
Sustainable cultivation techniques for High yield and High efficiency of Agricultural Organic Rice

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Sustainable cultivation techniques for high yield and high efficiency of agricultural organic rice 1 the basic definition of organic rice mainly refers to the cultivation and maintenance of organic rice without the use of chemical pesticides, growth agents and chemical fertilizers in the whole process of planting and production.

Sustainable cultivation techniques for High yield and High efficiency of Agricultural Organic Rice

1 basic definition of organic rice

Organic rice mainly refers to the fact that chemical pesticides, growth agents and chemical fertilizers are not used in the whole process of rice planting and production, and the whole process follows the natural law and ecological principle of rice growth, and maintains the agricultural technology of sustainable development. it can effectively maintain the sustainable and stable state of the ecosystem, and it is a kind of agricultural planting mode of ecological environment protection. The products produced by using organic rice as raw materials and organic processing will become organic food after meeting the relevant production standards and international organic food standards and requirements. Organic rice cultivation has strict requirements on natural conditions, ecological environment and soil resources, and should fully meet the natural growth needs of organic rice. The proportion of organic matter in soil should be high, and the natural and ecological conditions should be superior, so as to effectively support the normal growth of rice. In order to achieve high yield and high efficiency of organic rice cultivation technology, the idea is to reduce the frequency of operation, more accurate planning of operation time and physical and chemical input, and finally achieve higher yield and economic and living benefits. The operation of this concept has strong demand, but the operational requirements are more stringent.

2 operation methods of high yield and high efficiency cultivation techniques of organic rice

2.1 selection of rice varieties according to regional conditions

The selection of rice varieties is not based on the most expensive or the best developed in other areas, but should be fully combined with local soil, climate, environment and economic conditions, especially with soil conditions as indicators. If the soil layer is deep, the water and fertilizer conservation capacity is strong, and the basic construction such as drainage and irrigation in paddy field is more perfect and convenient, then the medium and late panicle rice varieties with developed root system, strong stalk, large and large panicle grains, good rice quality and strong resistance can be adopted. For example, common varieties such as Hefengzhan, Yinjing soft Zhan and Shenxiang incense; if the soil layer is shallow and the retention capacity of water and fertilizer is ordinary or poor, we can choose varieties with good rice quality and strong resistance, such as Jinxiangzhan, Youzhan 8 and Guixiang 2, etc.

2.2 timing of controlled sowing and transplanting rice seedlings

Early sowing can be carried out timely in sowing, and effective analysis can be made according to the local meteorological summary data over the years. For early rice, sowing can be done around the wake of the sting, and transplanting can be completed before Qingming Festival, which can effectively avoid the harm of cold in late spring, and the damage rate can be reduced to less than 20%. For late rice, it is necessary to sow around July 10 and transplant seedlings before August 5, which can effectively avoid the harm caused by cold dew wind, and the damage rate can be reduced to less than 15%. Therefore, in the work of sowing and transplanting, it is necessary to plan the time, so as to reduce the damage of rice planting.

2.3 Optimization of strong seedlings

In order to do a good job of seed treatment, it is necessary to do a good job of seed drying and soaking seeds, and dry seeds for 1 to 3 days before seed soaking, so as to effectively ensure the enzyme activity of seeds and improve the permeability of seed coat, which is beneficial to seed sprouting and seedling. At the same time, it is necessary to do a good job of seed disinfection. Soak 4 kg seeds in 2 g strong chlorine crystal and 2 kg 4 kg water for 12 hours, then wash them thoroughly after soaking, and then soak them in clear water for 24 hours to ensure that the seeds are fully and thoroughly soaked. This treatment can effectively prevent rice from evil seedling disease and bacterial leaf spot. In addition, 50% carbendazim 500 times solution can be used for seed soaking disinfection to avoid rice sheath blight.

The basal fertilizer of 667 m2 of seedling should be well applied. After the seedlings were treated with 667m2 by tractor, the mature 500-1000 kg organic fertilizer was applied by 667m2, and the organic fertilizer was mainly composed of chicken manure and cake fertilizer, which needed to be fermented and mature. After fertilization, the fertilizer is fully mixed with the topsoil, and then sowed overnight.

