
How to improve the fruit setting rate of winter jujube?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How to improve the fruit setting rate of winter jujube? 1. Reasonable pruning. Winter pruning is the fine pruning of the fruiting branches. Remove the thin and weak branches under the back, the fruit on this branch is small and the commodity value is low. The fruit on the overgrown erect branch is large, but the fruit setting rate is low.

How to improve the fruit setting rate of winter jujube?

1. Reasonable pruning.

Winter pruning is the fine pruning of the fruiting branches. Remove the thin and weak branches under the back, the fruit on this branch is small and the commodity value is low. The fruit on the overflourishing upright branch is large but the fruit setting rate is low, so that some of the branches should be properly thinned out and flattened out with space. Choose the sturdy branch of the mean as the fruit branch.

two。 Pest control.

Winter jujube is easy to be damaged by green blind stink bug at flowering stage. Green blind stink weevil eats the flower buds and jujube flowers during the flowering period, so that the flower buds stop developing and wither early, so that the jujube flowers can not bear fruit. Controlling the damage of green blind stink bug before flowering is the guarantee of high and stable yield of winter jujube. Spray 3-5 Baumedo stone sulfur mixture before budding.

During the peak period of nymphs and adults, 1500 times of imidacloprid and 1200 times of cypermethrin were sprayed, and the control rate was more than 90%.

3. Strengthen the management of fertilizer and water.

Winter jujube has a large number of flowers and needs a lot of nutrition to blossom and bear fruit, so fertilizer and water management must be strengthened. Especially pay attention to fertilization in autumn, which can ensure sufficient nutrient accumulation before defoliation, and avoid low fruit setting rate due to lack of nutrients at flowering stage.

4. Adopt the measure of flower formation.

① girdling. Girdling during the full flowering period of winter jujube can increase the fruit setting rate by 10% to 25%. Must be carried out at the time of blooming 30% to 50%, too early or too late will affect the effect of girdling. The girdling position is 20 cm above the ground in the trunk, and then extends upward year by year. The girdling width does not exceed the diameter of the trunk. After girdling, the girdling mouth is wrapped with paper to prevent diseases and insect pests.

② was sprayed with gibberellin. Spraying gibberellin (1 gram to water 40: 50 kg) during the full flowering period of winter jujube can increase the fruit setting rate by 50% and 70%.

Gibberellin is insoluble in water and must first be dissolved with alcohol or a high concentration of liquor. It must be sprayed at 30% or 40% of the bloom. The second spraying can be carried out one week after spraying.

③ sprays water and fertilizer. When the flower is nearly 30% blooming, you can spray 2-3 times of clean water or add 0.3% urea or borax at 2-day intervals in the evening to keep the stamens moist to facilitate pollination and improve fruit setting rate.