
Bletilla striata medicinal resources, imitation wild planting technology

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Malong County, Yunnan Province, is located in Wumeng Mountain System, multi-valley river channel, belongs to low latitude plateau monsoon climate, altitude 1772-2493m, annual average temperature 13.6℃, annual average precipitation 1001.8mrn, annual average temperature 13.6℃, annual average temperature 13.6℃, annual average temperature 1001.8mrn.

Medicinal Resources and imitating Wild planting techniques of Bletilla striata

Malong County, Yunnan Province is located in the Wumeng Mountain system with many valley channels, which belongs to the monsoon climate of the low-latitude plateau, with an altitude of 1772-2493m, an annual average temperature of 13.6 ℃, an average annual precipitation of 1001.8mrn, an annual average sunshine hours of more than 1985 hours and an annual frost-free period of 241 days. Local growers use tissue culture seedlings to plant Bletilla chinensis in greenhouse under imitating wild environment. At present, two bases have been built, all of which have an area of 13.33hm2. Main techniques: ① land selection and consolidation, selecting dry land with loose and fertile sandy soil and humus soil, ploughing over 20cm, applying farm manure 1000kg or compound fertilizer 50kg per mu to mix well with soil, shallow ploughing before planting, fine soil and raking flat, making a high border with a width of 130-150cm. ② planting, take domesticated Baiji tuber, each with 1-2 buds, dipped in plant ash after planting, furrow distance 20-25cm, deep 5-6cm, plant spacing 10~12cm, put a tuber, bud up, fill, compaction, watering, covering grass, keep moist, new buds unearthed from March to April ③ field management, spray Acetochlor after planting, cover a layer of loose hair, cover shade net, hoe weeds shallowly from May to June to avoid root injury, spray potassium dihydrogen phosphate or thin human and animal feces once a month, and water once in the morning and evening when the temperature is high from July to September. ④ pest control, deep drainage ditch, waterlogging waterproof, prevent root rot disease, pests can be artificially killed, trapped or mixed with poisonous soil, and [Yoshanhua Yao] can also be poured with 50% phoxim EC.