Under the treatment of uniform sowing and sparse sowing, the seeds were sown in the seedling field of 25 ~ 30 kg per 667m ~ 2, and the seeds and grain buds of 25m ~ 30g were needed in each seedling tray. In early sowing, plastic film should be used to fully cover the seedlings, so as to effectively improve the seedling growth rate and growth rate. Do a good job in the management of fertilizer, water, light and temperature in seedling fields. The management of seedling field mainly takes wetness as the center. If it is during the period of topdressing seedling fertilizer and pest application, the seedling field needs to maintain a shallow water layer in the range of 1 cm to avoid burning.

Seedlings, and then effectively improve the efficacy of fertilization and insect control. Topdressing in the seedling field needs to be carried out when the seedling is in the period of 3 leaves and 1 needle, so as to effectively help the seedling tiller earlier and more. The seedlings should be fertilized again 3-5 days before transplanting, which will help the seedlings to grow more new roots and turn green after planting. The seedling field should be treated with light and temperature. after the seedling grows to 2 leaves, if the weather condition is clear, the temperature in the film in the seedling field should be raised to 25: 30 ℃, the film at both ends of the seedling field should be lifted during the day, which is beneficial to reduce the temperature and humidity and is beneficial to the effect of seedling refinement. If the temperature is above 15 ℃ and there is no sunlight in cloudy days for a long time, the film can be lifted to improve the lighting effect, which is beneficial to the green and effective growth of seedlings. It is necessary to lift the film at both ends of the seedling 3 days before transplanting, which is helpful for the seedling to adapt to the external environment effectively, and the film can be lifted completely 2 days before transplanting to achieve the role of seedling refining.

2.4 rationality of soil preparation, transplanting and close planting

Before transplanting, it is necessary to break Honda and apply enough base fertilizer, and then rake the field flat. The gap between the high and low levels of Honda should be controlled in the range of 2 cm to avoid the impact of quality differences on the subsequent field management. After finishing, Honda transplant overnight, which is helpful to ensure the quality of transplanting. Transplanting and transplanting seedlings need to be controlled at the right time, generally when the seedlings have 4.5 leaves and the seedlings have more than one tiller. The seedling age is usually in the range of 20-25 days, the seedling transplanting should be carried out when the seedlings are at 2.5-3.5 leaves, and the seedling age should be controlled at 15-20 days. In the case of close planting, planting or throwing planting needs to be controlled at 23 cm x 16 cm, keeping 2-3 grain seedlings per plant and 17000 seedlings per 667m2, so as to effectively ensure that more than 80, 000 basic seedlings are planted per 667m2, and that shallow and uniform planting should be maintained.

2.5 rational management of fertilization

In the operation of fertilization, it is necessary to ensure the full application of Honda base fertilizer, apply 2000 kg fermented chicken manure according to 2000 kg fermented chicken manure per 667m2 after ploughing the field before transplanting seedlings, and apply evenly at the same time to avoid burning seedlings. In the whole process of cultivation, it is necessary to prohibit the use of chemical fertilizer, ensure the high quality and sufficient quantity of base fertilizer, keep a small amount of topdressing and do a good job of tillering fertilizer, regulating fertilizer and spike fertilizer. In the application of functional panicle fertilizer, the middle and late maturing rice varieties should be fertilized at the second leaf extraction stage, which is beneficial to the sturdy flower ear and large panicle grain. To avoid early application of panicle fertilizer, to avoid a decline in seed setting rate, but too late application of panicle fertilizer will lead to greedy green late ripening, resulting in a decline in yield.

2.6 Irrigation Science

In irrigation, it is necessary to keep planting in shallow water, return to green in an inch of water, fertilize and spray under the condition of water, enough seedling dew to dry the field, mid-late early rice should be controlled in the first half of May, and late rice should be controlled in the first half of September. In the middle and later stages of booting, probably in the first half of June of early rice and after mid-September of late rice, irrigation is needed to effectively promote spike and grain fertilizer. The water layer at the depth of 2-3 cm in the field should be maintained at the heading stage, the scientific management of alternating dry and wet should be carried out after heading, and irrigation should be stopped one week before harvest.

2. 7 Control of diseases and insect pests

Need to carry out insecticidal and sterilization, pest control can use insecticidal lights, through phototaxis to achieve pest killing, after mid-June, after 18: 30 every night is the most suitable. At the same time, biological control can be used, pest monitoring system can be used well, pest situation can be grasped, and then biological or botanical pesticides can be used to control borers, leaf rollers and planthoppers. Natural enemies of insect pests can be used to control the total amount of pests, and duck breeding can also be used to achieve pest control and achieve the operation mode of rice-duck co-breeding. The related ways are helpful to reduce the base level of diseases and insect pests.