
Afforestation technique of Carthamus tinctorius seedlings

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Although Carthamus tinctorius is native to the south of China, it has become a high-quality ornamental tree in courtyard scenic spots because of its huge ornamental value. As a stone gate.

Cultivation Techniques of Safflower Lotus

1 Introduction

Although Safflower lotus is native to the south of China, it is loved by many people because of its great ornamental value, and has become a high-quality ornamental tree selected for the current courtyard scenic spot. As a unique ornamental plant in Shimen Park, Safflower Lotus has become a scenic forest area of several thousand mu through continuous planting. When Safflower is open, it attracts a large number of literati, photography enthusiasts and tourists every year, driving the development of local tourism and creating great economic value for the local area.

2. The cultivation value of safflower

2.1 ornamental value

Safflower lotus trunk tall and straight, can grow to about 12m, branches spread around, the overall image of the tree is beautiful; it is an evergreen tree, leathery leaves, oval, dark green surface, with luster, the back has a layer of blue wax powder, very beautiful; as a relatively large number of flowering trees, its flowering period is particularly long, can last from late December to April of the following year, blooming in March to April of the year. When the safflower lotus blooms, the tree is full of safflower, the scenery is very spectacular, so it is of great ornamental value.

2.2 wood processing

Safflower lotus trunk is relatively strong, and hard texture, corrosion resistance, wood was reddish brown or brown, the quality is relatively small, easy to process. Therefore, it is also a kind of high-quality wood material, which is generally used as furniture, building decoration and vehicle parts, which not only drives the growth of local forestry economy, but also solves the employment problem of local people, promotes the deep processing of forestry, and is conducive to the economic development of primary and secondary industries.

2.3 medical value

Safflower lotus is not only an ornamental plant, but also has medical value. The leaves of safflower lotus can be used as medicine, and its main effect is to treat trauma, especially to treat knife wounds. At the same time, safflower lotus leaf tablets can treat bleeding. Honghua lotus honey also has certain medicinal value, nectar has the effect of eliminating rheumatism, activating blood circulation and dispersing blood stasis, detumescence and pain, etc. It is very effective for treating rheumatism, lumbar muscle strain, traumatic stasis and postpartum wind paralysis.

3. Techniques for seedling raising of safflower lotus

3.1 raising seedling

3.1.1 Seed collection

If you use seeds to raise seedlings, you must choose high-quality safflower seeds. Generally, you should choose healthy and disease-free trees with a growth period of more than 15 years. It is best to use trees with straight appearance, vigorous growth and sufficient light as mother plants. Seed collection time is generally selected in October to November of each year. This period is the mature period of safflower seeds. When the fruits mature, they will crack and the seeds will scatter easily. Therefore, when collecting seeds, observe the fruit first, and it is better to change the fruit from cyan to yellow-green, preferably before the seeds crack. After collection, the seeds can be air-dried in the shade until the shells crack, and then the plump seeds are selected and sealed for storage until they are ready for planting.

3.1.2 Sowing

Sow safflower lotus seeds, January of each year the best season. Before sowing, the land must be leveled. Because the seeds of safflower lotus are relatively small, they can be fully mixed with fine sand when sowing and sown into the land. In particular, after sowing, cover the land with a layer of burning soil, about 0.3~0.5cm, then cover it with a layer of straw, and finally water it. After the weeds in the field are cleaned up, circular furrows 5~10cm deep are dug between the plants, and then fertilizer is sprinkled into the furrows, and then covered with topsoil to avoid fertility loss. The fertilizer application amount for each plant of safflower lotus was 0.1kg in that year, and increased year by year after that.

3.1.3 Transplantation

When the seeds were sown for about 20 days, they had germinated and emerged. At this time, water the seedlings frequently and keep the soil moist until the seedlings grow to 3 - 4 leaves and can be transplanted. This transplant is to transplant the seedlings from the land to the nutrient bag, and strengthen the management of water and fertilizer for the seedlings until the seedlings grow to about 30cm and can be removed from the nursery for the next link of afforestation project [Jishan Huayao].

3.2 cutting propagation

3.2.1 Seed bed preparation

In order to create an environment suitable for the growth of safflower lotus, the preparation of seedbed must be carefully selected, the conditions closest to the growth of safflower lotus trees must be selected, and the seedlings should grow healthily and improve the quality of seedlings. 80% yellow soil and 20% river sand can be fully mixed as a substrate for seedling, before cutting, the seedbed should be watered first, the substrate should be wetted, and then 0.25% potassium permanganate solution should be used to disinfect the soil, so as to avoid the presence of viruses and bacteria in the soil and substrate, affecting the growth of seedlings.

