
New triple cropping model of Fritillaria thunbergii / spring corn / autumn soybean in dryland in Dongyang City

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The new three-cropping planting model of Fritillaria thunbergii / spring corn / autumn soybean in dryland in Dongyang City is mainly planted in Sanlian, Qianxiang Town, Dongyang City, and was used to the two-cropping farming model of traditional Chinese medicine-soybean, traditional Chinese medicine-vegetables and so on. For further.

New triple cropping model of Fritillaria thunbergii / spring corn / autumn soybean in dryland in Dongyang City

Sanlian tablets in Qianxiang Town, Dongyang City, mainly planted traditional Chinese medicine Fritillaria thunbergii, was used to the dryland two-cropping farming model such as traditional Chinese medicine-soybean, traditional Chinese medicine-vegetable and so on. In order to further improve the comprehensive efficiency of agricultural production and increase the income of farmers, Dongyang City has carried out a new three-cropping planting model in dry land in recent years, and found a new way for the development of efficient planting industry in this area. The new three-cropping planting technology of Fritillaria thunbergii / spring corn / autumn soybean in dry land is based on the time-space difference of planting season and the requirements of cultivation, and innovates the planting mode according to the local reality. Through scientific succession, introduction of improved varieties, timely sowing and rational allocation, the three cropping of dry land is achieved and the land utilization rate is improved. The planting pattern is mainly distributed in Dongyang, Pan'an, Jinyun and other planting areas of Fritillaria thunbergii, with an annual extension area of about 100 hm2, an output value of more than 25000 yuan and a net income of more than 10, 000 yuan. Fritillaria thunbergii is one of the native medicinal materials in our province, and it is a perennial herb of Liliaceae. It has the effect of relieving cough and resolving phlegm, clearing away heat and dispersing knots. Fritillaria thunbergii is widely used in clinic. Traditional Chinese patent medicine Qingfei Zhike pills and Tongxuan Liqi pills all take Fritillaria thunbergii as the main raw material, and the market situation is good.

The harvest of Fritillaria thunbergii is to harvest fresh underground bulbs. The yield of fresh Fritillaria is 800000900 kg, the average dry yield is 250kg, the output value is 26250 yuan, the seed consumption of 667m2 is 20000300 kg, the production cost is 16000 yuan, and the net profit is 10250 yuan. Spring corn has a yield of 320 kg, an output value of 890 yuan, a production cost of 340 yuan and a net profit of 550 yuan. The yield of soybean is 150 kg, the output value is 540 yuan, the production cost is 200 yuan, and the net profit is 340 yuan. According to the new three cropping pattern of Fritillaria thunbergii / spring corn / autumn soybean in dry land, the output value of 667m2 is 27680 yuan and the net profit is 11140 yuan.

1 yield benefit

2 stubble arrangement

Sow Fritillaria thunbergii from mid-late September to late October and harvest in early May of the following year; interplant spring corn in the first and middle of April and harvest in mid-late July; interplant autumn soybeans before corn harvest from late June to early July and harvest at the end of September. The land is open all year round.

(3) key technologies

3.1 Fritillaria thunbergii

3.1.1 Land selection and preparation

The cultivated Fritillaria thunbergii mostly chooses the mountainous area with higher altitude, the sandy loam with loose and fertile soil and rich humus, which requires good drainage and sufficient sunshine. Fritillaria thunbergii had better not be continuous cropping in order to benefit the growth of Fritillaria thunbergii and prevent diseases. In general, the width of the border is 0.25 ~ 0.3 m, the width of the border is 1 ~ 1.2 m, the height is 0.15 m, the width of the furrow is 0.25 m, the surface of the border is tortoise back type, and the distance between borders is 0.25 ~ 0.3 m.

3.1.2 planting in the field

Fritillaria thunbergii was planted from mid-late September to late October. Reasonable close planting is an important link for Fritillaria thunbergii to increase yield and ensure quality. Six rows were planted in each row, the row spacing was 15: 20 cm, the plant spacing was 10: 15 cm,667 / m2, the density was 30 000 ~ 35000 clumps, and the seed consumption of 667m2 was 200: 300 kg. The bulbs with large bulbs should be sparse and those with small bulbs should be dense. When planting, the bulbs were placed according to the required plant distance (bud up), then covered with soil, and the planting depth was 5-7 cm. After sowing, the border surface of 667m2 was covered with 500 kg such as soybean straw.

