
These six kinds of flowers like more water and the more they are watered in summer, the more the pots burst and the more they lack water.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, In summer, in addition to the sun, Rain Water is actually quite a lot. Some flowers need to be watered, and some flowers need to be watered frequently. A few days ago, I introduced several kinds of flowers that need to be controlled in summer. I would like to share them with you today.

Summer arrived, in addition to the sun, in fact, rain or quite a lot, some flowers need to control water, some flowers need to be watered frequently, a few days ago to introduce several kinds of summer need to control water flowers, today to share with you, in summer need to water frequently flowers, for reference.

blue snowflake

Blue snow, which is not afraid of sun exposure and loves to explode pots, can be said to be the favorite variety in summer. Blue snow, which can climb out of a flower wall as soon as it blooms, can definitely bring coolness to your home in summer. Whether it is planting flower walls or balcony maintenance, it can definitely light up your own small garden.

Blue snowflake maintenance skills: In summer, blue snow watering once a day is no problem, like wet light good environment, maintenance must be placed in the home light good south balcony, half a month spray potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution, can let blue snow bloom more.

Cynanchum formosanum

In summer, the home absolutely needs a green color of guests, the color is refreshing and good than copper grass, just give water, you can grow a large basin.

Copper money grass maintenance skills: like water, very like water, although it can be raised indoors, but if you want to raise the leaves green and big and round, it must be given the care of the big water sun, half a month or so can add 2-3 compound fertilizer particles in the water, can make the leaves of copper money grass grow bigger than coins.


In addition to the choice of beautiful flowers, good meaning, but also choose to have a certain effect, such as turtleback bamboo, raise a pot at home, can be very good purification of indoor air, it is also a kind of water-loving plants.

Turtle bamboo maintenance skills: like a humid environment, almost every day in summer watering, morning and evening spraying leaves to increase air humidity, placed in indoor astigmatism can be maintained.


Mint, which can repel mosquitoes, soak in water and clear heat, can be said to be one of the must-grow plants in summer. As long as the pot soil is kept moist and the light is appropriate, mint can easily explode.

Mint maintenance skills: must be placed in a well-ventilated position maintenance, otherwise it is easy to yellow leaves, keep the pot soil moist, frequently top pruning, otherwise it is easy to grow.


This season is the flowering period of Gardenia, many flower friends said Gardenia is not easy to raise, buy home is always easy yellow leaves do not bloom, as long as the right method, Gardenia is actually very easy to raise

Gardenia maintenance skills: like water, keep the pot soil moist, put it in a place with sufficient light and astigmatism for maintenance, when buying gardenia, try to choose the original pot with nutrient soil planting, do not buy bare root seedlings without pots, trim the residual flowers in time after flowering.


Flower friends who often raise flowers to death, Bai Xiaomei recommends raising plants such as Adiantum ferns. They used to be weeds. Their vitality is very vigorous. Even if you raise them in the toilet, they will grow very well.

Adiantum maintenance skills: like to engage in humidity environment, in addition to keeping the basin soil moist, but also need to often spray water to increase the air degree of the leaves, if kept in the bathroom, it is best to put it on the ventilated window side.

Of course, in addition to the six species listed above, there are many other plants that are also very fond of water. However, no matter which one it is, it is necessary to pay attention to the maintenance. It must be maintained in a ventilated place. If the ventilation is not good, the plants are easy to appear yellow leaves. In addition, the watering frequency also needs to vary slightly according to the different planting soils. If it is planted in nutritious soil, the water retention is poor, the water evaporates quickly, and the watering should be more frequent. If it is planted in pastoral soil, Relative water evaporation should be slower, summer watering, it is recommended to use the dip pot method, easier to irrigate.

Well, today's sharing is here, flower friends, what other flowers and plants have you raised suitable for summer maintenance? Welcome to leave a message to share the discussion experience, so that more flower friends can raise flowers.