
Smart people are eating these wild vegetables, which can prevent anemia and prevent skin aging, and it has a good calcium supplement for children and the elderly.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The flower of Robinia pseudoacacia, also known as locust flower. Deep color can be fried, stuffing and other edible methods. Robinia pseudoacacia flower is rich in protein, fat, sugar, vitamins, minerals, concanavalin, flavonoids and so on. The nutritional content of pollen.

The flower of Robinia pseudoacacia, also known as locust flower. Deep color can be fried, stuffing and other edible methods. Robinia pseudoacacia flower is rich in protein, fat, sugar, vitamins, minerals, concanavalin, flavonoids and so on. The nutrient content of pollen is better. "Guizhou Folk prescription Collection" contains "stop subcolonic bleeding, hemoptysis, and treat red blood in women." If young buds and leaves of Robinia pseudoacacia are mistakenly used as non-staple food, poisoning can occur due to factors such as allergy to Robinia pseudoacacia, improper cooking, or eating too much, and exposure to sunlight after eating. It has been reported that 23 cases of poisoning occurred between 2 and 20 days after eating, characterized by edema of the face and hands, local tingling, burning or distending pain, itching and general weakness. Rescue method: take two taels of vinegar and dandelion 4 to avoid sunlight temporarily, which can be relieved in 2 to 3 days.

Wild garlic is also called small root garlic. It looks like garlic with a single head, but it is smaller than garlic and smells a bit like onions. According to research, it contains 17 kinds of amino acids. in health care, traditional Chinese medicine believes that Allium macrostemon has the effect of warming and tonifying, can strengthen spleen and appetizer, aid digestion, relieve greasy, and promote appetite. For the weak, Allium macrostemon can moisten the deficiency and make people cold-resistant. It has the effect of preventing anemia and detoxification, can also promote hair growth and prevent skin aging, can also be used for anti-allergy, hepatitis, leukopenia and other diseases, can strengthen stomach and stop dysentery, relieve pain and relieve yang, open chest and disperse knots. Patients with coronary heart disease, chronic enteritis and hyperlipidemia should be eaten regularly. In addition, the content of calcium, phosphorus and other inorganic salts in Allium macrostemon is very high, and regular consumption is beneficial to strengthen muscles and bones, especially for growing children and calcium-deficient elderly.

Antipyretic, expectorant: onion volatile oil and other active ingredients, with stimulation of the body sweat glands, to achieve sweating and heat dissipation; onion oil stimulates the upper respiratory tract, so that sticky sputum is easy to come out. Promote digestion and absorption: spring onions also stimulate the secretion of digestive juices in the body, which can strengthen the spleen and appetizer and increase appetite. Antibacterial and antiviral: allicin in onions has obvious effect on resisting bacteria and viruses, especially on Shigella dysenteriae and skin fungi. Anti-cancer and anti-cancer: the pectin contained in chives can significantly reduce the incidence of colon cancer and has anti-cancer effect. Allicin in onions can also inhibit the growth of cancer cells. In addition, garlic also has the effect of dietotherapy, such as pungent, bitter and warm; it has the effect of relieving yang and relieving qi stagnation; it is used for stomach qi stagnation, diarrhea and other diseases. Eating more garlic will do us no harm. Everyone can eat more garlic and can effectively help us strengthen our immune system, especially in winter when the flu is raging. Eating more garlic can effectively improve our ability to resist virus infection, and the price of garlic is not particularly expensive.

Traditional Chinese medicine to treat phlegm, asthma and cough, facial edema, hydrothorax, edema, adverse urination, pulmonary heart disease. Mongolian medicine for fighting heat, visceral heat, toxic heat, blood heat, "Xieri" fever, lung sensation, cough, asthma, cor pulmonale. Artemisia annua L. is not only a spring wild vegetable that many people like to eat, but also can be used medicinally. It has medicinal effects such as expelling phlegm and relieving asthma and strengthening heart and diuresis. Artemisia annua contains a lot of crude fiber, which has the effect of moistening the intestines and relieving defecation. the mature seed of Artemisia annua is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine, which can treat chronic bronchi.

Indications: lung heat wheezing cough; sore throat; intestinal carbuncle; furuncle swelling ulcer; venomous snake bite; hot and astringent pain; edema; dysentery; enteritis; damp-heat jaundice; good at treating a variety of cancers. Usage and dosage: internal administration: fried soup, 15-30g, large dose can be used to 60g; or tamper with juice. External use: tamping. . Treatment of infantile pneumonia: with Hedyotis diffusa injection, each intramuscular injection of 2 ml (containing 4 grams of crude drug active ingredients), the baby is halved, twice a day, the course of treatment is 5 ~ 7 days. 112 cases were treated, 52 cases were cured, 25 cases were nearly cured, 17 cases were improved, 12 cases were ineffective, 6 cases died and the average hospital stay was 7.98 days. Treatment of pelvic inflammation, accessory inflammation: 75 grams of Hedyotis diffusa, with 15 grams of Jinniu (two-sided needle), or 15 grams of piercing stone (Ganoderma lucidum), fried with water, 1 dose a day. After treatment of 77 patients, 4 cases were ineffective and the rest were cured. Treatment of benign thyroid nodules: 30 grams of Hedyotis diffusa, 15 grams of red peony, 6 grams of Platycodon grandiflorum, 10 grams of brown sugar, long-term use has a good effect.