
There are so many benefits of drinking corn whiskers. Many people don't know that they threw it away and regret knowing it's too late.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Corn originated in South America and was later spread all over the world. It is now recognized as a "golden crop" all over the world, and some areas take it as a staple food. Corn has certain pretreatments for coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, hyperlipidemia and hypertension.

Corn originated in South America and was later spread all over the world. It is now recognized as a "golden crop" all over the world, and some areas take it as a staple food. Corn has a certain preventive and therapeutic effect on coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, hyperlipidemia and hypertension. Corn is a good health food in whole grains and a kind of longevity food. People who often eat corn not only have a low risk of hypertension and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, but also have a significantly lower risk of cancer than those who do not eat corn. Corn should be soaked in water, which is rich in nutrients and is good for health. It is suitable for people with diabetes, hypertension and so on.

Not only will not harm the body's health, the body's blood circulation help, but also have a great effect, so it is worth us to choose a way to lose weight, beauty, weight loss function because the corn germ in vitamin E can also promote human cell division, prevent skin wrinkles; corn must be diuretic, but also conducive to weight loss. The expanded popcorn is very large and can eliminate the hunger of obese people after eating, but the calorie content is very low, so it is one of the weight loss foods.

Lower three high blood lipids, blood pressure, blood sugar patients drink, can reduce blood lipids, blood pressure, blood sugar. Its antihypertensive mechanism is mainly central, and it is also believed that it is mainly the result of dilatation of peripheral small vessels. Corn must be able to resist the pressor effect of epinephrine. Corn whisker contains vitamin K, which has a therapeutic effect on coagulation dysfunction caused by vitamin K deficiency. Beneficial to urine detumescence with corn must be 10 grams-15 grams of boiled water brewing on behalf of tea, have a certain role in weight loss. Hemostasis because corn can accelerate the process of blood coagulation, increase the number of platelets, and resist hemolysis, so it can be used as a hemostatic and diuretic for bladder and urinary tract stones, as well as for acute hemolytic anemia. Anti-allergy because it has anti-allergic effect, it can also be used to treat urticaria and asthma. The combination of treating jaundice and relieving jaundice can also treat jaundice caused by hepatitis.

Corn whisker material: more everyone's needs determine the amount of corn beard added, if the body hopes to lose weight through this person, you can spend about 3 money; people who want to achieve daily health care, it is recommended that we use the amount of 2 money to brew is the most appropriate. Practice: put corn stalk into 800C.C. Boil in boiling water and dry until 600C.C. Left or right, you can turn off the fire and drink. Function: moderate drinking helps to unblock the meridians such as liver, gallbladder and kidney, and play the role of diuresis, metabolism of excess water and elimination of edema. It turns out that corn beard has such a powerful role, ah, not only to reduce swelling, but also to treat diabetes, high blood pressure, habitual abortion and other effects. Therefore, when we usually see it again, we must not throw it about. I hope these will be helpful to everyone.

Taboo: because the nature of motherwort is cold and cool, and has the effect of promoting blood circulation, it is not suitable for women with diarrhea, poor gastrointestinal function, fever, pregnancy and lactation. Warm reminder: we should pay attention to the use of corn beard water, and we should pay attention to reasonable conditioning, in addition to diet conditioning, but also pay attention to their own changes, regular exercise to effectively improve their own blood circulation, to avoid tissue edema, in daily life need to pay attention to conditioning methods, so as not to cause more impact. Be sure to pay attention to the dosage when taking corn whisker tea at ordinary times, no more than three to five grams at a time, and it is usually best to choose fresh corn whiskers to take.