3.1.3 rational fertilization

The base fertilizer was applied with commercial fertilizer 300 kg per 667m2, ammonium sulfate and fire lime nitrogen 20 kg, phosphate fertilizer 30 kg, potassium sulfate 8 kg, zinc fertilizer 1 kg and boron fertilizer 1 kg. In late December, 45% potassium sulfate ternary compound fertilizer was applied for 40,50 kg per 667m2. At the end of February and the first ten days of March, the seedlings were fertilized, and the compound fertilizer was applied for 2030 kg per 667m2.

3.1.4 Field management

Before emergence, weeds were evenly sprayed with 20% gram, 200 mL+50% Acetochlor, 100 mL (60 mL) and 50 kg water per 667m2. In general, the combination of weeding and fertilization, weeding before fertilization, make the soil loose, easy to absorb fertilizer, and increase the ability of water and fertilizer conservation. In order to cultivate large bulbs and reduce the real-time nutrient consumption of Fritillaria, buds are usually picked in late March, that is, when there are 1-2 buds in the plant. Picking the bud is to remove the flower together with the top part of 7-10 cm, so it is also called topping. Bud picking should be carried out on a sunny day to prevent Rain Water from seeping into the wound and causing rot.

3.1.5 Disease and pest control

The main diseases of Fritillaria thunbergii are Botrytis cinerea, black spot and soft rot, and the main pests are grubs. From mid-March to mid-April, 50% carbendazim, 70% thiophanate methyl and 50% sulfamethoxazole 1000-1500 times were sprayed, and the drugs were used in rotation for 2 times for 3 times, with an interval of 7 days, for the prevention and control of Botrytis cinerea and black spot. Grub control should be irrigated with 50% phoxim or 48% Lexben 1000-1500 times from mid-March to April.

3.1.6 harvest

After partial withering on the Fritillaria thunbergii land in early May, sunny day mining was selected to standardize production and processing and popularize the non-vulcanization processing technology of Fritillaria thunbergii.

3.2 Spring Maize

3.2.1 selection of varieties

It is suitable to select high-yielding improved varieties of spring corn, such as' Denghai 605', 'Zhengdan 958', or sweet corn 'Zhenhua' and 'Cuizhen', which is beneficial to field planting arrangement and improve yield and benefit.

3.2.2 sowing and raising seedlings

The fields with leeward and sunny, loose soil and good fertility were selected, and the seedbed was made according to 15 m2 per 667 m2. 10 kg of rotten organic fertilizer and 0.6 kg of compound fertilizer were applied in every 15 m ~ 2 seedbed. Sowing and raising seedlings in early April.

3.2.3 timely transplanting

In the middle and last ten days of April, the planting density was about 4000 plants with row spacing of 0.6m and plant spacing of 0.25m ~ 0.3 cm,667 m ~ 2.

3.2.4 rational fertilization

About one week after transplanting, compound fertilizer 1015 kg and organic fertilizer 2500 kg per 667m ~ 2 were applied. After the Fritillaria harvest, timely ploughing, weeding and soil cultivation. Corn is a crop that needs a large amount of potassium, so it is necessary to increase the application of potassium fertilizer in the types of fertilization. At Dabaokou stage, 30 kg of high nitrogen and potassium compound fertilizer or 15 kg of urea and 10 kg of potassium fertilizer were applied. After heading, the seedlings were supplemented with urea for 10 kg.

3.2.5 Disease and pest control

The main diseases and insect pests of corn are sheath blight, rust and corn borer. In the early stage of sheath blight, 5% Jinggangmycin 100g 150 mL, or 20% powder 25 g, water 50% 60 kg, was sprayed on stems and leaves every 667m2. The control of rust can be controlled by spraying 1500 times of wettable powder. Corn borer control should pay attention to the difference of egg hatching and larval damage in the field. Seize the critical period, 10 kg of 20% chlorobenzamide suspension and 30 kg of water should be sprayed every 667m2.

3.3 Autumn soybean

3.3.1 selection of varieties

The varieties suitable for local planting, high yield, strong resistance and short growth period, such as' Liqiu 3', were selected.

3.3.2 sowing and planting

Autumn soybean was interplanted in the middle of two rows of corn from late June to early July before harvest. The row spacing was 60 cm, the plant spacing was 20 cm, and the density was 4500 to 5500 plants / 667m2.

3.3.3 rational fertilization

After emergence, compound fertilizer was applied for about 10 kg in 667m2, extra-root topdressing was used at flowering stage, and potassium dihydrogen phosphate was sprayed to promote multi-grain weight.

3.3.4 harvest