
These eight kinds of flowers are like buckets, which become more and more prosperous in summer, and they will die as soon as they are short of water!

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, When it comes to watering flowers, many flower friends feel that it is a big problem, especially when the weather is hot, careless watering will lead to the death of flowers! Such being the case, Huahua will recommend several flowers that like water to everyone, so that no matter how you water them, you will not be watered to death!

blue snowflake

Speaking of summer will raise and love water flowers, that in addition to blue snowflakes, flowers really do not know what. Summer raises basin blue snow, cool and good-looking, minute burst basin!

Maintenance points:

1. Super water-loving, about once a day, like flower friends whose temperature exceeds 30℃, it is best to pour 1-2 times a day.

2, usually spray 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution, and then put it on the south balcony or windowsill with good light, so that the blue snowflake explodes faster!

What to do if you lack water?

If the blue snowflakes at home are wilted due to lack of water, put them in a cool and ventilated place, pour them once, and then put them in the sun directly after seeing the branches and leaves slowly come back.


Lotus is a flower that lives in water, so when it comes to liking water, of course it is doing its part!

Maintenance points:

1, bowl lotus likes water, too much water is easy to rot leaves, so less watering in the early stage of sowing, gradually increase water in the maintenance process.

2. During the growth of the lotus, due to the dense leaves, sometimes yellow leaves and dead leaves will appear. At this time, we need to trim them properly, not only to promote the respiration of the lotus leaves, but also to help bud and promote flowering!

What to do if you lack water?

If the leaves of the lotus flower wither due to lack of water, it is necessary to quickly add water to remove the withered old leaves to avoid nutrient consumption. As long as the new leaves floating on the water surface are fine, they can still grow normally.

Calycea arvensis

The second flower that Huahua wanted to introduce was definitely the copper flower grass! Copper Flower Grass was a flower that was very easy to grow. Even if it was a flower grower, it could still grow copper Flower Grass until it exploded!

Maintenance points:

1, copper money grass likes big water big sun, summer temperature is high, about 1-2 times a day watering, at the same time with more sun, can make copper money grass grow more prosperous!

2. When watering, mixing 2-4 compound fertilizers in the water can make the leaves of copper grass grow bigger and bigger, even several rounds bigger than coins!

What to do if you lack water?

Once the copper coin grass is short of water, the branches will wither. At this time, they will be watered once and slowly restored; if the branches have wilted to the point where they cannot stand up, then they will be cruel to cut off all the wilted branches and let them re-grow new leaves.




Tortoise leaves wide, with beautiful patterns, high summer temperatures accompanied by evaporation, so it must be watered frequently.

Maintenance points:

1, more watering in summer, you can water the turtle bamboo once a day in the evening, the temperature is above 35℃, you can water it once in the morning and evening.

2. In summer, it can be maintained in a place with good indoor scattering light. At the same time, the self-made liquid fertilizer decomposed once a half month can make the leaves of Tortoise grow longer and bigger!

What to do if you lack water?

If there is less watering, the leaves of Tortoise will droop directly. At this time, water will be poured once until there is water flowing out of the bottom of the pot; if too much watering leads to rotten roots, put the flowerpot in a ventilated place to let the water evaporate first. If it is serious, it is necessary to change the pot and soil.


What kind of flowers should I plant in summer? That must be mint! Mint taste fragrance, but also can pick a leaf tea drink, clear heat and go to the fire, simply kill two birds with one stone!

Maintenance points:

1. Mint likes to be moist. If it is placed in a well-ventilated place, it can be watered once a day; if it is placed in a poorly ventilated place indoors, it is necessary to reduce the amount of watering accordingly to prevent the accumulation of water in the basin.

2, in the mint growth period, constantly pick the top, the top bud will be removed in time, promote the side bud to emerge, you can let the mint burst as soon as possible!

What to do if you lack water?

If the mint at home has not been watered for several days, the soil in the flowerpot is dry and the leaves begin to droop. At this time, as long as the roots are OK, water the flowerpot once, put it in a tray filled with water, and pour out the excess water after the leaves recover.


If you want to make your home look more elegant, how can you have less calamus? Summer at home put a basin, both cool and good-looking, even the air conditioning do not have to open it!

Maintenance points:

1, calamus like water, but because the leaves are dense, do not pour on the leaves, let alone spray water directly on the leaves, otherwise it will cause rotten leaves. Watering can be poured in circles along the edge of the basin, gradually moving closer to the roots, watering can be thoroughly.

2. In summer, it is poured once a day. If the temperature is particularly high, it can be poured 1-2 times a day. Be sure to pay attention to ventilation, which will cause stuffy roots.

What to do if you lack water?

If there is water shortage for a long time, the leaves of calamus will dry and curl. At this time, you can pour water once and put them in a cool and ventilated place, and they will soon slow down; if the plant material for raising calamus is impermeable, it will lead to black tip wilting. At this time, you can change the plant material that is permeable to water and breathable.


Summer and to gardenia flowering season, is not a lot of flower friends have bought pots of gardenia at home? In fact, gardenia is also a water-loving flower, although not like a bucket, but summer or more watering point!

Maintenance points:

1. Gardenia likes water. The summer temperature is high. It can be watered once every 1-2 days. You can also spray water around the leaves and flowerpots in the morning and evening with a watering can to ensure sufficient air humidity.

2. After gardenia blossoms, prune residual flowers and some old branches, weak branches and excessive branches in time to avoid unnecessary nutrient consumption, so as to make gardenia grow more vigorously!

What to do if you lack water?

If gardenia leaves curl like the picture below because of lack of water, then quickly put it in a pot with water, let gardenia slowly slow down, if not slow down, can only change the soil quickly.

Before dipping:

After dipping:


Flowers Finally, I would like to introduce you to a flower that is very suitable for raising in the bathroom where the high humidity Adiantum!

Maintenance points:

1, Adiantum like high humidity environment, so we can put it in the bathroom window, about 1 day watering water is enough.

2. If you want Adiantum leaves to be greener, you can spray 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution toward the leaves.

What to do if you lack water?

Once the air humidity is not enough, or forget to water for a long time, the leaves of Adiantum fern will wither. At this time, it should be watered once, sprayed with water toward the leaves, and placed in a cool and ventilated place. It will take about 2-3 days to recover.

That's all for Huahua today.

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