
When women get older, they should eat more of these wild vegetables, which can calm the mind, resist aging, lower cholesterol, help digestion and so on.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The flower of cauliflower has the effect of invigorating the stomach, dredging milk and tonifying blood, and those who are insufficient in milk secretion during lactation can play the role of dredging milk; the root has the effect of diuresis and detumescence, which can be used to treat edema and adverse urination; leaves are calming.

The flower of cauliflower has the effect of invigorating the stomach, dredging milk and tonifying blood, and the insufficient milk secretion of lactating women can play the role of dredging milk; the root has the effect of diuresis and detumescence, which can be used to treat edema and adverse urination; leaves have the effect of calming the nerves and can treat neurasthenia, restlessness, edema and other diseases. It is customary that the roots of all kinds of day lilies are used in medicine, but only the buds of day lilies are used as food. Cauliflower has better brain-strengthening and anti-aging effect because it is rich in lecithin, which is a component of many cells in the body, especially brain cells, which plays an important role in enhancing and improving brain function. at the same time, it can remove deposits in the arteries, and has a special effect on symptoms such as inattention, memory loss and cerebral artery obstruction, so it is called "brain-strengthening vegetable". According to other studies, cauliflower can significantly reduce the content of serum cholesterol, which is beneficial to the rehabilitation of patients with hypertension, and can be used as a health vegetable for patients with hypertension. Cauliflower also contains active ingredients that can inhibit the growth of cancer cells, and rich crude fiber can promote fecal excretion, so it can be used as a food for the prevention and treatment of intestinal cancer.

Native ginseng, the name of traditional Chinese medicine. Definition: this product is the root of Portulaca oleracea. Pick it from August to September, dig it out, wash it, remove the fine roots, scrape off the epidermis, steam and dry. The main functions are: invigorating the spleen and moisturizing the lungs, relieving cough and regulating menstruation. Treatment of spleen deficiency, fatigue, diarrhea, lung fatigue, expectoration with blood, dizziness, hot flashes, night sweats, irregular menstruation. Moisturize the lungs and stop coughing. Treat dryness, heat, cough and weakness after illness. Fill milk, aid digestion, invigorate body and quench thirst. Treat expectoration with blood. Tonifying the middle and replenishing qi, moistening the lungs and promoting fluid, cooling blood and reducing swelling. After treatment, body deficiency, fatigue, cough, enuresis, irregular menstruation, boil. Nourish and strengthen. Treat dizziness, tinnitus, dizziness, and women.

Leaves contain a variety of vitamins and calcium, iron, cultivated as vegetables, can also be ornamental. The whole herb is used as a laxative and has the effect of slippery intestines, heat dissipation, defecation and defecation; flower juice has the effect of clearing blood and detoxification, can detoxify acne, external application to treat carbuncle and nipple rupture. Fruit juice can be used as a harmless food colorant. The nutritional value is very high, according to the determination, every 1 kg edible part contains 17 grams of protein, 2 grams of fat, 31 grams of carbohydrates, 2.05 grams of calcium, 290 milligrams of phosphorus, 22 milligrams of iron, and 45.5 milligrams of carotene, 10 milligrams of niacin and 1.02 grams of vitamin C1.02 grams (ranking first in leafy greens). It has the effects of slippery intestines, promoting bowels, clearing heat, detoxification, invigorating the brain, lowering cholesterol and so on. It can reduce blood pressure, benefit the liver, clear heat and cool blood, and prevent constipation. Is there any in your hometown?