
You don't have to worry about a straw to keep your succulent plants safe in summer.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Editor: as soon as Yang Jie came to summer, the fleshy flower friends in her family began to get nervous, and the whole person was on alert, no matter whether it was watering or lighting, strictly according to the secret books of posts found from everywhere, for fear of being careless.

Editor: Yang Jie

In summer, the flower friends who raised too much meat at home began to get nervous one after another. The whole person entered a state of alert. No matter if it was watering or lighting, they strictly followed the posts and secret manuals they found everywhere, afraid that they would die if they were not careful.

However, there was nothing he could do about it. Who asked the meat to rot easily in summer? Sometimes, before he could find the problem, the meat in the house would die and only the pots were left. After all, when they first bought the meat, everyone was looking forward to it. Seeing the black rot scene, no one could stand it.

Cause of death

In fact, the reason for summer meat black rot is very simple, that is, watering problems. First of all, water must not be cut off in summer, otherwise meat will not get enough water to maintain its own defense system, so meat will be more vulnerable to fungal infection.

Of course, some people said, I did not cut off water, on the contrary, I will also water more meat from time to time, but in the end still can not get rid of the end of black rot, why is this?

In fact, the main reason why most people's meat will hang up in summer is that if the moisture in the soil cannot be discharged in time after watering, plus the summer temperature is too high, the air humidity is high, the root system respiration is not smooth, the immunity of the plant will be greatly reduced, so that the meat is more likely to black rot.

Solution coup

Since the root system was exposed to too much water, if water was not allowed to contact the root system, it would not be easy for the meat to rot. Of course, if you simply water it, water will inevitably seep into the bottom of the pot, leading to water in the roots.

At this time, if you use a straw to make a few holes in it and pour water in, then the water will seep into the surrounding soil, and the water flowing to the bottom of the basin will of course become less. This method can avoid the fleshy black rotten roots to the greatest extent.

operation method

1, first, prepare a thicker straw, in the middle and lower parts of the straw with scissors and other tools to make a few small holes, the number of small holes can be adjusted with the size of the fleshy pot;

2. Then insert the straw into the soil. Pay attention to the position of the straw away from the fleshy root system when inserting, so as to avoid damaging the fragile rhizome of the plant;

3. Then pour water into the straw with an elbow bottle, which can be filled directly at one time. Anyway, the whole straw can not hold a lot of water, which will not cause too much meat and water. About 10 cm of pot 5 straw water can be used.

4. After that, it can be found that the soil in the meat-rich basin gradually becomes moist, but the soil will not become sticky, which is just suitable for the meat-rich summer soil environment;

5, of course, or according to the size of the meat pot to make some minor adjustments, for example, a larger pot can be inserted into a few straws, has entered the dormant period of meat into a straw of water can be poured.

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