
Five common misoperations of raising dead potted gardenia to promote perennial flowering

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, To maintain gardenia, you need to avoid the following five wrong ways of growing flowers and master correct maintenance skills in order to promote gardenia to blossom all the year round. Many people like to keep a pot of gardenia at home, which has creamy white fragrant flowers.

To maintain gardenia, you need to avoid the following five wrong ways of growing flowers and master correct conservation skills in order to promote gardenia to bloom all the year round. Many people like to keep a pot of gardenia at home, which has creamy white fragrant flowers. Most people like it, even in the north, it is also a very popular indoor potted plant.

Gardenia has relatively high requirements for the environment, a little improper maintenance, it is easy to cause leaf yellow, serious will wither, do not want to let it bloom year after year.

Misunderstanding 1. The soil was not tested before planting

Problem: gardenia does not like high pH soil. Alkaline soil will prevent the root growth of gardenia and prevent the root system from absorbing iron, magnesium and other minerals needed to promote the healthy growth of gardenia.

Solution: test the soil before planting and adjust the pH value to between 5.0 and 6.5. The soil test kit can be bought directly from online stores in many horticultural centers, or you can buy some pH test paper yourself, then choose some soil and soak it in pure water. After half an hour, soak the PH test paper in it to test the acidity and basicity of the soil.

If the soil is too alkaline, it is easy to yellowing leaves after planting gardenia, and then it is easy to lead to yellow leaf disease or Fusarium wilt, which is because the lack of iron in the soil will hinder the production of chlorophyll, which is not conducive to growth.

You can add more compost soil or peat soil to increase acidity, and give acid fertilizer regularly during maintenance, such as common ferrous sulfate solution, or water-soluble aluminum sulfate, etc., directly sprayed into branches and soil.

Misunderstanding 2. The rhizome of gardenia is too deep.

Problem: gardenia should not be planted in a low-lying environment, too deep will affect the branches, but also easy to rot roots and stems. Gardenia planted in flowerpots should have more space and choose containers with good drainage.

Solution: gardenia cultivated in the ground can be covered with soil, which can avoid growing weeds, help retain more nutrients and promote flowering.

Misunderstanding 3. Keep gardenias in a dry house

Problem: gardenia in winter need to pay attention to cold, avoid freezing, but the indoor air is too dry, will affect the growth of gardenia, but also easy to infect pink scale and red spider, easy to cause diseases and insect pests.

Solution: gardenia should be raised in a room with a temperature between 18 and 25 degrees Celsius. When the air is dry, you can put some pebbles on the tray under the flowerpot, then put some water on the pebbles, and finally put the flowerpot on top of the pebbles. This can increase air humidity, or spray water around to increase relative humidity.

It is found that diseases and insect pests should be cleared in time to avoid their excessive reproduction, such as spraying mites on infected red spiders, pink scale spraying imidacloprid in time, and so on.

Misunderstanding 4. Regular watering

Problem: gardenia can not be watered every few days or weeks, depending on weather conditions and temperature. Rainfall and drought, cloudy and sunny days vary in watering frequency.

Solution: before each watering, make sure that the soil 3cm to 5cm below the soil surface is dry, and then need to be watered thoroughly, do not water too frequently or not for a long time, usually remove the surrounding weeds in time, otherwise affect the gardenia flower to grow new buds and leaves. Tap water is best kept in a container for a few days to avoid making the soil alkaline.

Misunderstanding 5. Put the gardenia in the shade

Problem: gardenia needs more light to promote flowering, and its leaves can grow brighter and brighter with enough light, which is conducive to healthy growth.

Solution: let gardenia slowly increase the light, avoid growing in the shade, in the hot summer sun can be properly shaded in the afternoon to avoid excessive exposure.

Gardenia as an indoor pot conservation also needs sufficient light to keep the environment ventilated, otherwise it is not good to raise gardenia.

By mastering the above maintenance skills, you can basically keep gardenia blooming year after year.