
What she bought on succulent plants can be written into a book, but I'd rather see how she ends up beautiful.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The second? Qian Yan love succulent love life (WeChat: duorou91) reply to "Community" and 20W meat friends to bask together! Backstage reply "delicious meat", "summer, watering, leaf insertion, soil, disinfestation, black rot" to see the relevant.

on the 2 nd


Qian Yan

Love more meat love life (micro signal: duorou91) reply "community" and 20W meat friends together sun a sun!

Backstage reply "beautiful meat","summer, watering, leaf insertion, soil, pest control, black rot" to view relevant maintenance knowledge.

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Author/Miss Yue Shengtian Li

Coordinates/Dongying, Shandong

Edit/Succulent Plants Collection

Every meat lover should have been fascinated by someone else's state map thousands of times, and as a result, his heart began to collapse when he took it back... But ah, with a little more patience and dedication, it will definitely be beautiful ~

When I first entered the pit, I didn't know anything. I didn't know what kind of meat I liked, but I just felt that meat was cute and beautiful. I wanted to have anything. No matter if it was tb purchase or WeChat purchase, it would always be coaxed by those status charts, so when I saw the goods received, my heart was simply... At that time, I saw that the goods I received were dry and messy. I was going crazy! At first, they were arranged neatly one by one. In the end, it was enough. Do whatever you want! It just piled up in the middle and buried... At that time, I didn't understand, but I still used such small white stones as paving materials. Later, when I understood a little, I basically changed the small white stones used to volcanic stones or rice wheat stones.

I can see from this angle just how patient I am... Scarce...

After planting for two weeks, I feel that Ji Xingmei has finally come back to life and stood up. It's ugly, but I'm glad it's alive. But ugliness can't be hidden...

This picture was taken in July 2017. On the sunshade net, the meaty people began to take refuge. The first summer experience, in the Internet to see a lot of articles on the difficult summer, the whole summer I have been nervous. Every rain is a "thrilling journey" for me, fortunately there is no loss throughout the summer. sahua ~

August 2017, probably because I didn't water much, part of the middle dried... But the rest of them are out of color. I don't know if I should be happy...

It has begun to spread outward, and part of the middle dry point has basically grown up. But this time is still ugly, I think now, it was so ugly I did not give it up, it is not easy!

I don't know what's going on, is it a problem with the soil? There are wild grass leaves in the middle... But there are already pink Ji Xingmei people, slowly waiting to break cocoon into butterfly ah.

November 2017, lasted more than 5 months, it is also a lot of growth, although it is still very ugly, but compared to when I first came, it is much better. And his growth makes me willing to continue to wait for it to become beautiful, looking forward to super much!

In winter, I moved to the house and didn't take many photos. It actually grew full in my unconscious. In March 2018, I moved out all the meat. As soon as I moved out, I experienced heavy rain and hail. Fortunately, Ji Xingmei didn't have big leaves and was not easy to be hurt by hail.

I really like rain. By the way, is Soo-yeon behind Ji Xingmei's right? This is a gift from my visit to Wanda and my event. I think Wanda's meat is in poor condition, but it's really easy to live. Wanda here also likes to give more meat. I've already received 3 pots of Xiuyan. Left rear is my silly period spent 35 yuan to buy Xiuyan, have the opportunity to tell you about these years I have been cheated!

This is Wanda's gift to Xiuyan. She looks like a green dog, but she keeps getting headshots!

This is a dupe to buy Xiuyan, now it is quite beautiful, but when I get it, it is difficult to explain!

This is a picture I took this afternoon, without any filters. When everyone was retreating, it was actually so beautiful. Into the colors of the rainbow. I really like it!

It's the first anniversary of raising more meat. I think no matter how ugly the meat is, as long as you give it time, it will definitely be beautiful for you to see. Have faith, wait!

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