
Beware | these four kinds of flowers are the most difficult to raise in summer because they are all dead if you don't pay attention to them.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Flower cultivation Daquan & nbsp; Subscription account Click to follow, Hua Hua teaches you to grow flowers! Camellias, rhododendrons, Phalaenopsis and other flowers have always been popular, but also recognized as difficult to raise! Even if it is taken care of like a child, it is still.

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Camellias, rhododendrons, Phalaenopsis and other flowers have always been popular, but also recognized as difficult to raise! Even if it is taken care of as carefully as a child, it still says that it will die. Huahua will teach you some summer skills!

How to raise camellias in summer?

Flower cultivation Daquan

The blooming period of camellias has passed, but if you want to open the pot again, summer maintenance management is the key.

1. Pruning after flowering

Be sure to remove the remaining flowers and trim overdense twigs, cross branches, dead branches and diseased branches to enhance plant ventilation and reduce nutrient consumption in preparation for the next round of flowering!

When pruning, cut the branches obliquely downward, the cut is straight, the scissors should be sharp, and the wound is smooth and easier to heal.

2. Summer watering

Camellias like a warm and humid slightly acidic environment. In summer, they should be watered every morning and sprayed around the plant to maintain high air humidity. The stagnant water in the basin should be emptied in time on a rainy day.

Florists in the north should pay attention to storing the tap water for 2 days, volatilizing the chlorine and then watering the flowers; you can also drop a few drops of ferrous sulfate solution in the tap water and water the flowers after acidizing treatment.

3. Summer illumination

Camellia like light but avoid the sun, is a semi-negative plant, outdoor maintenance should be properly shaded, indoor maintenance can be placed in a bright scattered light, pay attention to ventilation.

4. Fertilization in summer

Camellia likes fertilizer, and mature liquid fertilizer or compound fertilizer should be applied every half a month or so in summer.

5. Pest control in summer

Camellia is easy to be infected with leaf spot and blight in summer. 50% carbendazim 1000-fold solution can be used to spray plants or irrigate roots. When the pest is serious, 50% omethoate 1000 times liquid can be sprayed every 10 days or so for control.

How to raise cuckoos in summer?

Flower cultivation Daquan

Post-flowering pruning

1. After flowering, we should first cut off the abortive flowers to save nutrients; for overdense branches and weak branches, we should also cut off them in time to regulate their growth and development, and at the same time increase ventilation and light transmission.

2. When diseased branches are found, they should be removed in time to reduce the spread of diseases and insect pests.

2. Summer watering

Water transpiration is fast in summer, so water should be watered before 10:00 and after 4 p.m., dry and thoroughly, to keep the basin soil moist, but not stagnant water, do not water flowers with alkali water.

3. Summer illumination

Azalea cool and ventilated semi-shady environment, afraid of heat and sun, summer should be properly shaded, or placed in the indoor bright windowsill maintenance.

4. Fertilization in summer

After rhododendron, new leaves germinate and branches grow, and thin nitrogen fertilizer can be applied every 15 days or so, but when the summer temperature is too high, the plant grows slowly or enters a dormant period.

5. Pest control in summer

Rhododendron is prone to iron deficiency chlorosis, leaf blight and black spot in summer. after infection is found, the diseased plant should be cut off in time, and disinfected with potassium permanganate solution or carbendazim diluted 500 ~ 1000 times, then rinse with clean water and re-change the soil on the basin.

How to raise Phalaenopsis in summer?

Flower cultivation Daquan

1. Pruning after flowering

After Phalaenopsis enters June, the blooming period has passed, and it must be pruned at this time, otherwise it will affect the next round of flowering.

Cut the flower stem from the base with 4-5 nodes and blossom again after 2 to 3 months; if you want to bloom better in the coming year, it is best to cut off the flower stem altogether.

2. Summer watering

The water evaporates quickly in summer, so it can be watered once every morning and evening, dry and thoroughly, keep the soil slightly wet, check the root system at regular intervals to prevent the water from rotting, and reduce watering after entering the dormant period.

3. Summer illumination

Phalaenopsis like shade, like ventilation, avoid muggy, summer outdoor to shade 50% to 70%, indoor in astigmatism maintenance.

4. Fertilization in summer

During the growth period, compound fertilizer can be applied once a week, nitrogen fertilizer and potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be used alternately, and fertilization can be stopped when the growth is slow at high temperature.

5. Disease prevention in summer

Soft rot is the number one killer of Phalaenopsis in summer, which usually occurs on stems and leaves. Once found, barrier treatment should be done in time, rotten leaves or stems should be cut off, and fungicides such as methyl thiophanate and carbendazim should be smeared. Then the diseased orchid is isolated and placed in a ventilated place for maintenance.

How to raise Rieger Begonia in summer?

Flower cultivation Daquan

1. Pruning after flowering

After the full bloom in June, it is necessary to prune the failed flowers to save nutrients and make the next round of flowers bloom better.

Cut off the branches that are too dense and fine, thinning and ventilating, and reduce virus infection at the same time.

2. Summer watering

When it is hot in summer, the growth is slow, watering should be controlled, and stagnant water in the basin should be removed in time to prevent rotten roots from black rot.

3. Summer illumination

Rieger crabapple is a short-day plant. It should be shaded in summer and placed on a cool and ventilated windowsill.

4. Pest control

Family cultivation of Rieger Begonia has fewer diseases and insect pests. Fungicides should be sprayed regularly to prevent soft rot and powdery mildew. Carbendazim 1000 times liquid spray can be used.

These four kinds of flowers are said to be the most difficult to raise.

Flower friends, how did you raise it?

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