
Who says you can't grow plants in summer? get to know these plants that are more and more beautiful in the sun.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Summer weather is hot, many flowers can not stand the high temperature in summer, began to droop their heads, so which flowers are suitable for planting in summer, but also more and more beautiful in the sun? 1. Beautiful woman Yingmei Sakura has graceful posture, rich colors and colorful colors.

Summer weather is hot, many flowers can not stand the high temperature in summer, began to droop their heads, so which flowers are suitable for planting in summer, but also more and more beautiful in the sun?

1. Beautiful Sakura

The beautiful cherry has beautiful posture, rich flowers and colors, and is in full bloom like a sea of flowers, which makes people linger. The plants are short and dense, the flowers are colorful, the flowering parts are corymbose-shaped, and the flowers are white, red, blue, snow green, pink and so on, which are suitable for potted plants to watch or arrange the flowerbed flower border.

Florescence: may-November

Growth habits: sunshine, shade tolerance, cold tolerance, poor shade tolerance, drought tolerance, growing in sunny, loose and fertile soil, blooming. You can spend the winter in the open field in the warmer microclimate of Shanghai.

2. Catharanthus roseus

Catharanthus roseus has a long flowering period and can be used in flower beds, flower borders and forest edge layouts, as well as potted plants. Medicinal, but this plant is poisonous and can not be eaten by mistake, and the dosage should be controlled.

Florescence: may-November

Growth habits: extremely strong, drought and moisture tolerance, strong self-growth, mature seeds fall to the ground, but also can germinate seedlings and then grow and blossom, so there are often wild communities.

3. Milan

Small evergreen tree with small yellow flowers that are fragrant and smell like orchids. Its branches and leaves are dense, and the leaves are green and bright.

Flowering period: flowering in all seasons

Growth habits: like warm, humid and sunny environment, not cold-resistant, slightly shady.

4. Feather-leaf pineapple

Pineapple, like morning glory, can climb around the support and blossom like a pentagram flower, also known as a pentagram flower. The color is dark red and bright, and the florescence is long.

Florescence: June-November

Growth habits: annual herbs, like light, like warm, moist, sunny environment, not cold-resistant.

5. Golden dew flower

Forsythia, also known as Golden Dew Flower, is commonly cultivated or wild in the south. The inflorescence is long and the florets are elegant.

Opening period: may-October

Growth habits: like sufficient sunshine, but also resistant to semi-shade, like warm and humid, not cold-resistant, prefer fertilizer, water and moisture resistance, not resistant to drought.

6. Jasmine flower

Jasmine leaves emerald green, white, elegant and pleasant, put on the balcony, can smoke a room of incense. It is the most common aromatic potted plant.

Florescence: June to October, properly maintained can be opened in the current season.

Growth trainee: perennial shrub, jasmine likes hot, humid environment, the stronger the light, the more flowers.

7. Xia Pansy

The flowers of Corydalis are small and colorful, very much like little goldfish, cute and cute. The colors are fuchsia, peach, pink, dark blue and so on. Suitable for balcony, flower platform and other planting, but also excellent hanging basin flowers.

Florescence: June-September

Growth habits: like the high temperature growth environment, resistant to heat. It does not have strict requirements on the soil, has strong growth, does not need much fertilizer, and blossoms luxuriantly on the sunny, moderately fertile and moist soil.

8. Petunia

Colorful and easy to cultivate, both upright and crocodile, can also be used to plant ornamental bowl, love welcome, is an indispensable ornamental flower in the garden.

Florescence: April-October

Growth habits: Petunia long sunshine plants, like a warm and sunny environment. It can withstand high temperature of more than 35 ℃ in summer.

9. Rose

Rose has a wide variety, large and gorgeous flowers, good effect of abundant flowers, rich fragrance and good adaptability.

Florescence: spring, summer and autumn

Growth habits: like the sunny environment, heat resistance, strong adaptability.