
In summer, you have to eat it, clear heat and relieve heat, and air-conditioned popsicles go away!

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, As soon as summer comes, many friends' appetite begins to deteriorate and they don't want to eat anything. Thoughtful Huahua has prepared a summer diet for everyone today. There are all kinds of melons, fruits and vegetables to keep you cool in summer!

Melon: wax gourd

It is said that "eat buds in spring and melons in summer". Huahua feels that the melon that must be eaten in summer should be wax gourd. Wax gourd has the effect of relieving phlegm, relieving summer heat and diuresis, which is necessary in hot summer.

Cool Summer menu: wax Gourd Shrimp skin Soup

1. Wash the wax gourd, cut it into rectangular slices, and put it in a bowl for use.

2. Pour a little oil after the pot is hot, stir-fry the wax gourd slices, then pour water over the wax gourd slices, and put in the prepared shrimp skin and salt.

3. Boil the wax gourd over a low heat until the wax gourd turns transparent, and then bring it out.

Cool summer recipe: Brown sugar wax gourd tea

1, wax gourd even skin cut into small pieces, wax gourd seeds should not be removed, it is best to choose black-skinned wax gourd.

2. Put the chopped wax gourd in a large bowl, sprinkle with brown sugar or powdered black sugar and stir well.

3. Place the stirred wax gourd for a period of time, during which you can stir many times until the wax gourd is pickled.

4. Pour the pickled wax gourd with water into the pot, bring to a boil and turn into a small fire. Add longan, and then boil until the wax gourd turns brown.

5. After boiling, filter out the soup and put it in the refrigerator and dilute it with water when drinking.

Fruit: Virgin fruit

Virgin fruit should be a kind of fruit that many friends like to eat, with the effect of invigorating body and relieving thirst, clearing heat and relieving summer heat, eating sour and sweet raw. Today, Huahua is going to teach you how to grow sweet virgin fruit.

1. The seeds of virgin fruit are best purchased, and the seeds of fresh virgin fruit can also be sown, but the budding rate can not be guaranteed.

2. Put the seeds in a slightly moist substrate, cover them with plastic and wait for them to sprout.

3. After about a week, you will find that a small seedling has emerged.

4. keep the virgin seedlings in a bright place for maintenance, and divide the pot when the plant burst.

5. Transplant at most two trees in a pot, cover them with plastic bags after planting, and put them in a cool and ventilated place to slow down the seedlings. When Miao becomes refreshed, you can take off the bag.

6. put the virgin fruit in the sun and apply a compound fertilizer during the period, which will bear fruit after the flowers bloom!

Vegetable: purslane

Purslane is a common wild vegetable in the countryside, which has a very good effect of clearing heat and reducing fire, swelling and inflammation. However, there are few wild purslane now, and flower lovers can grow them at home.

Cool summer menu: cold purslane

1. Remove all the old stalks and rotten leaves of Portulaca oleracea, then rinse them with clean water.

2. Put Portulaca oleracea into the pot after boiling, bring it to a boil and bring it out of the pot. Rinse with clean water again.

3. Stir the mashed garlic, pepper, salt, vinegar and Portulaca oleracea prepared in advance, and add other seasonings according to your personal preference.

4. A plate of Portulaca oleracea with clearing away heat and reducing swelling is ready! Huahua secretly tells you that purslane has the effect of black hair!

Cool summer menu: purslane chicken omelet

1. Remove the old pole of purslane, wash the rotten leaves and cut them into pieces.

2. Put the chopped purslane into a basin, beat in two eggs, pour in the right amount of flour, sprinkle with salt, and stir well.

3. Pour the egg paste of Portulaca oleracea into the electric cake bell and burn it until both sides are golden brown.

4. Delicious purslane egg cake tastes better with ketchup!

Do you still like Huahua's summer strategy?

Or do you have any other good ways to relieve summer heat?

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