
The pros and cons of this wild vegetable are called Hongfeng eating blood and relieving summer heat in summer.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Warm Tip Wo Mu report is intended to share and popularize all kinds of plant information and functions, for reference only, if you need medicine, it is recommended to consult a professional physician to avoid problems! Now most of the friends who live in the countryside will open one in their own backyard.


Wo Mu report is intended to share and popularize all kinds of plant information and functions, for reference only, if you need medicine, it is recommended to consult a professional physician to avoid problems!

Now most of the friends living in the countryside will open a vegetable garden in their own backyard and plant some vegetables they like or some seasonal vegetables, such as green peppers, tomatoes, eggplant, pumpkins, cucumbers and so on. it is a common vegetable in many farmers' friends' vegetable gardens.

However, with the improvement of living standards in rural areas, many rural friends have begun to pay attention to health preservation, and will also plant some valuable wild vegetables in their own vegetable garden, such as houttuynia, purslane, wild amaranth, and so on. Now there is also a special kind of wild vegetable, which has also become a wild vegetable that farmers like to grow in the vegetable garden. It is "Red Phoenix".

This is in the afternoon, the author photographed in the next-door neighbor's house, in fact, red Phoenix is very easy to identify, because its leaves are special, there are two colors, front and back are all green, while the back is all purple.

Speaking of this red Phoenix vegetable, the author thinks that many friends living in the countryside should be familiar with it. It is a traditional "mountain vegetable" in our country. It is said to be a very popular wild vegetable among the people in ancient times, which has a history of nearly a thousand years. And it is also loved by farmers now, especially in Sichuan, Hubei and Guangdong, almost becoming a kind of home-cooked dish.

This is the case with the author's neighbor. according to her, it has been growing this red Phoenix vegetable in the vegetable garden for almost two months, almost every three or five times to eat it, whether it is cold salad, soup, stir-fried or noodles, it is very delicious, and she also said that this kind of wild vegetable is very suitable for women to eat, because red Phoenix vegetables can replenish the blood.

As a matter of fact, the author has eaten red Phoenix vegetables before, but I don't like it because I think it tastes a little strange. And I still remember that when I was a child, my family fed pigs, I often went to the mountains to pick some wild vegetables and weeds to feed pigs, and red Phoenix vegetables was one of them. But now this red Phoenix dish is so popular.

So the author also consulted the relevant information, only to know that the original value of red Phoenix vegetables is so high. According to records, per 100 grams of red Phoenix contains 1.4 grams of calcium, 2.8 grams of potassium, 209 milligrams of iron and a variety of vitamins and other mineral elements, especially its high content of potassium and iron, so it often has the effect of tonifying blood. It is very suitable for anemia, women and those who are prone to dysmenorrhea and deficiency of qi and blood, so it is also called "blood-tonifying dish" or "natural blood-tonifying agent" in folk.

In addition to its high nutritional value and edible value, it also has medicinal value. According to records, red Phoenix cabbage contains anthocyanins, which can be used in medicine, and has the effects of clearing heat and cooling blood, promoting blood circulation, hemostasis, detoxification and detumescence. It can be used to treat symptoms such as hemoptysis, bleeding, traumatic bleeding, dysmenorrhea, dysentery, ulcers and so on. In addition, it can be used to boil water and drink and relieve thirst and summer heat.

It is precisely because of these values that red Phoenix vegetables are becoming more and more popular. In rural areas (such as my neighbors), many farmers and friends will grow this kind of wild vegetables in the vegetable garden.

Dear friends, have you ever eaten "red Phoenix vegetables"? Welcome to leave a message and exchange!

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