
Her family's tortoise back bamboo, unexpectedly blossoms and bears fruit! What a surprise!

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Huahua went to a friend's house a few days ago and found several things like corn cobs growing on her turtle back bamboo. Huahua thought she was a prank at first, but later found out that the tortoise back bamboo had blossomed! Hurry up and follow Huahua to have a look!

How to make the tortoise back bamboo blossom and bear fruit?

1. Sufficient scattered light

If you want the turtle back bamboo leaves to grow wide and prosperous, you have to put it in a place with good scattered light. The brightly lit indoor living room is the best position. If you keep it outdoors, you can keep it in the shade under the big tree.

2. Plenty of water

Tortoise back bamboo leaves are broad, need more water, and the evaporation in summer is very large, so we must water tortoise back bamboo more in summer, once a day, or even twice a day, you can take advantage of the good weather in the morning and evening.

3. Apply enough fertilizer

Tortoise back bamboo can blossom and bear fruit as soon as possible, it must be inseparable from adequate nutrients. In the booming period of tortoise back bamboo growth, we can give it enough nitrogen fertilizer, such as self-made soybean fertilizer, rice water, and even fish tank water.

How to make Tiger Pilan blossom and bear fruit?

1. Pay attention to shading in summer

Give Tiger Pilan sufficient scattered light to grow prosperous, can be placed 1 meter away from the windowsill maintenance, but at noon in summer must pay attention to shade, or put on the north balcony.

2. Less watering

Tiger Pilan's root system is relatively shallow, too much watering will lead to rotting roots. The temperature is high in summer, so it can be watered once every 3-5 days; if it is tap water, it is best to dry it in the sun for 1-2 days and let the chlorine in the water evaporate before using it.

3. Bury some soybeans

If you want Hu Pilan to blossom and bear fruit, fertilization is the most important link. Usually, you can dig 2-3 small holes on the edge of the tiger orchid pot, and then bury the cooked soybeans, or bury a few grains of compound fertilizer, to replenish the tiger skin orchid.

How to make asparagus blossom and bear fruit?

1. Stay away from smoke

Asparagus likes to scatter light and will have yellow leaves once exposed to the sun. You can put asparagus in a brightly lit living room, but you must be careful not to put it at the kitchen door or where the wind blows, otherwise it will also cause asparagus leaves to turn yellow.

2. Ensure air humidity

Asparagus likes a humid environment. In addition to watering it every 3-5 days in summer, it is also necessary to find a spray can and spray water around asparagus leaves and flowerpots to ensure adequate air humidity.

3. Apply some liquid fertilizer

Fertilization is essential for asparagus to blossom and bear fruit as soon as possible. Usually we can pour some liquid fertilizer on the pericarp of asparagus, or wash rice water and so on.

Huahua, that's all for today.

Do you have any green plants for flowering in your home?

Why not send a picture to Huahua as soon as possible!