
20 kinds of flowers stuffed into a glass bottle, the leaves burst into water, the beauty is unseemly!

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, When it comes to growing flowers, many people think that it is life after retirement. There is a small courtyard. Actually, do not wait to grow flowers. As long as you like it, you can build a garden with a small glass bottle.

What is the micro-landscape like?

The picture below, you may think it is a corner of a small garden, do not need colorful flowers, just these grasses make people's eyes shine.

In fact, this is only a corner of the micro-landscape, this glass tank, the length is less than 1 meter! There are more than 20 kinds of flowers and plants, with mountains, water and grasslands. Isn't this our dream of flower growers?

The following picture seems to be walking somewhere in Zhangjiazhai Scenic spot. It is simply a fairyland on earth.

Haha, you'd better wake up and see the mobile phone next to you. The area of this "scenic spot" is less than half a square meter.

There are also lovely villains who live in a palm-sized flower garden (pot).

For those cat lovers who can't keep a cat, try to make a cat landscape and smoke as much as you want.

The chinchilla family, which can be filled with a big white bowl, is really fantastic.

Chinese style is also very suitable, high mountains and flowing rivers meet bosom friends ~

Ah, the next contestant, inside and outside the Great Wall, do you see cattle and sheep in the wind?

The micro view is rich, but it uses very little material. A few grasses, a few pieces of moss and a few stones can be made. Plates, bowls, fish tanks and yogurt bottles can all be used as containers.

What are the micro-landscapes?

The flowers and plants in the micro-landscape are relatively small, very delicate and lovely. Huahua is summarized here. If you do it, you can refer to it.

1. Essential

Moss is the most commonly used paving plant in micro-landscape, which is not only clean and beautiful, but also moisturizing. Water moss can be used as the soil of landscape plants, which is more beneficial to their growth than soil.

2. Grass

The micro-landscape pays attention to high and low, and finally we can plant some pocket trees, such as pocket coconut, duck foot wood, Jiuli incense, etc., and then match some soft ferns: coral fern, wolf tail fern, silver line fern, etc. Finally, we should mix some grass, mainly reticulate grass and bottle grass.

3. Small furnishings

Of course, there are small furnishings in the landscape basin. Small dolls of different shapes have added a lot of stories, and many flower friends are for children at home, which is especially suitable for children's interest education.

How to do micro-landscape

Despite the fact that there are many things in the micro-landscape, it is easier to do than to plant flowers. Try it if you don't believe me.

1. Prepare

Prepare some moss, soil, stones (the size depends on the flowerpot) and small grains of sand (not shown in the picture)

2. Load the basin sequentially

According to the size of the basin, you can put a layer of gravel at the bottom, or you can replace it with perlite and small ceramsite, then put a layer of soil, and finally put a few pieces of moss, which do not need to be covered first.

3. Planting plants

Plant the small plant well, and finally cover it with moss. The container is too small and can be operated with cotton bat or tweezers. Finally, put on the knickknack, spray water, and put it in a cool place to slow down.

4. Daily maintenance of miniature landscape

The plants in the miniature landscape all like shade and dampness, so we must pay attention to: do not bask in the strong light and keep moisturizing all the time. Generally, you can put it in a cool corner of the home and spray water every day.

In fact, the miniature landscape is cleaner than growing flowers. Flower friends who are afraid of damp insects can plant some bottle grass and thatched vegetables, which all eat mosquitoes.

Do you think it's hard to grow flowers and occupy an area?

Then try the micro-landscape.

If you've already done it,

Welcome to send Meitu.