
Cultivation of Coprinus comatus under economic forest

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Cultivation of Coprinus comatus under economic forest fund project: innovative training program for college students of Northeast Forestry University (201610225003) cultivation of Coprinus comatus under economic forest is an ecological and efficient cultivation model. The northeast area.

Cultivation of Coprinus comatus under economic forest

Fund project: innovation training Program for College students of Northeast Forestry University (201610225003)

The cultivation of Coprinus comatus under economic forest is an ecological and efficient cultivation model. Northeast China has a vast territory and excellent ecological environment, and there are large areas of plantation of economic tree species such as larch, Juglans mandshurica, Fraxinus mandshurica and so on. The cultivation of Coprinus comatus under the forest is beneficial to create suitable temperature, humidity and good shading conditions for Coprinus comatus. Rational use of the space in the forest. After the cultivation of Coprinus comatus, the waste bacterial bran will become a good organic fertilizer, which can improve the physical and chemical properties of woodland soil and increase soil fertility, which is beneficial to the growth of economic forest. The cultivation of Coprinus comatus under economic forest not only makes full and rational use of space, but also saves the cost of building mushroom shed, which can achieve the effect of double benefit of forest and mushroom.

1 growth characteristics of Coprinus comatus

Coprinus comatus is a kind of straw-rotten fungus, which can make extensive use of starch, cellulose, lignin and other carbon sources, but the utilization of lignin is poor. It can be cultivated with a variety of crop straw, rice straw, cotton husk and livestock manure. Coprinus comatus is a kind of edible fungus with variable temperature and fruiting at medium and low temperature. the hyphae can grow at 3-35 ℃, and the optimum temperature is 25 ℃. The hyphae stopped growing and aged rapidly when the mycelium was higher than 35 ℃. The number of fruiting bodies was the most when the mushroom temperature was 16-24 ℃, and no fruiting bodies were formed when it was lower than 8 ℃ or higher than 30 ℃. The northeast region can choose to produce seeds from May to July and produce mushrooms from August to October according to the local climatic conditions.

2 strain preparation

2.1 liquid seed preparation

The preserved Coprinus comatus strain was inoculated on PDA medium for activation, and the mycelium was grown all over the test tube after 25 ℃ dark culture for 7 to 10 days, and the activated mother seed was obtained. Under aseptic condition, the activated mother seed was inoculated into liquid medium, and the mother seed of a test tube was inoculated with 500mL liquid.

In the 1000mL flask of the medium. After inoculation, the cells were cultured in a constant temperature oscillator for 14 days under the condition of 25 ℃ and 130r/min. PDA medium formula: peeled potato 200g, glucose 20g, Agar 15g, water 1000ml, pH natural. The formula of liquid medium was as follows: corn meal 30g, sucrose 20g, yeast powder 5g, potassium dihydrogen phosphate 2.5g, magnesium sulfate 1g, water 1000ml natural pH.

2.2 original seed preparation

Original culture medium formula: wheat 88%, sawdust 10%, gypsum 1%, lime 1%. Take the raw material according to the formula, boil the wheat grain until there is no white core in the middle, remove and cool; adjust the sawdust to 60% moisture content, then mix the gypsum and lime with water and add to the sawdust, stir evenly, add the cool wheat grain, and stir again. The mixed medium was packed into a bacterial bag (17cm × 35cm polyethylene plastic bag), sterilized for 121min, 120min, 25min, incubated at constant temperature for 48h, confirmed to be sterilized thoroughly and then used.

Under aseptic condition, the liquid seed of Coprinus comatus was inoculated on the original culture medium, and each bag of original medium was inoculated with 15mL liquid seed. After 25 ℃ dark culture for 18 to 20 days, the hyphae grew all over the bag, and the original species of Coprinus comatus was obtained.

3 cultivation techniques

3.1 site selection

Choose broad-leaved or coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest with lush trees, good canopy conditions, large area and gentle terrain, which requires close to water source, good water quality and clean environment. After identifying the site, clean up the environment and burn or bury the weeds and leaves under the forest.

