
Home is the place where we live to put plants so pleasing to the eye and healthy in body and mind.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Green plants at home can add vitality, bring fresh air, and make people feel at ease. But the placement of green plants is also fastidious, oh, not any plant can be placed at home, and different spaces are different.

Green plants at home can add vitality, bring fresh air, and make people feel at ease. But the placement of green plants is also fastidious, oh, not any plants can be placed at home, and different spaces have different plants.

Grow flowers in the living room

The living room, as a place for daily activities and hospitality, generally has bright light and a wide field of vision, so it is better to put some large-scale foliage potted plants in the corner or entrance, such as rich trees, tortoise-backed bamboos, loose-tailed sunflower, etc., while adding vitality, it will not appear cluttered and hinder walking.

Make a fortune tree

The rich tree means to attract wealth in the living room, and it can also absorb harmful gases such as nitrogen and oxygen compounds, formaldehyde and ammonia in the air.

Maintenance points: rich trees like a warm and humid environment, water is watered every three to five days in summer, and water is sprayed around the leaves every day to keep the air moist, ventilated and ventilated.

Sunflower with loose tail

Loose-tailed sunflower is a palm plant with smooth stems and beautiful appearance. The living room can absorb harmful substances such as benzene, formaldehyde and trichloroethylene in the air, and it can also evaporate water, which is suitable for planting in the north.

Maintenance points: loose-tailed sunflower is more suitable for semi-overcast environment with good ventilation. In summer, according to the principle of dry and moisture penetration, mature liquid fertilizer or compound fertilizer is applied once or twice a week.

Rubber tree

Rubber tree is a very strange-looking plant, indoor living room or table, its plant size is different, there are different leaf colors, in addition to the common green rubber tree, but also dark green, looks particularly charming, the maintenance of rubber trees to give appropriate light, a little more light will make rubber trees grow more exuberant.

Rubber trees like the warm and humid environment all the year round, and pay attention to regular watering and regular cleaning of leaves during the growing period, which is beneficial to give better play to the effect of purifying air. It has a good effect on purifying formaldehyde and can effectively absorb harmful toxins in indoor air.

Grow flowers in the kitchen

The kitchen is greasy, hot and humid, and the light is mostly scattered light, so semi-negative plants such as green pineapple and hanging orchid are raised in the kitchen, which can not only absorb lampblack, but also easy to remove dust.

Green pineapple

Green Luo likes to be wet and semi-overcast, can absorb benzene and formaldehyde in the air, the leaves are dark green and bright, and can also absorb the oil in the kitchen.

Maintenance points: green pineapple maintenance is very simple, like wet but avoid waterlogging, summer every 3-5 days to irrigate a permeable water, to avoid direct light.

Hanging orchid

Hanging orchids like warm and wet, shady and drought-resistant, do not have high requirements for light, can absorb indoor toxic and harmful gases, and can be put in the kitchen to help remove oil fumes, purify the air, and drive away mosquitoes.

Key points of maintenance: the hanging orchid does not require high light, but can not see the light completely, it is best to put it in the place of astigmatism, pay attention to ventilation and ventilation; to often spray water around the leaf surface to maintain air humidity.


Aloe likes heat and fear cold, resistant to semi-shade, high kitchen temperature, scattered light is enough to meet the growth conditions of aloe, at the same time, aloe also has a good ability to resist oil pollution, so it is the best choice for kitchen flowers.

Maintenance points: aloe avoid dampness and fear of waterlogging, watering every 3-5 days in summer to ensure sufficient light and avoid strong light; apply rotten cake fertilizer or peanut bran once a month.

Grow flowers in the study

As a place for reading, calligraphy, research and work, the study is not only an extension of work, but also a part of life. Its temperament is quiet and stable, such as asparagus, orchids, bowl lotus and other potted plants raised in the study, for no reason can make people calm down and get rid of impetuosity.

Asparagus asparagus

Asparagus is also called Yunsong, the branches and leaves are verdant and verdant, like Biyun overlap, indifferent and beautiful, quite literati style.

