
A classic of meaty meat. It's not wrong to raise a pot.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, When talking about the succulent plants of "meat toot" on the Internet, I believe everyone will not be unfamiliar with them. As a plant that has swept the whole flower world in recent years, succulent plants capture the hearts of many friends with their cute appearance. And with...


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Speaking of "fleshy" succulent plants, I believe everyone is no stranger. As a plant that has swept the whole flower and plant world in recent years, succulent plants have captured the hearts of many friends because of their cute and cute appearance. With the continuous enrichment of succulent varieties, there are more and more succulent plants for meat friends to choose from. However, even so, there are still some classic varieties that meat lovers can not forget. Then, let's introduce some classic succulent varieties. It's absolutely right to raise a pot. Let's have a look!

Quiet night

One is quiet Night: [classic Index: ★] quiet Night can be said to be a classic in general goods. Jelly-colored round leaves with red tips are lovely, so they have become a favorite of many friends. In the maintenance process of the quiet night, the growing period of the quiet night needs to keep the soil moist and avoid stagnant water. Other seasons are watered according to the degree of dryness and wetness of the season, watering more when the weather is dry, but watering can be appropriately reduced when the weather is humid; during the summer, the quiet night will go into a dormant state, and if you put it outdoors, it will be easy to die in the sun, so we should put it in a shady place to avoid direct sunlight, and we should also pay attention to the frequency of watering. The weather is humid in summer, watering once a month is enough. During the winter, Jingye can withstand a low temperature of about minus 2 ℃ (indoor temperature), and then the tip growth point of the lower leaves will appear frostbite, dry up and die. The water supply is basically cut off throughout the winter, and it is necessary to start to cut off water below 5 ℃.

Twelve stripes

Second, stripes 12 volumes: [classic index: ★★★★] stripes 12 volumes are also classic succulent plants, thick leaves embedded with ribbon of white stars, looks fresh and elegant, very suitable for table decoration. In the maintenance process of stripe twelve rolls, the main growing season of stripe twelve rolls is in spring and autumn, at this time to give it enough light, photosynthesis can promote the accumulation of nutrients. In summer, the temperature and light intensity are very large, at this time, it is best to put the plants in the semi-shade to maintain, if you want to put it outside, you should give proper shade, usually 50% shade, so that the leaves will look good. In winter, it is necessary to put it in a bright indoor maintenance, pay attention to control the temperature, often turn the direction of the flowerpot, so that the plant receives light evenly; it likes a relatively dry environment, and it is easy to be infected with diseases and insect pests on continuous rainy days, so try not to let the stripes get caught in the rain as little as possible. don't sprinkle it at night, just keep it dry.

Peach beauty

Third, peach beauty: [classic index: ★] Peach beauty has pink thick leaves, the whole plant is like a beautiful handicraft, so it is favored by succulent lovers, and it is also a classic succulent plant. In the maintenance process of Peach Beauty, Peach Beauty likes an environment with plenty of light and warmth. In the environment with abundant light, the color is more pink and bright, and the plant shape is more beautiful and compact. Therefore, in family farming, we should put them in an open space where they can receive enough light; peach beauty, like other succulent plants, is more resistant to drought and likes a dry environment. Therefore, adhering to the principle of "dry watering thoroughly", do not dry do not water. Too much water will lead to leaf fall, as long as less watering will greatly avoid this situation.


Fourth, Lawrence: [classic Index: ★★★] Lawrence is a kind of succulent plant which is very easy to get out of its state. Its leaves are covered with thin powder, so it is easy to spend the summer. It has high ornamental value and is also very classic. In the maintenance process of Lawrence, Lawrence is easy to maintain and pay attention to proper shading, ventilation and water control in summer. Lawrence has less sunshine and is easy to turn green. Except for proper shade in summer, Lawrence can be fully sunny or exposed in other seasons. The soil for planting Lawrence can choose loose and permeable medium, such as peat / coconut bran and granular soil, and the proportion of granular soil can be higher.

Guanghan Palace

Fifth, Guanghan Palace [Classic Index: ★★★★] Guanghan Palace is one of the famous thin leaf immortals among succulent plants. Its leaves are blue in pink, slightly pink on the edges, and look super immortal. It is a kind of succulent plant with immortal flavor, and it is naturally a classic variety. In the maintenance process of Guanghan Palace, succulent plants that usually grow fast are not too difficult to maintain, and the same is true of Guanghan Palace. There are many Guanghan Palace in California, USA, which are raised in dew. Therefore, attention should be paid to the loose and ventilated soil, dry and thoroughly watered, and even exposed in non-summer. Usually, Guanghan Palace will give you a surprise. Because Guanghan Palace is usually still growing in summer, it should also be given an appropriate amount of light and water, otherwise the light is insufficient, the leaves of Guanghan Palace may turn down and put on a skirt. But at the same time, Guanghan Palace also belongs to a variety that is likely to rot black at the end of summer, so don't just pass the Beginning of Autumn and boldly water and insolate in maintenance, which is easy to cause black rot. It is suggested that before October, all should be dealt with according to the summer. Proper water control and appropriate amount of light is fine.

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