
Plant ash is used to grow flowers to ensure that the branches will flourish and there will be no more pests.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Flower lovers and babies should all know that plant ash is definitely a good fertilizer for growing flowers. When growing flowers, they will sprinkle some plant ash in the soil, which can effectively promote the growth of plants with many benefits.

Flower lovers and babies should all know that plant ash is definitely a good fertilizer for growing flowers. When growing flowers, they will sprinkle some plant ash in the soil, which can effectively promote the growth of plants and have many benefits. so what are the benefits of plant ash below? Next, I will give you a detailed introduction.

Promote wound healing

When changing pots for plants, you can add some plant ash to the soil and stir it evenly, which can effectively improve the survival rate of plants. And after pruning the plant, the plant will always flow out some juice, if it is not treated, it will easily infect the plant, so we can apply plant ash to the wound, which can promote the wound healing of the plant and avoid infection.

Promote germination

If sowing with seeds, you can spread a thin layer of plant ash in the sown soil, because the plant ash itself has the function of heat preservation, which can help keep the soil warm, and seeds in a warm environment can promote germination and effectively advance the time of seed germination.

Prevent leaves from falling

The flowers and babies who grow flowers should all have the phenomenon of falling leaves, so we can mix the plant ash and water, and then water the plants with its solution, so that the leaves can grow stronger and prevent falling off. and can also promote flowers to bloom, let flowers bloom more gorgeously.

Pest control

Mix the plant ash and water evenly according to the proportion of 1:1, then let it stand for 10 minutes, then pour the solution into the spray can to wet the plants, and can effectively avoid pests. And plant ash contains potassium, which can effectively improve plant immunity and keep diseases away from it.