
Grape cultivation techniques in Xifeng County, Guizhou Province

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Grape cultivation techniques in Xifeng County, Guizhou Province 1 Garden 1.1 Garden is best chosen to choose a flat loam or sandy loam; if affected by topography, the land can be divided into flat terraces for grape cultivation. 1.2 Garden planning and design.

Grape cultivation techniques in Xifeng County, Guizhou Province

1 to build a garden

1.1 Garden site selection

The garden had better choose the flatter loam or sandy loam land; if the topography is affected, the land can be integrated into flatter terraces for grape cultivation.

1.2 Garden site planning and design

Most of the plantations are cultivated by scaffolding, and a few are cultivated by hedges. The planting direction is mostly east-west, plant spacing is 2m, row spacing is 2m, irrigation canals and drainage ditches are set up, and 3-5m corn is planted around the planting plot as a buffer zone.

1.3 planting site and preparation of seedlings

The soil of the whole garden should be deeply turned over before planting. Remove rocks, weeds and other sundries; dig planting holes. Deep 80cm. Width 60cm,. And cooperate with Shiren farm fertilizer 2500 kg / 667m2.: after applying fertilizer, the planting hole will be arranged into a plate. In order to plant grapes.: grape seedlings use annual cuttings. The seedling diameter is above 0.4cm. It is required to have 4-5 strong roots. 3-5 full buds.: soak the root system 30min with 50% carbendazim solution before planting to achieve the effect of disinfecting the root system. Reduce the occurrence of diseases and insect pests.

1.4 frame type and frame material

At present, most farmers in Xifeng County adopt scaffolding cultivation, which has a higher yield. The ventilation under the shelf is good. The cement column is a square column with side length 12cmx 12cm and height 2.5m. The aboveground part is 2.0m and the underground part is 0.5m.

1.5 colonization period and method

The planting time is generally from late November to mid-March of the following year: when planting. Dig holes on the planting plate, and the depth varies slightly according to the size of the seedlings. But it is suitable for the root to be fully stretched. Roots cannot cross or overlap. Backfill the soil and be steadfast. Then carry the root stem by hand. Gently lift up, so that the root can be better stretched, and finally pour root water.

2 shaping and pruning

Shaping refers to the application of pruning and other auxiliary measures to arrange the backbone branches and crowns of fruit trees into a certain structure and shape.: to achieve a reasonable distribution of branches and leaves. A strong tree. For the purpose of early fruit, high yield and high quality.

Pruning refers to the removal or amputation of a part of the organs of a fruit tree. To achieve the purpose of regulating the growth potential and rejuvenation of fruit trees.: pruning is divided into winter pruning and summer pruning. Winter to restore tree momentum. Mainly plastic surgery; pruning in summer to regulate nutrients. Growth, etc.

2.1 plastic surgery and pruning in the first year of planting

In the first year of planting, the primary task is to cultivate the trunk.: leave 2 or 3 full buds at the beginning of branch germination. The rest were erased, and 2 branchlets were left when growing to about 15cm. Other thinning; when growing to about 50cm. Stay and grow strong. The thicker branch of a branch, which is cultivated as a master. And insert a small bamboo pole to help it grow upright. Other branches are thinned.: seedlings with better growth. After a year of growth, it can basically be on the shelf in winter, but when pruned in winter. Keep 80cm. The roughness is above 0.7cm. Cut the rest.

2.2 plastic surgery and pruning in the second year of planting

In the second year of planting, the main vine is mainly cultivated.: three or four robust buds germinated in spring were selected for cultivation, and traction was carried out in different directions for the cultivation of the main vine until the branches grew to 2 ~ 2.5m. After coring, only one accessory tip was left at the top, and 3-5 leaves were left to pick the heart repeatedly. The rest of the secondary tip leaves 1 or 2 leaves to pick the heart repeatedly: in the growing season. If tendrils grow, they should be removed in time. So as not to consume nutrients. Cause nutrient loss.: leave 1.8cm and 2m branches in winter pruning. The thickness of the cut should be more than 1cm.

