
Grandma's rose, ate a jin of pork stuffing, burst bamboo shoots and bud in minutes!

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Two days ago, a flower friend told Huahua that the meat stuffing in the refrigerator was broken after a power outage for several days, so he was buried under the rose. Unexpectedly, a super big bamboo shoot burst out, which shocked Huahua.

Feed a fish to the rose and burst the bamboo shoots for a minute!

A flower friend said that his fish died because of the heat. It's a pity to lose such a fat fish. What should I do? Bury it for the rose to eat!


1. Dig a large hole about the depth of 20cm with a spade away from the root system of the rose, then bury the dead fish directly and cover them with soil.

2. The fish contains a lot of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. After burying it to the rose, it can slowly ferment in the soil and add enough fertilizer to the rose to burst sturdy bamboo shoots every minute.

3. After the bamboo shoots burst, the rose will be able to produce more buds and more and more flowers! But flower friends must pay attention to directly burying meat stuffing or fish for rose, it must be the rose planted at home, potted flower friends must not try!

4. If it is a potted rose at home, Huahua suggests that you put the fish in a clean bottle, add water, seal and mature, dilute the rotten fish water and water according to 1:50, and then water the flowers.

Feed some pig blood to gardenia and blossom 100 flowers!

Huahua sometimes eats some pig blood, duck blood and so on, because my mother said it is good for her health, but she bought a piece a few days ago and forgot to put it in the refrigerator. It is better to give the gardenia at home a try.


1, pig blood can be used raw, slightly cut into small pieces, or pig blood can be boiled in a pot before use, the ripening time is even shorter.

2. Dig a hole next to the gardenia basin soil, bury the pig blood cut into small pieces, and then cover it with soil. Just decide the amount of pig blood buried according to the size of the gardenia.

3, pig blood is particularly easy to rot, the summer weather is hot, probably only 1 day, can be completely mature in the soil, mature pig blood contains a lot of phosphorus and potassium elements, can let gardenia differentiate flower buds, thus blooming more flowers!

4. Directly burying pig blood is suitable for planting Gardenia jasminoides. If potted gardenia want to use, it is best to find a clean bottle, put pig blood and water together, mature according to 1: 50 into water, pour some pig blood water on jasmine is enough.

Feed some watermelon peel to the green apple, the leaves are getting greener and greener!

Summer is coming, of course, there are sweet watermelons! What to do with the finished watermelon peel? you might as well save it for retting.


1. Collect all the leftover watermelon skins at home and cut them into small pieces with a knife.

2. Prepare a clean plastic bucket, throw in the watermelon peel cut into small pieces, without adding water, seal it up and ferment it in the sun.

3. In about 15-20 days, the watermelon peel in the bottle will ooze a lot of water. Pour out the watermelon peel water, mix it with water at 1:10 and water the flowers directly. Watermelon peel contains a variety of trace elements, green pineapple is no longer yellow leaves, leaves are getting greener and greener!

4. If the watermelon peel retting fertilizer has a bad smell, you can also mix the chopped watermelon peel directly with the potted soil to rett the soil. when the watermelon peel is completely mature, it will become nutritious soil! Using this kind of nutritious soil to grow flowers, the fertilizer effect is also very sufficient!

Feed some yogurt to asparagus and rub against the wall!

Summer yogurt is so easy to expire. Huahua's yogurt in the refrigerator expires in a few days. What about the expired yogurt? hurry up and give some to the flowers at home!


1. If the yogurt at home has expired, please don't drink it, otherwise it will be easy to have diarrhea in summer! Dig up the expired yogurt with a spoon and put it in a clean plastic bottle.

2. If you have rice panning water at home, you can also pour it with yogurt and seal it up to ferment. Yogurt itself contains a variety of fungi, the fermentation rate is very fast, about 1-2 weeks of fermentation.

3. Mix the fermented yogurt with clear water at the ratio of 1: 20, and water the flowers directly. Yogurt water is rich in nitrogen, give asparagus drink some yogurt, let asparagus vine rub, soon run to the wall!

Give jasmine some tea water, the flowers are big and colorful and grow strong!

The weather is hot in summer. Huahua now drinks a cup of green tea every day to keep fit. What about the rest of the tea residue every day? Why don't you use it to grow flowers!


1. Find a clean plastic bottle, put the leftover tea residue into it, and add some vinegar or ferrous sulfate to neutralize the alkalinity.

2. Seal the plastic bottle and expose it to the sun. The temperature is high in summer, so the tea residue can be cooked in about a month.

3. The mature tea water can be diluted with water according to the proportion of 1:50 and can be directly used to water the flowers, while the remaining residue can also be dried and mixed with the soil and used as nutritious soil.

Feed some air-conditioned water to longevity, it is not a dream to spend summer safely!

The summer weather is hot, and the longevity flowers in many places have gone into dormancy, so if you fertilize it too much, it will burn to death in a few days, so we can just use some air-conditioned water!


1. Put a basin in the outlet of the air conditioner, connect the condensed water directly to the basin and dry it for about 1-2 days. When the temperature of the condensed water is close to the room temperature, you can water the flowers directly.

2. Air-conditioning condensate is produced after the condensation of water vapor, which contains trace elements such as calcium and phosphorus, and does not contain chlorine. The longevity of the family is used, not only the leaves are green, but also can spend the summer stably, no longer afraid of black rot!

Huahua is going to be introduced here today.

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