
The 40-year-old house took her only one year to build a big garden. Everyone wants to live in it.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Flower cultivation Daquan & nbsp; Subscription account Click to follow, Hua Hua teaches you to grow flowers! Many people who have lived in the city for a long time are eager to return to their hometown, & nbsp; to live in the old house of childhood in memory.

A complete Collection of Flowers

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Click to follow, Huahua teaches you to grow flowers!

Author: flowers between fingers

Source: stepping on Flowers

Many people who have lived in the city for a long time are eager to return to their hometown.

Then go to live in the old house where I remember my childhood and watch the smoke curl and the wheat waves roll.

But because of a variety of irresistible factors, few people have been able to achieve.

Today, Huahua introduces you to a flower friend called "Flower between fingers".

Now she is slowly realizing her pastoral dream!

Flowers have a comfortable home and a comfortable job in the city.

In her spare time, she takes care of the house like a fairyland.

(flowers in the city's home)

But the flowers always miss the days when they lived in their hometown.

Miss the laughter in the old house

Hesitating again and again, she decided to renovate the old house in her hometown for more than 40 years.

After retirement, spring will enjoy the flowers and autumn will sweep the leaves.

Before the renovation of the old house:

After the renovation of the old house:

Repair the appearance of the house

Flower cultivation Daquan

The old house has been uninhabited for more than ten years.

Although Hua Hua's mother goes back to tidy it up once or twice a year.

But the house is still full of weeds and deserted.

Repair the old house and resurface the surrounding paths

It became the first step for her to realize her dream of garden.

(clean up weeds and dust)

(replace dirt road with gravel road)

Because of work, flowers can only go back to their hometown on weekends and holidays

In order to prevent flowers from being stolen, but also to prevent drying to death without watering for a long time.

She came up with a clever way to grow flowers on heavy tires

She needed a lot of tires, and she asked a lot of friends to get them.

She cleaned the tires thoroughly from the inside out

Then paint the desired color and let it dry in the sun.

If you want to grow flowers, you have to punch holes.

Fanhua claims to be a strong girl because she does all the work of drilling tires with electric drills.

After drilling, put the soil into the tire, plant flowers, and a tire flowerpot will be completed!

Because I can't go back to take care of the flowers and plants often.

Therefore, the flowers raised in the tires are all shady and drought-tolerant flowers such as hanging orchids and ivy.

But how can only shade-resistant green plants be enough?

In order to make the garden more colorful

She also planted hydrangeas in the open space around the house.

A year later, the hydrangea opened as promised.

The ivy in the tire is about to mop the floor.

Backyard reconstruction

Flower cultivation Daquan

In the hometown with flowers, there is a long and narrow house behind every house.

This house is called "dragging eaves house". It is specially used to raise chickens, ducks and firewood.

She tore down all the dilapidated windows of the eaves house

Decorate the wall with a vegetable jar that my mother is reluctant to lose.

Because the eaves house is poorly ventilated and the light is poor.

She removed all the beams of the house

In order to get in and out more conveniently

And break through the wall at the connection between the eaves house and the main house.

Plant flowers on the tires and hang them on the walls of the eaves

The old jar also looks good with flowers.

Repair the flower pond

Flower cultivation Daquan

There is a flower pond 18 meters long and 2 meters wide in the yard of my hometown.

Because there is no need to pile up sundries for a long time.

Flowers plan to clean up the place and plant full roses and peonies.

First, make a small wall with hollow bricks to surround the flower pond.

In order to make the flower pond more ornamental.

She made a path in the middle of the flower pool with the small fence and stone she had picked up.

To be on the safe side, she also put a layer of iron net outside the flower pond.

After the completion of the work, the flowers are planted here with hydrangea, rose, peony, wind and rain orchid.

A year later, Dai Li, rose, Xiao Li Ju and clematis in the flower pond. All open enthusiastically!

Build a pavilion

Flower cultivation Daquan

(the front of the pigsty)

There is an obnoxious pigsty in the yard

The flowers have been thinking for a long time, do they want to be dismantled or renovated?

She always wanted a small gazebo in her heart

On second thought, it would be better to transform it into a gazebo!

(back of pigsty)

She asked someone to remove all the outside of the pigsty, leaving only part of the skeleton.

The roof also chooses materials with better waterproofing performance.

After the pavilion is built,

Hua Hua made a set of tables and chairs out of leftover wood.

And put flowers and plants in the pavilion.

After the transformation of the pigsty, the dung pit became another difficult problem.

After thinking about it, she was going to landfill the dung pit and transform it into a lotus pond.

Fill the bottom with stones removed from the eaves house and cover it with soil so that the pool is about 60 centimeters deep.

In order to prevent the pool from overflowing after the heavy rain

She also specially set up a drain beside the pool.

The decades-old pig trough in the family also came in handy.

She used it to plant copper grass.

After the renovation, she planted a parade around the gazebo.

Put fish and water lilies in the tank

The gazebo a year later can no longer see the messy appearance of the pigsty at the beginning.

The parade planted a year ago has already climbed to the gazebo!

If not, can you think that such a beautiful lotus pond used to be a cesspool?

The water lilies planted at the beginning also bloomed in the most delicate and beautiful appearance!

Build a lotus pond

Flower cultivation Daquan

Flowers like lotus and lotus very much.

It is her wish to create a lotus pool.

However, due to the limited geological conditions in my hometown, Hechi has become the biggest problem in the construction of the garden.

After an ideological struggle

She decided to settle for second best

Use black plastic film and plastic buckets to create a small lotus pool in the rock pit in the courtyard.

She buried the plastic bucket in a rock pit and covered it with black plastic film

Then secure the plastic bucket with soil, and a small lotus pool is almost complete.

The clever flowers decorated the lotus pond with small rocks and green plants.

The fourth crater is relatively large and relatively easy to transform.

The bottom of the pool is covered with rock and then pasted as a whole with cement.

Finally, the lotus pool that I have read in my heart is basically completed!

Fanhua said that when she retires completely, she will have time.

She also wants to build a fish pond.

Raise a few koi and goldfish

Raise flowers every day

Have a chat with the neighbors

Go to sleep with the scent of flowers every night and wake up in the mist of the country

Fanhua gave herself eight years to realize her garden dream.

The journey is not easy.

But accompanied by flowers, be grateful

Sooner or later, we will live a poetic life!

Author: flowers between fingers

Source: stepping on Flowers

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A complete Collection of Flowers

Hua Hua

Teach you how to grow flowers.


The name of the plant (eg a fortune tree)

Check the culture method

For advice on flower cultivation problems, please add personal Wechat: 2539749321 (long press copy)