3.2.2 Cutting treatment

In order to cultivate high-quality safflower lotus seedlings, we must be careful when cutting mother plants and cuttings, and try to choose safflower lotus without pests and good growth. After selecting the mother plant, select the lignified branches of the current year on the sunny side and use them as cuttings. The length of the cuttings is usually 6~8cm, and one leaf must be left at the top. When collecting cuttings, the incision should be flat and inclined downward to reduce trauma to the mother plant. If necessary, the incision should be smeared with chemicals and disinfected to avoid infection and affect the growth of trees. The cuttings collected should be soaked in 2000mg/L naphthylacetic acid solution for 30min, which can achieve the purpose of disinfection and effectively improve the survival rate of cuttings.

3.2.3 Cutting

Safflower lotus seedlings using cuttage, generally cutting is inclined to insert the way, cutting depth should not be too deep, not too shallow, keep about 1/2 of the cuttings is better. The cuttings are inserted into the soil and then watered to make the soil thoroughly watered. Finally, you can use iron or bamboo poles to build a small arch shed, covered with plastic film, which not only plays a role in keeping warm and cold, but also can maintain indoor humidity, effectively improving the survival rate of cuttage seedlings.

3.3 tissue culture

3.3.1 Surface sterilization

The best sterilization method is to treat the stems with axillary buds with 75% alcohol for 10s +0.1%HgCl2 for 8min, while the stems with terminal buds are treated with 75% alcohol for 10s +0.1%HgCl2 for 5 min. After disinfection, the bacteria on the surface of the leaf bud can be completely killed, so that when tissue culture is carried out, the mortality rate of the tissue is reduced, and the culture cost is reduced.

3.3.2 Primary culture

In order to culture the primary tissues well, the optimum medium composition can be used, such as MS+6-1.5mg/L+NAA0.2mg/L. The experimental results showed that the initiation rate of stem segments with axillary buds was 96%, the callus induction rate was 91%, the bud index of safflower was over 1.8, the initiation rate of terminal buds was 86.34%, the callus induction rate was 76%, and the bud index was 1.6.

3.3.3 Subculture

WPM+6-BA 0.5mg/L+ NAA 0.2mg/L was the best combination for subculture. The multiplication multiple could reach 4.2.

3.3.4 Rooting culture

The optimum formula for rooting culture was 1/2WPM+NAA 0.2 mg/L+ IBA 0.5 mg/L. The rooting time was shortened obviously, and the rooting rate of plants could reach 84.34%. The roots of the cultured tissues developed healthily and the number was relatively large. The root system of each plant was about 4, and the degree was 2~ 3 cm. After rooting, Safflower lotus could be transplanted. The best transplantation medium was the mixture of peat and vermiculite, the ratio of peat and vermiculite was 1∶1. At this time, the seedling survival rate of Safflower lotus was the highest and grew well.

4. Afforestation techniques of safflower lotus

4.1 land consolidation

Before afforestation, land leveling must be done well, which is also the preparation for planting safflower. The surface of the land should be flat and free of excessive clods. The hole-in-hole method is usually adopted. After the land is leveled, the hole-in-hole size is kept at about 50cm×50cm×40cm, and the row spacing between plants is 2.5 m ×3m. After digging, it is necessary to increase the base fertilizer in the hole, usually using compound fertilizer, 0.15kg fertilizer in each hole, and then apply 0.2~0.25kg calcium superphosphate [Jishan Huayao].

4.2 seedling planting

In order to improve the survival rate of seedlings, transplanting time should also be selected well. Try not to transplant in winter, this period of transplanting, will make the growth function of plants to the lowest, and the climate is not conducive to plant growth, if you choose to transplant safflower lotus at this time, not only will make the growth of plants slow, but also the mortality rate is extremely high. Therefore, the transplanting time should be set in spring and the planting should be completed before April. The best planting time is after rain. At this time, the soil is relatively moist. After opening the nutrient bag of safflower lotus, put it into the dug tree hole together with the root soil ball. After letting the seedlings stand upright, compact the soil around the right side with your feet. After planting, the seedlings should be inspected regularly. If dead plants are found, they should be removed in time and replanted in time.

4.3 field management

For the seedlings that have been transplanted, the next step is to carry out tending work. This is a relatively long-term work, generally three years in a row, twice a year. The first time is from May to June every year, and the second time is from October to November. In tending work, the main work content is to clean weeds, root loosening and fertilization. In addition, the pest control work of safflower lotus should be done well. During the growth period, trichlorfon with a concentration of 90% can be sprayed regularly for 2~3 times, or 80% marathon emulsion with 500~600 times solution can effectively prevent the occurrence of pests and diseases.