
I'm just marrying your son, not selling it to your house. Why can't I buy clothes?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, (from readers, pictures of this article are from the Internet) I just married your son. I didn't sell it to your house. Why can't I buy clothes, get married and find someone in love to live with? how did I get to my mother-in-law?

(from readers' contribution, the picture of this article comes from the Internet)

I just married your son. I didn't sell it to your house. Why can't I buy clothes?

Marriage is not to find a person in love to live together, how to my mother-in-law's eyes become more than a girl who can casually scold and use it? Seeing my mother-in-law's attitude towards me after marriage, I can't help but wonder, is this really the marriage and family life I've been longing for for a long time? why don't I feel happy at all?

At the beginning, I came to my father-in-law's city in spite of my parents' opposition. at that time, my mother burst into tears. In her opinion, I was so far from my hometown, I was unfamiliar with the local people, and I didn't have any relatives or friends. I had to start all over again. I had no foundation, and no one could help me. It was even difficult for me to talk to someone when I was aggrieved. She thought I might suffer because of it. But I do not have so many ideas, in the view of our generation of young people, love regardless of region, they can also work and live anywhere, the earth is a village, married not in their mother's city, what is it?

But it was only when we got to the local area that we found that they were still relatively conservative, the rapid economic development was not as fast as our hometown, and there were some gaps in people's ideas compared with the big cities. In addition, because my husband is a single parent, his father died early, and then his mother-in-law brought him up on his own. the relationship between the two is quite good. Since childhood, he has always respected his mother and is very filial. But in my opinion, his mother is an overbearing and unreasonable person, everything is only from his own point of view, never considering my feelings. In the first month or two after I got married, I stayed at home before I could find a job. As a result, she targeted and laughed at me all the time because I had no income, leaving me to do all the housework. I had a miserable day.

In order to reduce friction, but also to prove that I have the value of existence and the ability to survive independently, later, I began to actively look for a job outside, checking materials and sending job applications every day. Then pay attention to the results on the Internet every day or wait for a call from the employer to inform me of the interview. I did these things from my mother-in-law. On the one hand, I didn't know the result and didn't want to make the city full of wind and rain beforehand; on the other hand, my mother-in-law thought that I didn't have a job, but she wanted me to stay at home to work, so that she could have one more person to do the housework and lose her temper with me from time to time. In her opinion, it was very normal for daughter-in-law to stay at home to listen to her mother-in-law's instructions and to be filial to the old man to help her husband with the housework.

Not long ago, I finally received an interview invitation from a fairly large local company. I was very happy. In order to make a good impression on the interviewer, I asked my husband to take me out to buy clothes two days ago, but when I came back happily to try it on at home, my mother-in-law was very angry and began to get mad at me directly. First of all, she accused my family of going out without finishing the housework, making her work hard for a long time, and then blamed me for wasting money. I didn't have the ability to earn a penny at home all day, and I didn't have a chance to wear and buy any clothes.

I don't want to explain so much to her. her prejudices are deep-rooted, but her grievances broke out after many days and said directly to her, "I just married your son. I didn't sell it to your house. Why can't I buy clothes?" She scolded me for this kind of life. I only deserved to work as a servant in her house. Looking at her sarcastic appearance, I couldn't help having a big quarrel with her. I cried aggrieved when I went back to my room. I felt that before I had arranged anything, I didn't listen to my parents' advice and got married alone. I was looked down upon by my mother-in-law, and I regretted it in my heart.

My husband is still quite reasonable. After he came in, he kept comforting me to do the work, saying that his mother had this kind of character. She had a little trouble in front of her. I just had to work things out, and I didn't have much time to stay at home in the future. If I had less contact with my mother-in-law, there would be less friction. After listening to this, I felt more or less comforted that I would really collapse if I stayed with my mother-in-law every minute of the day. I think my own mother has a correct view, that is, it is impossible for you to know everything about your mother-in-law's family in advance, such as the personality of your parents-in-law and their families.