
How to use a foam box to build a mini meat garden?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Curator: we often see many people grow flowers and vegetables in foam boxes in the community. In fact, it is also excellent to grow meat in foam boxes, and it is also cheap and durable. The following I decompose the specific steps according to the picture: 1, take the bubble.


Picture and text: curator

We often see many people grow flowers and vegetables in foam boxes in the community. In fact, it is also excellent to grow meat in foam boxes, and it is also cheap and durable.

I will break down the specific steps according to the diagram below:

1. Take a foam box and insert a hole at the bottom.

2. Put a layer of large ceramsite or volcanic stone or large burnt and soaked beacon coals at the bottom to increase the permeability of the filtered water.

3. Release soil (self-made): coconut bran, peat soil, and burnt and soaked beacon coals are crushed, and mixed with carbendazim dry powder (sterilization) and insecticides, such as furan, Tachongdan, etc.

4. The top is supplemented by a layer of Fengwo coal particles or granular soil.

For leaf insertion, first transplant the leaf seedlings that have taken root and sprout in the vegetable basket or non-hole basin (on how to insert leaves, which have been explained in detail in several of my articles (leaf inserts), and leave them in a sunny and ventilated place for one month. During this period, keep the soil slightly wet (the seedlings are very thirsty, the soil can not be too dry). A month later, spring and autumn will be able to move outdoors in the sun and rain! Because of the strong sun and high temperature in summer, the seedlings will be sunburned and die if they are not careful. Winter temperature is low, but also easy to frostbite frostbite or the formation of stiff seedlings!

The leaves in the picture above grow up day by day ~ because they were too dense before, some of them have been removed, so we should pay attention to leave room for later growth in the leaf insertion, otherwise too dense will inhibit each other's growth.

Leaf cuttings can be carried outdoors about 2cm, and most of the scenic days are suitable for dew. After a sun and rain, they grow healthily and happily like bamboo shoots after a spring rain.

The hot summer is coming, and my flesh is still left on the roof without a sunshade net. On rainy days, you can be lazy and basically don't care; if it doesn't rain, you have to water it every other day, especially the seedlings, you need to replenish water in time.

For defense (demonstration with white bear and yellow bear), steps: 1, a foam box; 2, a hole at the bottom; 3, put a layer of large ceramsite or volcanic stone at the bottom to filter water and breathable; 4, release soil (self-made): coconut bran, peat soil, and burnt beacon coals are broken; and mix in carbendazim dry powder (sterilization) and insecticides, such as furan, Tushuangdan, etc. 5. Sprinkle rooting powder or add a layer of vermiculite or vermiculite at the top to facilitate rooting. 6. Insert a few holes in the soil with wooden chopsticks first (very critical), then put the bear that has its head cut off to dry the roots, and Ligan drills down; 7. The soil is slightly wet (very important). It is good to take root only when there is moisture. Move to a sunny (glass) ventilated place and rest, do not touch it (it is critical), take root naturally in about a month (yellow bear and white bear take root slowly, others such as ice berries, take root in about 2 weeks).

Defending the White Bear

Yellow Bear in Cuttage

The black mage in the cuttings, the original species of the black mage, the love of dyeing brocade, the splendor of the sun

The female chicks in the cuttings, the clotting lotus, the new jade affix and the leaves

The following are all meat grown in foam boxes!

Potted grass series such as: Golden Sea Basin, thin snow ten thousand grass, Jixing beauty, pill leaf ten thousand grass and so on are suitable for cheap breeding, like cutting leeks with hair cut, sprinkled in the soil do not care about it, it will grow crazily!

Purple cashmere and other mages are suitable for slightly higher foam boxes, because the plants are tall and the roots are strong, and there is room for infinite downward extension!

In the past, I also liked to put meat into pots one by one, but later more and more pots were raised, and the pots were not enough, and in order to save money, I turned to a variety of large soil pots, vegetable pots, plastic baskets, vegetable baskets, fruit baskets, foam boxes, etc., and finally put it into practice in outdoor breeding, and the foam box with the highest comprehensive performance-to-price ratio. Why? Because the heat preservation and water retention is the strongest. People may be even more puzzled! Won't a lot of water cover the roots? The rooftop sun is long, the ultraviolet is strong, the wind is strong, and the water is easy to evaporate. Proper water retention is conducive to the growth of meat. Especially on rainy days, Rain Water is rich in trace elements, which is conducive to plant growth.

About the distribution of soil: this is a question of relativity.

1. If you want to reproduce quickly, there are more particles in the soil or do not use it directly, such as part of the greenhouse, you can also get more fertilizer, the sedum grows like cabbage, and each heart is thicker than your fingers; if you want to control the outstanding state or play with old piles, there are more particles in the soil and less soil, such as players, basically do not need fertilizer, only for appreciation!

2, landmark high temperature and high humidity, long plum rain season, more overcast and wet days, more particles in the soil, good ventilation and water, otherwise more than one root of water is easy to decompose and clock water, dead!

3. The leaf-inserted soil should be soft and strong in water retention, with more soil and less particles, and the proportion of granular soil can be increased properly after growing up.

4. The standard configuration of succulent soil: peat soil, coconut bran and perlite, the specific proportion is slightly better at 2:1:1. It can be mixed with granular soil or sand to increase air permeability and water repellency. I want to save money (soil is a big expense! ), replace granular soil with beehive coal (which must be burnt thoroughly, soaked and washed to remove dust and fire gas, otherwise it will burn roots). Practice has proved that it is cheap and easy to use. But the general meat friends grow their own play, the amount is not large, the suggestion is still granular soil, one is more ornamental, the other is to avoid trouble!

All mixed together, like a platter, there is also a problem, "one prosperity, one loss." For example, in case worms get sick, they will infect each other, so burying insecticides in the soil in advance is the key, and regular protection should be done, just like the washing liquid water that I wash clothes every week is never wasted, pots of meat are watered, insecticidal and germicidal. Regardless of the use of targeted medication, family medicine is the first to protect the spirit of flowers, low toxicity and comprehensive! Stronger medicine can be used outdoors, such as scale insects, scale will be used, etc., poisonous and effective, use a tube for three months; for powdery mildew, use Cuibei, spray each leaf on both sides, spray several more times, and fill the soil with potions. Powdery mildew is a stubborn disease, easy to spread and not easy to root, so no matter what medicine (I have used Huasheng and carbendazim to spray on the water several times, it is impossible to make it right at once! It must be bombed repeatedly until it is good.

And no matter whether the meat is raw or sick, it will not die at 01:30 under open-air conditions, as long as pertinent medication will be cured!

I often put different kinds of meat in the foam box, one in the east and one in the west, and play at will. Over a long period of time, it has more natural beauty of "natural carving". Looking ahead, it is colorful and colorful, like pieces of color palettes scattered on the earth, beautiful!

In fact, happiness is very simple, as long as we sow seeds with our hearts and reap what we sow!

Let's do it! Don't worry, our mini meat garden is so simple that it can be done in a foam box!

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