
The way of succulent self-healing: feel the power of life in simple work

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Follow the encyclopedia meet beautiful (WeChat: duoroubaike) text begin: thank the author [Nangong] for the original contribution sharing contribution date: may 4, 2018 Editor: encyclopedia coordinates: Beijing every year, with the right.


Follow encyclopedia to meet beauty (WeChat account: duoroubaike)

The text begins:

Thank the author [Nangong] for his original contribution and sharing.

Submission date: may 4, 2018

Editor: encyclopedia

Coordinates: Beijing

Every year, with the expectation of spring, I sow my favorite flowers in my small garden. I have always dreamed of climbing rattan roses and wisteria. I have always had a fondness for vines, but the plan to plant fruit trees has been out of my plan. If conditions permit next year, I plan to plant a square-sized vegetable box. The Germans invented this planting technology, which is very affordable. It provides vegetables for the whole family in a year. It's more than enough, and you can fertilize it with humus from the remains of their ancestors, and imagine them regenerating and growing this year's crops.

I always thought that I lived in a house with a garden, and I had to figure out how to make the garden worthy of its existence, so I began to run the flower market and sell potted flowers. As a result, I took it back and watered it wildly, and finally wiped out the whole army. I began to think, what's the problem?

Remembering that people say that growing flowers is self-cultivation, I suddenly realized that I went to the flower market again. Every time I bought a flower, I wrote down their names, so I began to understand the habits of these plants in Baidu and write down the main points in the notebook. How to water, how to fertilize, how to kill insects and cure diseases, how to learn to breed, and then learn flower art, three years, add up, I learned a lot, but finally found out The plant world is also a very magical subject, and the more you understand it, the more ignorant you feel. As a result, I stopped and planned to nurture the existing plants. I just let nature take its course. Whatever problems I encounter, I will cram again.

At this time, it is time to make a good plan for the spring seed. I thought that we should build a glass house for the plant for the winter, but repeatedly calculated that the cost of the glass house was high. If we want to make a glass house that is warm in winter and cold in summer, we have to ask a professional company to design it. Only by combining intelligent technology can we make use of its functions. As a result, the idea ran aground and began to carry out the second set of plans. It is a wooden cabin made of anticorrosive wood. the humidity, cold and warmth of the wooden house is very stable, but the disadvantage is that the daylighting is not as good as the sunny room, but the cost is low.

As a result, the cabin was built quickly, and as a result, it was still a problem in summer. I had to move the plants out for outdoor care, which would not suffocate the plants, because the climate in Beijing was really not a paradise for ornamental plants. In this way, the glass-top pavilion was in my plan to keep out the rain properly, and it saved me from always busy saving dying plants in winter and summer. But in recent days Rain Water began to come, spring rain is as expensive as oil, but for succulent plants, Rain Water drenched too much is not a good thing, now, there is finally a place to put them.

After two days of rain, there seems to be no sign of spring, but the plants are the most sensitive. The wild flowers on both sides of the road are blooming, the sawtooth grass has become green, and all kinds of plants in the community are also lush, and the spring rain is Xiaoxiao at this time. The wet and cold air always gives people an illusion, but you see, you can already see some green life struggling out of the soil, and I put on my thick clothes again.

Pulpy plants are very magical plants, and this season is also the time for them to bloom and pollinate. The bell-like flowers are dotted with the bright yellow and pink flowers that are the first to spit out stamens. The blooming African chrysanthemums and daisies (which have bloomed three times) are also looking at the quiet and expectant world. In my spare time, I can't help standing on the doorstep and looking back at my yard. In addition to some green plants, there are several pots of bonsai planted by myself, which I say are "bonsai". I have been lazy to tie silk to shape them. This is a technical job. It also requires great patience and a bit of meticulous attention, and then, as I usually do in school, when I am lazy, I "put them on the shelf" and use the simplest way. Is to prune their overly exuberant branches.

If you don't work, your spring will not automatically bring you anything-the purple cabbage with nothing is waiting for me to patiently take care of and collect the seeds for sowing in the coming year!

Spring seed is also a busy season, a few hours later, sweating, you drag a tired and sore spine back to the house, suddenly feel the cold room is so strange and strange In the evening, you flip through a gardening book bought from Taobao, and when you see the fascinating gardening, there is no shortage of tedious labor. At last, you can't read a few pages, and you are too sleepy to open your eyes. At that moment, you didn't want to move a finger, and finally you staggered into the bathroom with a tired body dragging your head. Reluctantly, you had to wash yourself clean before you could go to bed. Lying in bed, there was another burst of wishful thinking. In any case, God was always kind, and in the end he gave us a comfortable garden with countless plants of all kinds, a group of succulent plants, a few pink flowers blooming in spring, and a piece of succulent flowers in full bloom in summer.

I remember the words: "truly, truly, I say to you, if a grain of wheat does not fall into the ground and dies, it will still be one grain. If it dies, it will bear many seeds." Although the passage of 12:24 in the Gospel of John is used by God to teach believers how to fulfill their mission, it also tells you truly that if a seed is not sown in the ground, it will become countless seeds, just like those disciples who risked death to sow "seeds" everywhere in those days. Jesus likes to use ordinary parables to teach his disciples. Each parable is full of simple philosophy and is very specific. And when you are in these simple work, you will also keep thinking about life, and the limited understanding of nature.

