
When does Yushu change the basin? how to change the basin?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Yushu has relatively strong vitality, not only drought and barren tolerance, but also a certain shade tolerance, and its leaves are thick and green, plant shape is beautiful and elegant, as a potted plant, it has high ornamental value.

Yushu has a relatively tenacious vitality, not only drought and barren tolerance, but also has a certain shade tolerance ability, and its leaves are thick and green, beautiful and elegant plant shape, as a potted plant, has a very high ornamental value, very suitable for viewing leaves potted plant appreciation.

However, Yushu in the pot for a long time, because the pot space has certain limitations, destined to the pot soil nutrient content is limited, and as the plant not only consumed, nutrients will be less and less. On the other hand, due to frequent irrigation and fertilizer application, the pot soil is easy to harden after a long time of use, so we need to change the pot regularly to ensure that the plants can maintain normal growth.

All potted plants generally need to be replaced after a long time of pot cultivation, especially for Yushu, a leaf-viewing potted flower plant. Regular pot replacement is very important for maintaining normal growth and ornamental effect. So, when will Yushu change pots? Below, Xiaobian will share these aspects of knowledge for everyone.

In fact, there is no strict time limit for Yushu when to change pots. As long as the current temperature and environment are suitable and the conditions required for its growth can be met, pots can usually be changed. After all, Yushu has a relatively tenacious vitality, as long as it is not adversely affected or restricted by the environment, it will generally not cause too much problem to change pots.

However, as an ordinary family potted user, after all, it cannot be compared with professional growers. Originality: wWw.pJCn.ORg is often lacking in experience and operation specifications. Therefore, under normal circumstances, it is better to change the basin for Yushu in early spring. However, for Yushu potted plants, it is generally better to change pots in March-April every year. So, how does Yushu change pots?

1. First, prepare a flower pot larger than the old pot. If the soil in the original pot is still fertile and loose, you can keep the original soil and only change the pot. However, if the soil in the original pot is relatively hardened and the nutrients are relatively small, it is recommended to replace the pot with new pot soil.

2. After the drainage layer is made in the new pot, take the Yushu out of the original pot and be careful not to hurt the plants. Also remove some of the outer soil and place it in a new pot. Then fill the pot with new soil until all the gaps in the pot are filled. Finally, gently compact the soil around the plant.

3. If the soil hardening phenomenon in the original basin is serious, most of the basin soil should be removed after Yushu is removed from the basin. Only a small portion of the soil should be retained close to the roots and then pruned as needed. It is mainly to cut off the old, weak and sick roots with low absorption ability to promote the germination of new roots and improve the ability to absorb nutrients and water. Then fill the basin again according to the above method.

4, after the completion of the basin change, if the pot soil is relatively dry, you can pour a permeable water; if the wet soil is changed, you can also do not need watering. However, if the temperature is relatively low when changing pots, watering is generally not recommended, because Yushu's cold resistance is relatively poor, once watered, it is easy to let the plants be frostbitten.

Finally, the potted plant is placed in a cool and ventilated place for maintenance, so that it can receive scattered light, but it is necessary to avoid direct sunlight to reduce water evaporation and avoid excessive water loss. After about a week of slow seedling, when the roots of the plants resume growth, they can be watered and increased in light, and they can gradually provide normal maintenance and management work.