
The sweetest sugar tangerine can be grown at home.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, The planting of sugar orange is the best from February to March. Part of the branches, leaves and main roots of the seedlings should be cut off before planting, and the compacted soil can be watered after planting. Usually maintain to ensure that the soil is moist, and the rolled leaves can be trimmed off properly during the growth period. It needs to be appropriate.

Sugar orange planting in February-March is the best, before planting to cut off some branches and leaves and taproot seedlings, after planting compacted soil can be watered thoroughly. Maintenance at ordinary times to ensure that the soil wet, growth period can be appropriate to cut off the leaves. Appropriate fertilization is required, and thin fertilizer can be applied, generally 1-2 times per month.

I. Planting technology

Sugar orange planting in February-March is the best, before planting to cut off the branches and leaves of seedlings, cut off the main roots, retain the fibrous roots, after planting back to the soil and compaction, and in the tree tray covered with a layer of grass, watering enough water can be.

II. Management

1, watering: to ensure that the soil is moist, generally 2-3 days to irrigate water, do not let the pot soil too dry, try to irrigate as much as possible.

2. Pruning: During the growth period, the leaves can be properly trimmed, which can reduce nutrient and water consumption and is more conducive to its growth.

3, fertilization: to appropriate fertilization, can apply thin fertilizer, generally 1-2 times a month can be applied, if the plant growth is weak, do not apply too much fertilizer, it is easy to cause fertilizer damage.