
Raising tiger skin orchid asparagus with a small skill tiger skin orchid running 2 meters high asparagus climbing around the wall is highly praised.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Tiger skin orchid and asparagus are common ornamental green plants, tiger skin orchid has many varieties, some varieties are tall and tall, some varieties are small and lovely, are quite loved by people. The leaves of asparagus are green, elegant and decorated.

Tiger skin orchid and asparagus are common ornamental green plants, tiger skin orchid has many varieties, some varieties are tall and tall, some varieties are small and lovely, are quite loved by people. The leaves of asparagus are green and layered, elegant and elegant, and the effect of decorating the home is also very strong.

Raise tiger skin orchid asparagus, with a little trick, tiger skin orchid run 2 meters high, asparagus climb around the wall, great!

Because Hu Pilan and asparagus both like slightly acidic soil, and soil plays a vital role in plant growth, just like the bed where people sleep, big and soft enough to get a normal rest, will be more energetic.

Therefore, it is necessary to provide them with a comfortable bed in order to grow smoothly and healthily. In the process of conserving asparagus and tiger skin orchid, the soil is easy to solidify, or the soil is alkalized and no longer acidic.

So, we can add ferrous sulfate solution to the soil, the ratio is 1RV 300, so that the soil can continue to show acidity, provide iron ions, and can make their leaves more green and glossy.

When the living environment is comfortable, Tiger Pilan will rub up and run for two meters, and asparagus will always grow and climb around the wall!

But in addition to providing iron ions to Tiger Pilan and asparagus and changing the acidity and alkalinity of the soil, what else do we need to pay attention to?

1. Be exposed to enough light

To put them in sufficient light, the leaves will synthesize green leaves, not yellow, but more green, and will rub non-stop growth oh!

2. Pour enough water in time

When watering them, you must not be hungry and full, just like beating a stick to a sweet jujube, it is strange that it can grow well! Therefore, watering should be timely, instead of waiting until dry, the leaves wilted and poured a bucket of water, not only did not restore growth, but died more thoroughly.

3. Keep up with the fertilizer.

Tiger Pilan and asparagus are both famous foliage vegetations. Even if they bloom, they are not very ornamental, and few people raise them to blossom. So usually you can apply more nitrogen fertilizer, occasionally just some phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, you can make it grow vigorously!

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