
Cultivation techniques of fresh fruit mulberry hanging fruit trees

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Cultivation technology of fresh fruit mulberry hanging fruit tree the fruit of mulberry is purple-red in color, sweet and sour in flavor, rich in nutrition and high in medicinal value. the fruit is ripe in early May and is in the season of lack of spring fruit. The fruit mulberry tree.

Cultivation techniques of fresh fruit mulberry hanging fruit trees

Mulberry fruit has bright purple color, sweet and sour flavor, rich nutrition and high medicinal value. The fruit matured in early May and is in the season of lack of spring fruit. Fruit mulberry tree shape is beautiful, both fruit and leaf, fruit can also be processed juice, etc., with good ecological, economic and tourism value. The cultivation techniques of fruit mulberry trees are introduced as follows, which can be used as a reference for the majority of fruit mulberry growers.

1 Spring management of hanging fruit trees

1.1 budding stage

The germination period is in the middle and last ten days of March in Hefei area, when there are more Rain Water and frequent cold air, it is necessary to clear ditches and drain water in the field and remove weeds in the field so as not to create a breeding environment for the disease. In case of dry weather, irrigation should be carried out to keep the soil moist. If the temperature is below 0 ℃ (figure 1), field fumigation must be carried out to keep warm if planted in the open field.

Fig. 1 harm of cold in late spring

1.2 flowering and fruiting stage

The main results are as follows: (1) the flowering and fruiting stage is at the beginning of April, topdressing expanding fruit fertilizer to promote the enlargement of young fruit, applying 250 grams of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer to plants and digging holes.

(2) after 7 leaves were grown on the new shoot of the fruiting branch, the method of 'pinching 7 and leaving 6' was adopted to remove the heart, and 6 leaves were enough to ensure the growth of fruit.

(3) when the mulberry fruit is about to mature from late April to early May, the dense leaves in the middle and lower parts of the branches should be properly removed to facilitate ventilation and light transmission and increase the sugar content of the fruit.

1.3 Disease and pest control

The main diseases and insect pests of fruit mulberry in Hefei area are Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and mulberry longicorn beetles. local red spider damage may occur in case of drought. The comprehensive control measures with the combination of agricultural control, physical control and chemical control were adopted. Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, commonly known as ginkgo disease, is one of the main diseases of fruit mulberry, mainly harming mulberry fruit and overwintering with sclerotia. The sclerotia fell to the ground with mulberry. In the first ten days of April of the following year, there were more Rain Water when mulberry blossoms, the temperature difference between day and night was large, and the relative humidity was high, which was suitable for sclerotia growth. Sclerotia in soil could infect mulberry flowers through the sun, produce ascospores and spores, and then harm the fruit. If the control is not strengthened, the yield and quality of mulberry will be affected, and no grain will be harvested seriously (figure 2).

Fig. 2 Sclerotinia sclerotiorum damage

1.3.1 Agricultural prevention and control (1) sparse planting as far as possible, increase ventilation and light transmission, reduce humidity and reduce the occurrence of diseases. (2) opening ditches to reduce humidity, smooth the ditch system inside and outside the mulberry orchard, ensure that the rain stops the field and dry, reduce the humidity in the field, and reduce the breeding opportunity of germs. (3) ploughing and clearing the garden, clearing the withered branches and leaves in winter and burning them in time; ploughing and weeding and burying sclerotia. (4) the combination of pruning in winter, choking in spring and picking leaves in fruiting period can make the mulberry garden ventilated and transparent, improve the ability of disease resistance, and be beneficial to chemical control. (5) if mulberry longicorn beetles are found to harm the branches, the larvae can be controlled by injecting wormholes or inserting drug labels, and the adults can be caught manually. (6) after pruning and clearing the garden in winter, smear the tree trunk with stone-sulfur mixture and spread lime on the tree plate to reduce the reproduction of bacteria.

1.3.2 physical control in the early stage of germination, covering the ground with colored plastic film to prevent the contact between underground spores and fruits, is especially effective in the areas where ginkgo disease occurs again.

