
A group of bonsai masters appreciate and pay tribute to the master.

Published: 2024-07-09 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/09, The five-needle pine Pan Zhonglian was born in the sky, and Pan Zhonglian was excited by wind and lightning.

Born with five needles and continuous cropping of Pan Zhong

The effect of wind and lightning on the growth of white wax

The work of Wind Soul to Jie Bai Wax

Gujian suspended pine with five needles and Yin Zimin

Feng Liansheng, a pair of Jie White Wax and Tortoise Stone in Jiuqu of Guanxi.

Small leaf elm and tortoise grain stone Feng Liansheng in Tianmen Cave

Written by Qiaoyun Huang Yang and Wan Ruiming

Rock face Ferris wood fossil Qiao Honggen

The road of Shu is difficult, Huang Caifeng, Qiao Honggen.

Recall Fuchun pyrophyllite Wang Yi Ding's work

Blue sky clear shadow Osaka pine Hu Rongqing work

Zhe's work on Jie White Wax Xing Jinke

Flying Dragon works in Heaven to White Wax Xing Jinke

The good spouse of a good man is Zhenbai Wang Hengliang.

Work by Wang Hengliang of juniper in high mountains and flowing waters

Five-needle pine should be made by Guoping

He Huaguo, a banyan tree, is ready to go.

By Pu Shu and Zhou Guoliang

Made by Xu Weihua of Pingyang single tree sparrow plum

By Luo Hansong and Xu Weihua of Panasonic Fairy Society

When Huangshan came back, I didn't see Xie Jishu, a banyan tree.

Hao GE Ji remnant site miscellaneous English begonia Zhang Yizuo

Qiushan late green pearl cypress and pumice Xiao Yixing

Spring river warm five-needle pine, tortoise grain stone Wei Qunjie

Listen to the work of pine with five needles and Meng Guangling

Fireworks made by Wang Rusheng in March

Ancient pine facing the wind and black pine Xi Youshan work

Zhao Weizuo, a lonely pine with five needles on the cliff

Wolong looks back on the work of juniper Zhang Deming

Love of Pomegranate Island by Li Xiaobo in Yushu

Deep forest game shrimp Yisong Deng Wenxiang