
Several measures of raising Gardenia jasminoides in summer

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Gardenia has oil-green leaves and fragrant flowers and is a very popular ornamental plant. In addition, it has strict requirements on the environment, so it is especially suitable for planting in the south of China. Gardenia, as a summer flower, takes several measures to blossom.

Gardenia has oil-green leaves and fragrant flowers and is a very popular ornamental plant. In addition, it has strict requirements on the environment, so it is especially suitable for planting in the south of China. Gardenia as a summer flower, the maintenance of several measures, flowering can be "fragrant overflowing".

1. Maintenance location

Flower friends potted gardenia, gardenia can be placed in the east, south, west balcony for management, of which the east, west balcony cultivation effect is the best. On the south balcony, you should avoid places where the sun is too strong. Because it is moderate in height, it can be placed on all kinds of balconies of different sizes.

In the vigorous growth stage, gardenia plants should be placed where they are exposed to direct sunlight for not less than 2 hours a day. The environment should be kept ventilated in summer. It doesn't matter if the temperature is a little lower in winter.

2. Allocation of basin soil

Gardenia should be planted in a well-drained, loose and fertile acid soil. If conditions permit, the basin soil can be made up of rotten leaves, fine sand and garden soil at a ratio of 1:2 by volume. Gardenia plants are moderate in height and slow in growth, and medium-sized flowerpots are usually selected for colonization.

Gardenia likes the wet soil environment and is not resistant to drought, especially in the period of exuberant growth, it is better to keep the basin soil in a slightly dry state.

3. Fertilizer is applied frequently

Gardenia has more demand for fertilizer. In addition to applying about 20 grams of horseshoe slices at the bottom of the flowerpot as base fertilizer, gardenia should also apply a general liquid fertilizer rich in phosphorus and potassium every 10 days in the exuberant stage.

In the rainy season, due to the inconvenient application of liquid fertilizer, chicken manure granule fertilizer can be applied at this time, the dosage is about 5 grams per pot, and it can be scattered on the surface of the basin soil far from the trunk of the plant, otherwise it is easy to "burn" the stem. In the case of sufficient fertilizer, the plant can sprout new branches and the leaves are oily green.

Gardenia likes the environment with sufficient light and is more resistant to shade. It should be shaded in the high temperature stage in summer and autumn, especially at noon, otherwise it is disadvantageous to its growth. The environment should be properly ventilated. Gardenia likes warmth, is slightly hardy, and grows well in the temperature range of 16-28 ℃. The overwintering temperature should not be lower than 5C.

Gardenia jasminoides is a perennial plant with slow growth and long life span. The best viewing time can reach 5-8 years after the seedlings are planted. In the case of not turning the pot, its continuous cultivation should not exceed 2 years.