Key points of conservation: asparagus likes light and moisture, but avoid exposure to the sun in summer, watering every morning and evening to keep the basin soil moist.

Acorus calamus

Literati, perhaps their favorite is a pot of tea, a wisp of incense, a bed of piano, and a pot of calamus. The calamus is cold-resistant, indifferent, elegant and handsome, tall and straight, with the spirit of mountains and forests, without the state of wealth and honor. Acorus calamus is also very shady, so it is a good choice for study plants.

Gladiolus sword leaves are green, dignified and beautiful, like warm and humid climate, shady and humid environment, cold resistance, avoid drought. The suitable growth temperature is 18-28 ℃, and it is maintained in a bright light place.


Orchid, vanilla, one of the four gentlemen in flowers, was born in the valley, Zhijie Defang. Put it in the study and send out a delicate fragrance, which can suddenly make people float, abstain and cultivate virtue.

Key points of maintenance:

Orchids like yin and dampness, afraid of sun bogey, suitable for raising in fertile, loose, slightly sour humic soil, daily maintenance in a semi-shady environment with scattered light, maintain air circulation, fertilization is better light than dense.

Grow flowers in the bedroom

White palm

White palm is a well-known exhaust gas filter, which is an "expert" in inhibiting exhaust gases exhaled by the human body, such as ammonia and acetone. It can also filter benzene, trichloroethylene and formaldehyde in the air. Its high evaporation rate can prevent dryness of nasal mucosa and greatly reduce the possibility of disease. It can play a good role in prevention during the high incidence period of influenza season.

Gentleman orchid

Gentleman orchid is also suitable for the bedroom, because he will not emit carbon dioxide at night, especially in winter, because the weather is cold and the indoor air is not well ventilated, the gentleman orchid will play a good role in regulating the air and keeping the indoor air fresh.

Rich bamboo

Rich bamboo means rich and auspicious, branches and leaves dignified, not only can decorate the bedroom, but also can adjust humidity, absorb waste gas, improve air quality, especially the bedroom with poor ventilation.

Maintenance points: rich bamboo likes shade and waterlogging, can be raised by water or soil, and should be watered less in the environment of high temperature and humidity in summer. Hydroponic bamboo had better change water every other week, and move out for ventilation and light every other week.

Grow flowers in the bathroom

Toilet moisture is big, the light is weak, peculiar smell is heavy, suit to raise some plants that like dampness and endure shade, such as iron line fern, ivy and so on, can absorb peculiar smell, still do not affect growth.

Dryopteris przewalskii

Dryopteris can absorb formaldehyde and other harmful gases; small plant type is called a girl's hair; like warm and wet, suitable for semi-overcast environment, can be raised in a small basin beside the bathtub in the bathroom.

Maintenance points: if the toilet is transparent, you can put the fern on the north windowsill or other places where you can see the light, and keep the basin soil moist.


Ivy has good negative resistance, and there are tiny pores on the leaves that can absorb harmful substances, purify the air, kill bacteria, and put them in bathrooms and bathrooms for maintenance.

Key points of conservation: although the ivy is shady, it is not good to see the sun for a long time. If there are conditions, you can put it in a place where there is scattered light to see the light.

Lily bamboo

Lilium is an evergreen shrub of the tequila family, with persistent roots, green and glossy leaves and golden stripes in the middle of the leaves. It is one of the common cultivated foliage plants in the family.

Lily bamboo likes high temperature and humidity, and its growth is suitable for 20 ℃. It can withstand both drought and humidity. If the temperature is high, the growth is exuberant. Dry and cold in winter can easily cause leaf tip dryness. Should be semi-overcast, avoid strong direct sunlight, overwintering requires more than 12 ℃.

Not all green plants can be put at home. Some plants look beautiful, but they are very toxic, especially when there are babies at home. Be sure to remember not to put these plants: hydrangea, daffodils, mimosa, oleander, bauhinia, poinsettia and so on. Do you remember?

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Reply: plant name (such as fortune tree): view the culture method