2.3 plastic surgery and pruning in the third year of planting

In the third year, after sprouting, 2 or 3 lateral vines were left on each main vine, and the rest of the buds were wiped off, and the ears on the lateral vines could be left little or no, so as to concentrate nutrients to promote the rapid growth of the plant: the main vine extended to 1.8 × 2m, the lateral vine was coring when it reached 1.5m, and only one auxiliary shoot was left at the top after coring, leaving 3 leaves and 5 leaves for repeated coring. When cutting in winter, the elongated shoot of the main vine leaves 1.5~l.8m. 1.2~l.5m. The thickness of the cut is all in lcm, and the above sighs in the case of adequate nutrition. Some fruit trees will hang fruit. However, in order to ensure tree nutrition and late yield, fruit trees should not hang too much fruit, and flowers and ears should be removed in time: when pruning in summer. New buds and tendrils sprouting from the base and trunk should be erased in time. To ensure that nutrients are not lost. Carry out the work of binding the vine in time.

2.4 plastic surgery and pruning in the fourth year of planting

In the fourth year, 2-3 lateral vines were left on the extended vine, and 1-2 female branches were selected on each side vine.: the fruiting branches can be selected according to the distance between branches 20~25cm, and the rest can be erased.: when the fruiting mother branches on the lateral vines grow to 80-100cm, the treatment of the secondary shoots and the coring of the main vines are carried out according to the previous year; the fruiting branches start from the inflorescence. Eight leaves went up and began to pick the heart. From 7 days before flowering to the first flowering stage, all the secondary shoots below the ear were removed, and the secondary tip above the ear left 2 or 3 leaves to pick the heart repeatedly: when pruning in winter. The shearing length of the main branch and the lateral branch were 1.8 × 2m and 1.5mm respectively, and the thickness of the cut was more than 1cm. Results the retention length of the mother vine was 60~80cm, the thickness of the cut was more than 0.7cm, and the rest of the fruiting branches could be pruned reasonably according to the tree potential and shape.

From the fourth year on. Fruit trees begin to hang fruit: in addition to wiping buds, binding, removing tendrils, picking hearts and other routine work in summer. Thinning should also be carried out for flower and fruit ears. Especially Gomu: because. When the load of fruit trees is too large. It will affect the growth of the whole tree. It also affects the yield and fruit quality. Thinning flowers and fruits is indispensable. But in the actual production, some growers are unwilling to carry out. Under the unified standard of cooperatives. This work has also been carried out well. After entering the result period. The output per 667m2 is generally controlled at about 1250 kg:

3 soil, fertilizer and water management

3.1 soil management

(l) Deep ploughing and soil improvement: after the fruit is harvested every autumn. Combined with the application of basic fertilizer in autumn, the soil was deeply ploughed and improved. Improve the physical and chemical properties of soil.

(2) Intermediate ploughing: after rainfall or irrigation in the growing season of the orchard. Timely ploughing and loosening soil; intertilling depth 5cm~10cm.

(3) planting green manure and grass between rows: planting green manure between grape rows can effectively use the land. Increase the source of organic fertilizer.

3.2 fertilization

(l) Base fertilizer: base fertilizer is applied in autumn and winter every year. Combined with deep ploughing and soil improvement.: apply farm manure. The dosage is 2500-3000 kg / 667m2: generally, 0.5-0.8m away from the plant, dig deep and wide ditches of each 40~60cm to apply base fertilizer. Base fertilizer can not be lacking, such as insufficient application of base fertilizer will affect tree potential growth and fruit tree yield.

