
Succulent people are not only lack of light in the long run, the four depth factors are all here.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The 13th? Qian Yan love succulent love life (WeChat: duorou91) reply to "Community" and 20W meat friends to bask together! Backstage reply "delicious meat", "summer, watering, leaf insertion, soil, disinfestation, black rot" view phase.

13 March


Foreword Qian Yan

Love succulent love life (WeChat: duorou91) reply "Community" to share with 20W meat friends!

The background replied "delicious meat", "summer, watering, leaf insertion, soil allocation, disinfestation, black rot" to view the relevant maintenance knowledge.

Reply to succulent names such as "White Peony, Ruby, Raul" to view the latest succulent brochure.

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Editor / succulent plant sink

We have too many things to worry about in summer. Succulent plants may not wake up after a long sleep, afraid of injury in the sun for a few days, black rot in watering, and apprentices in indoor farming.

Meat breeders must be able to understand this endless worry, and recently the head of the exchange received a lot of messages backstage asking how to prevent it. After all, it has too much impact on beauty, so he still wants to save it, so the chief will come to popularize science.

In other words, meat friends should be able to tell what is futile growth, right? Is the kind of crazy extension of stems and leaves, exaggerated a few days can jump a few centimeters, but to tell you the truth, if only Huichang himself could grow, a little envy.

Let's go back to the point. Growing up is an irreversible process. Now that it is taller, it is too short to go back. This is really heart-wrenching. We must take comprehensive measures to strangle it in the cradle.

First of all, let's understand the reasons for the growth of succulent people. only in this way can we prescribe the right remedy to the case and better avoid succulent overgrowth.

Lack of light, light is too dark

Ultraviolet rays in sunlight can inhibit auxin, which is directly proportional to light intensity and time. The greater the light intensity and the longer the time, the greater the inhibitory effect of auxin.

On the other hand, glass can block most of the ultraviolet rays, and when the meat does not absorb enough ultraviolet rays, it will grow or spread out the cake.


1. Give succulent plants plenty of sunlight and bask in the sun on summer mornings or evenings when the temperature is no more than 30 degrees.

2, open more windows so that scattered sunlight and ultraviolet rays can come in, and the link will grow succulent.

3. If the natural solar lighting conditions can not be satisfied, you can choose supplementary lights.

4. For meat lovers who raise meat in a closed environment, try to avoid buying exposed meat.

Too much watering

Watering is not the direct cause of overgrowth, but plants in the lack of light at the same time, if the amount of water is still very large, it will lead to faster cell division, thus aggravating the formation of overgrowth.

In other words, the amount of water should match the amount of sunlight, proper watering will not lead to overgrowth, but will make it fuller and more round, but if you water it as soon as you are free, and you are always drenched in the rain, the chief will take back that sentence.


Be sure to watch the weather forecast before watering, and don't water the meat when it's cloudy and rainy.

2. According to the principle of "dry rather than wet", watering can be carried out when slightly wrinkling of succulent leaves is observed.

Phototaxis of plants

In the growing period, if there is a high density between succulent plants and there is a phenomenon of blocking each other, then succulent plants will strive to grow upward to meet the first ray of sunlight in the early morning in order to strive for more light and space.

Response measures:

1. Adjust the location of succulent plants to ensure that all succulent plants can receive light naturally.

2. If there is not enough space, the excess succulent plants can only be removed within a proper distance, leaving a robust variety.

Give too much fat

Too much fertilizer and water (especially nitrogen fertilizer) will lead to excessive nutrition of plants and weakening the activity of roots. If the temperature is higher and the light is weak, the meat is easy to grow and very weak.

Knowing the reason for the growth of succulent people, we should actively take measures to strangle them in the cradle. After all, this is an irreversible process, so we must pay attention to it.


When fertilizing, we must also choose the special fertilizer for succulent plants from regular manufacturers to apply according to the instructions, and try not to use the fertilizer used by other flowers on succulent plants.

It is not recommended to use the growth control agents commonly used in the greenhouse, such as growth hormone such as dwarfin, which, if overused, will cause damage to meat for a long time.

I believe that the meat friends who can see this wake up, but how can the succulent plants have become useless? what should I do?

Although Huichang said that succulent overgrowth is irreversible, it is impossible to restore the appearance before, but we can not abandon the love of meat and ignore it! Please sign for the following tips.

1. Be sure to put it in a place with more light than it used to be. it is best to keep it outside once a week for sunbathing. Pay attention to step by step, do not expose the overgrown succulent plants directly.

Do not put it in the strong light, which will cause sunburn and scab on the surface of the leaves, and the injured area will not regenerate, leaving ugly scars.

In order to avoid sunburn, you should first choose to put the baby by the window on a cloudy day and let it get used to the sunshine and then take it out to bask in the sun.

2, you can cut off the head and cut the branches, select the position where you want to cut the head and cut it.

Remove 2 or 4 leaves from the base of the cut head, easily cut the head into the soil to take root, and leave the base of the cut head in the original basin.

After trimming, leave the roots in a ventilated position to dry; then insert the healed head into the new soil, and the head will restore its compact appearance.

3. The broken leaves are used for inserting leaves, and each leaf gives birth to a new life.

Leaf cuttings have requirements on the humidity of the basin soil, too wet leaves are easy to rot, completely dry is not conducive to rooting, and rooting is not conducive to root growth, so it can only slightly maintain relative moisture, especially in the topsoil. The topsoil is usually sprayed with a spray can before the leaves are inserted.

With regard to the placement of leaves, if the flowers on the fluvo-aquic soil are not recommended to insert directly into the soil, because the leaves have no roots, it usually takes about a week for the leaves to take root. During this period, the soil is too moist and may cause the leaves to rot, so they can take root and sprout.

After taking root, you can insert it into the soil obliquely. In the process of leaf insertion, you can usually water it once a week. This also depends on the choice of your own soil and flowerpots. One principle is that if the soil is too dry, you can properly water some water. Do not water too much.

And then quietly wait for the succulent plant to thrive.

Seeing here, do you have any questions about the succulent apprentice? You can say it in the comments, oh, if you have different views, you are welcome to share.

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