1.3.3 Chemical control chemical control should adopt pesticides with high efficiency, low toxicity and low residue to prevent and control thoroughly as soon as possible. The first application was in the middle of March, about 7 days before mulberry bud germination, the branches and ground were sprayed with 1 500 mg / L potassium permanganate. For the second time, when the mulberry buds first sprouted in late March, the trees and the ground were sprayed with 50% carbendazim wettable powder 600 mg / L. The third flowering period is in the first and middle April, which is the key to disease control. 1000 mg / L of 80% Dasheng MMel 45 wettable powder is sprayed on the tree and the ground. After the alternate use of carbendazim, methyl thiophanate and other fungicides, spray once every 7 days. If you encounter cloudy and rainy days during the spraying period, spray pesticides immediately after the rain stops. The diseased fruit should be removed in time and taken out of the garden and buried deeply. If you cover the ground with plastic film, you need to spray fungicide on the surface before doing so.

2 picking and selling

The maturity of fruit picking should be medium well, which can prolong the shelf life. Mulberry fruits should be harvested in batches, and the general picking time is about 25 days. Mulberry fruit has high nutritional value, but it is not resistant to storage and transportation. Picking can be picked by hand. In early May, when mulberries have just changed from red to black and crystal bright, it shows that mulberries are ripe (white jade king, Korean white pearl fruit milky white and Taiwan long fruit mulberry fruit from green to red). It should be harvested in time in the early morning, handle gently, do not break the skin, pick and package with a small plastic box, about 300 grams per box (figure 3), and then put into fruit baskets, usually weighing 10 kilos and 15 kilograms each. Do not be overweight to prevent squeezing damage to each other.

Fig. 3 Mulberry packaging

3Postharvest management

3.1 Summer felling

Summer cutting immediately after fruit harvest, the sooner the better, so that the branches are stout and the flower buds are full and full.

During the summer felling in the first year, the branches were cut 60-70 cm above the ground, and 4-6 branches evenly distributed above and below the trunk were selected for each plant, and the rest were cut off. After germination, 4-5 strong buds were selected for each stem, and the rest were thinned. (figure 4)

Fig. 4 Summer felling

During the summer felling in the second year, the tree shape was determined by 80 cm to 90 cm above the ground, and the mulberry fist was formed (figure 5).

3.2 thinning branches

It began to sprout 15-20 days after summer felling, and the shoots were thinned at 20-30 cm, and the weak branches, drooping branches, disease and insect branches, over-dense branches and germinating branches in the lower part of the trunk were removed, with a maximum of 5 branches per branch, and no more than 30 branches per plant after the second to third trunk.

3.3 Field management

After summer felling, the main tasks of field management are pest prevention, field weeding and topdressing.

Fig. 5 Sangquan

The main results are as follows: (1) the new buds just sprouted after summer felling, and if eaten by mulberry weevil and other pests, it will affect the rapid growth of new buds and the yield and quality of the following year. The tree can be sprayed with 2.5% permethrin 1000 times (or 40% chlorpyrifos 1 200 times), and then every 20 days or so.

(2) weeding was carried out in the whole garden before and after summer felling, because the weeds suddenly grew rapidly after summer felling, which affected the growth of mulberry trees. Chemical or artificial weeding can be used for weeding, and glyphosate can be used for chemical weeding, but when spraying herbicides, it is necessary to prevent the spray from spraying on the trees.

(3) after summer cutting, it can not be topdressing immediately, otherwise it is easy to cause new branches to jointing too quickly, easy to cause branch lodging and flower bud germination, which will seriously affect the yield in the second year. When the branches grow to more than 1 meter, the branches are fully lignified, and the plant applies about 150 grams of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer, depending on the tree potential.

4 fertilization in autumn

Base fertilizer was applied in mid-late October to allow trees to accumulate sufficient nutrients and survive the winter safely. Plant application of commercial organic fertilizer or mature farm manure (such as chicken manure, pig manure, etc.) 10 kg + N, P, K compound fertilizer 250 g + calcium superphosphate (or calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer) 250 g. [Jishan Huayao]

5 winter scissors

Winter pruning of fruit mulberry adopts the principle of "pruning mainly, thinning branches as a supplement". Fully concentrate nutrients to improve the yield and quality of the following year. During winter pruning, the overdense branches, disease and insect branches, drooping branches and inner chamber thin and weak branches were removed, and the tender shoots of 15cm and 20cm at the top of the branches were cut off in the first and second year, and the tender shoots of 30cm and 40cm at the top of the branches were cut off after the third year (figure 6).

Fig. 6 Winter pruning