3.2 cultivation material treatment

The raw materials of the culture medium were prepared at the end of June, and the cultivation materials were stuffed and fermented one week before sowing.

Culture medium formula: bean straw 88%, wheat bran 10%, gypsum 1%, lime 1%.

Choose fresh, mildew-free, moth-free bean straw and wheat bran. Accurately weigh the main materials and auxiliary materials according to the proportion of the formula; stack the main materials on the clean cement floor, mix gypsum and lime well, add to the main materials, add water, stir evenly repeatedly, and adjust the moisture content to 60%. The culture material was piled into a fermentation pile with a height of 1-1.5 m, a width of 1.5-2 m and an unlimited length. The middle, lower part and top of the pile were ventilated with wooden sticks, and the distance between air holes was 0.5 m. Finally, it was covered with plastic film for moisturizing fermentation. When the fermentation temperature reached 60 ℃, the fermentation temperature was kept for 10 h, and then turned over. When turning the pile, make the inside and outside evenly up and down, so as to ferment thoroughly. After turning the pile for 3 times, the cultivated material was fermented and matured when it produced fragrance.

3.3 sowing and sending bacteria

Sowing and fermenting should be in July, when the average temperature in Northeast China is 23-25 ℃.

Make a bed under the forest, open a ditch with a depth of 20cm, a width of 1.5m and an unlimited length, leave a 0.5m working aisle in the middle of the two ditches, and lay the material after leveling the bottom. Using layer sowing method, each layer of material 5cm, first spread a layer of material at the bottom of the border, after slapping, break the chicken leg mushroom strain into pigeon egg size, evenly sprinkle on the culture material, the seed amount is 2%-5% of the culture material weight; then spread the second layer material and then sprinkle the bacteria again. The last layer of planting material is covered with a layer of plastic film to moisturize. During the germicidal period, the plastic film is opened once a day for ventilation. Wooden sticks can also be used to punch holes in the material surface. In general, the mycelium can be full of material surface in 2-3 weeks.

3.4 covering soil

After the mycelium grows all over the surface of the culture material, the soil can be covered with humus with rich nutrition, good air permeability and strong water holding capacity. PH7.0~7.5, the thickness is about 2~3cm, and the soil layer is thin and uniform. Spraying water to regulate soil moisture after covering soil, it is better to store a little water on the soil surface. After covering the soil, the plastic film was still covered. After two weeks, the hyphae extended in the soil, and a small amount of white hyphae appeared on the surface of the soil layer. At this time, the plastic film on the soil layer was removed and the mushroom production management was carried out.

3.5 Management of mushroom production

During the period of mushroom production, you should spray water in time to moisturize every day, pay attention to spraying frequently and less, so that the soil layer does not accumulate water, but it is appropriate to keep it moist. Scattered light is needed during the growth of fruiting body, and the fruiting body grown under weak light is white, smooth and of good quality. the light condition under the forest with high canopy density can just meet the requirements of Coprinus comatus. In the process of fruiting body growth and development, it needs to consume a lot of oxygen and produce carbon dioxide. Compared with the greenhouse, the cultivation environment under the forest does not have the problem of poor ventilation, which is beneficial to the emergence of Coprinus comatus.

3.6 harvesting and turning tide

The fruiting body is medium-cooked, the 7~10cm is long, and the cover is collected in time when the package is compact and not loose. When harvesting, hold the base of the fungal stalk with your hand, gently rotate and pull it up, leaving no mushroom foot, and fill the mushroom foot pit with soil, otherwise it is easy to cause mildew and rot and cause disease. The storage period of fresh mushrooms is short, so they should be sold, refrigerated or processed in time after harvest. After the first tide mushroom is harvested, remove the mushroom feet and dead mushrooms, fill the soil in time for the lack of soil, and pour heavy water again to restore the hyphae. The second tide of mushrooms can be produced two weeks later, and the management of two-tide mushrooms is the same as that of Pleurotus ostreatus. Usually 3 tide mushrooms can be harvested in a year.