to be put indoors, so what is the reason for its slow growth?

Rubber trees like a warm and humid environment, loose and breathable soil, and an environment with sufficient scattered light. I wonder if the subject has done this.

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1. First of all, it is necessary to ensure that the soil is loose and breathable. Only when the soil is loose and ventilated, can we ensure that the root system grows well, stretches better and binds deeply. Only when the root system grows well, the rubber tree will grow vigorously.

In fact, watering must be adequate, because it is a flower from the south and likes a warm and humid environment, so it is necessary to keep the basin soil slightly wet. when the surface of the basin soil is dry, it must be watered directly, because the soil is loose and breathable, and it is not easy to accumulate water orchid roots. Excess water has already seeped out, and long-term lack of water will make rubber trees grow slowly and be malnourished.

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2, fertilization, rubber trees because the growth is relatively fast, so usually do not lack of fertilization, it is foliage plants, so fertilization should be nitrogen-based organic fertilizer, nitrogen fertilizer can promote the growth of branches and leaves, so that leaves become thick and glossy, regeneration long-term monthly fertilization once or twice a month on it, must be thin fertilizer frequently, lack of fertilizer and water, rubber trees grow slowly

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3. Light, the rubber tree is more shady, but it also likes light very much and likes natural scattered light, so when we raise rubber trees at home, we must put them in an environment with sufficient scattered light.

The leaves of rubber trees are relatively large and thick, and they have a certain ability to absorb dust, which requires us to often spray water on the leaves to moisturize and increase air humidity, and on the other hand, to wash away the dust above, which is beneficial to the breathing of the leaves. We can also wipe the leaves with the ratio of fermented beer and water at 1:50, which can not only make the leaves oil bright, but also have the effect of fertilization outside the roots, just pay attention to these points. The rubber tree grows very fast, it grows to the roof, it's spectacular.

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