Have you ever thought about the magic of plants? In the unmanaged wild, they try their best to lure insects to pollinate themselves, attract rodents and birds to eat its seeds with fragrance, and then forget to eat them with animal excrement or stored in the ground, and the seeds are sown in different paths. just like dandelions, with the help of its own conditions, you will see it like countless small parachutes in April. They are flying everywhere, then they land somewhere and take root, and there will be a new life in the coming year.

Around 1999, when I went to Holland for a holiday, I took a fancy to this wooden shoe at first sight, so I bought it without hesitation. In fact, I didn't know it was a potted flower. I just collected it like a specialty. As a result, when I went to the greenhouse for the first time two years ago, I suddenly thought of this wooden shoe, so I went to the greenhouse again and asked my boss to plant jade pendants in it. Yes, I didn't know how to fix the root, how to take care of the succulent plants, let alone those fresh Chinese names, but it seemed appropriate to stay in the wooden shoes. In a flash, more than two years passed.

When he moved back from the greenhouse with the jade pendant, it was also the owner of the greenhouse who helped to plant it, changed the basin once in the middle, and began to learn to trim the roots by himself. This is a delicate job, which can exercise my character like Madaha.

I still like to buy large meat in the greenhouse, such as the sunset, but I can't raise the sunset all the time. The first time I raised the meat, I spent a lot of money to move back from the greenhouse. I can't remember its name at all, nor do I know its habits. Feel that it is very difficult to take the basin, repeatedly dig out to see the root, and then plant it, and finally be tossed to death by me. These two started from the greenhouse again last fall, and they have always been dissatisfied.

Like most meat-raising little Wenqing, I also like Guanghan Palace very much. I have killed several of them, which I picked up from the greenhouse I used to visit last year. Let's see how they are made.

Two years ago, I went to the greenhouse for the first time and moved back to a trunk with a mess of succulent plants, one of which is Yun Ye? I can't remember her name for a while. It was originally a handful of old piles, but I watered the roots. This is a branch that survived the cutting last year, and it finally took it.

It is also the product of my first visit to the greenhouse. I planted purple pearls and new jade pendants together to save flowers. Greed is really contemptuous. New jade pendant, I want to plant it like a waterfall one day, and the flowers are ready for it. I hope you live up to me.

"gorgeous windmill"? Just like its name, it is not known until it is raised that it is simply a "super child" in the succulent plant. I can't help copying them.

Back to the point, speaking of this decoration, raised for more than a year, changed flowers in early spring, or the first time in the encyclopedia Jun Weibo store, unfortunately, I just do not know what it is called.

Bingmei? Leaf cuttings are affixed.

The second time in the encyclopedia Jun micro-store one of the products, the bottom corner of the hibiscus snow lotus, started very big. Succulent plant is a kind of magical plant. At that time, this hibiscus snow lotus found that the root was black rotten, even sitting was cut in half, and the cuttage was actually alive last winter. It can be seen that the function of plant self-repair is very precise, and it can make adjustments and self-healing in time. However, the young seedlings of leaf cuttings are also growing healthily, thanks to the Creator!

This batch of encyclopedia Jun micro-store is a new start, and it is still in the potted period. I can't stop. I feel a little guilty.

Two years ago, I bought a four-yuan special jade lotus in a micro-store with a very slow business. In the end, the store was never updated. Every time I buy succulent plants and green plants, just like buying a book or a painting, there is a story, so I begin to cherish every one of them, no matter where they come from, like every book and every painting, because my memory is the moment I see them exist.

All kinds of succulent hanging orchids have always been fond of this kind of elegant hanging orchids, whether there is a very romantic feeling?

Branched Anthurium andraeanum. Since I was born in Kunming and like all kinds of flowers and plants, I have always dreamed of moving flowers and plants from my hometown to Beijing, but the poisonous summer in Beijing is awesome! It is really not a paradise for plants. On the contrary, it can hone the willpower of flower lovers.

A handful of leaves were planted last fall and grow into Medusa this year.

The red finger of the encyclopedia.

Gardening is a kind of passion.

Fire sacrifice is the "combat effectiveness" of succulent plants.

When it comes to this succulent plant, I have never understood what it is. After suffering, when I first went to the greenhouse, I went home to clean it up and found it lying alive in the medium soil sent by the store. I picked it up and threw it aside. A few days later, when I planted succulent plants, I found that it looked like a drooping head in the soil, almost as small as a carapace. So, with luck, I planted it in a small seedling basin. It turned out to be what it is today. Have to sigh its vitality.

In order to avoid war and treat depression, Hesse fled to the outskirts of Bern, where he used a farm to work hard in the fields to heal his mental trauma: if you like, you can only see the happy side: you can see the vitality of the land in the crops, the precise creation of God and his rich emotional change and imagination in shape and color, and you can plant it. Carefully observe and understand human nature from childhood, because each plant has its own personality: some are frugal, some are profligate. Some are reserved and complacent, others are perfunctory.

This is also a question that I often think about in my work. If you are a depressed person, please pick up an iron pick and look for problems in your life in the fields or crops from now on; your loss, anxiety, frustration, sadness … You don't have time to be sad, you don't have time to worry about gains and losses. Because from the lives of those plants, you will feel how kind God is.

The succulent plant from the beautiful Cyprus of the Mediterranean Sea, too amazing to have time to figure it out, blossomed overnight and just learned its scientific name, Amygdalaceae-crab forceps. The other is also a member of the apricot family, called: stem apricot.

Conclusion: you can also feel God's generous love in farming!


This article has been exclusively authorized by the author on the official account of Wechat: ID:duoroubaike, and the content of the article does not represent the views and positions of the official account.

-Review of the wonderful push in the last issue-