(2) topdressing: for young trees, it should be a small number of times.: general planting year. Starting from the germination of new leaves in March, topdressing was carried out with mature clear dung water. Apply it every 20-30 days.: stop applying at the end of September.: the second year. Topdressing with rotten clear dung water before sprouting. During the growing period of branches. Phosphorus and potassium fertilizer was properly added to mature clear manure water for topdressing. It can help the branches grow and enrich. Fertilization time is applied every 30 days.: when fruit trees can hang fruit. One more pre-flowering fertilizer should be applied 10 days before flowering. To help blossom and sit fruit.: the fertilizer is mainly phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. A small amount of nitrogen fertilizer.: topdressing can not replace base fertilizer. It is only a supplement to base fertilizer: fruit trees to grow well. The output is high. The quality is good. We should also give priority to farm base fertilizer.

(3) extra-root topdressing: in recent years. It has been proposed by many areas. Using extra-root topdressing instead of topdressing can not fundamentally solve the problem of fertilizer demand of fruit trees. it is only a remedy when fruit trees have a serious lack of fertility. There is no substitute for topdressing. What's more, it can not replace the base fertilizer: when using extra-root topdressing. The concentration of fertilizer should not be greater than 0.5%. Otherwise, it will cause drug damage to the leaves of fruit trees. Damage the fruit trees.

3.3 Water management

General irrigation of mature vineyards. It is in the four periods of sprouting, flowering, berry expansion and post-harvest of grape growth. Irrigate for 3 to 5 times. We should also pay attention to increasing or decreasing the number of irrigation according to the amount of rainfall in the year.

(l) budding water: watering the grapes before they are unearthed to sprout and branch. The effect of strong sprouting water (continuous) after the application of bud-destroying fertilizer is better. Areas with early dry and little rain in spring. It should also be irrigated once to meet the needs of sprouting and branching of grapes.

(2) about 10 days before flowering. Pour water once. Irrigation should be controlled in the future flowering period. In case of rain. Attention should be paid to drainage, which plays a significant role in improving the rate of pollination, fertilization and fruit setting.

(3) when the berries grow to the size of soybeans. Should be combined with fertilization to promote fruit irrigation to promote fruit water: at this time. New shoots are also growing vigorously. The temperature is rising. The water evaporation of leaves is increasing. In urgent need of nutrients and water: when there is little rainfall at this stage. Irrigate once every 15-20 days. To meet the needs of new shoots and berry growth.

(4) fertilizing in autumn should be prepared after fruit harvest. At this time, irrigation combined with basic fertilizer can promote the accumulation of nutrients in the tree. It plays an important role in the growth and fruit of the following year.: in dry areas in winter and spring. Recharge the overwintering frozen water again before preventing the cold. To reduce frost injury and early injury.

(4) Disease and pest control

Control of diseases and insect pests. Prevention should be given priority to. The way of comprehensive management.: first of all. The whole garden is cleaned up every winter. The pruned branches of diseases and insect pests are incinerated and buried deeply. Disinfect the soil, trunk and root. Use stone-sulfur mixture. Pay attention to ventilation and light in summer. Drainage, etc. To reduce the spread of pathogens. There is a disease.

Botrytis cinerea is one of the most common diseases on grapes. Downy mildew. White rot. Black pox.: common methods are used to control these diseases.: for example: 50% carbendazim powder 600 times liquid spray; 50% methyl thiophanate wettable powder 800 times 1000 times liquid spray; 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 500 times liquid spray; 58% carbendazim-manganese zinc wettable powder 600 times liquid.

5 harvesting and packaging

(l) harvesting: when the fruit is slightly transparent. The flesh becomes soft and elastic. Lignification at the base of peduncle. It is yellow and thirsty in color. The tip of the rachis is slightly lignified. Turn brown. The main ear axis can be harvested when the color becomes lighter or yellowish green. The general harvest time is from the end of July to the end of August:

(2) Packaging: generally sold locally, there is no packaging, and export products are generally packed in cartons. Generally, 25kg can be packed in a carton. The big one can hold 5 kilos and can't be packed too much. Otherwise, the grapes at the bottom of the box will be crushed. Affect the quality of fruit.