
Only when there are flowers, there is life, and only when there is rose, there is sentiment.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, It is said that people who raise flowers are happy and have interest in life. This is true. Hua Hua feels that people who raise roses are more emotional. Where does this sentiment come from? From the process of growing flowers, the process of harvesting. The light all says that it is difficult to raise Chinese roses and flowers.

It is said that people who raise flowers are happy and have interest in life. This is true. Hua Hua feels that people who raise roses are more emotional. Where does this sentiment come from? From the process of growing flowers, the process of harvesting.


It is said that it is difficult to raise rose, Huahua also feels a bit difficult, that is because the balcony of Huahua family is really not suitable for raising rose, the north balcony is lack of direct light, the rose is super like the light of flowers, if the light is not enough, it is super easy to grow, and diseases and insect pests come quickly and can blossom, but the flowering is relatively small and less, anyway.

Fertilizer application

In addition to light, be sure to give the rose to use the right fertilizer, because the rose likes fertilizer, fertilizer is sufficient, sprouting is more, and usually fertilization should be more diligent, before flower buds appear in the flower season, about 7 days to use fermented rapeseed cake, bean cake, chicken and duck manure fertilizer, fertilizer concentration is 20%.

After blooming and failing, it is necessary to use an ecologically safe organic nutrient solution about once a week, which is more than 800 times of water. After late August, the weather slowly turns cool, the amount of fertilizer application can be increased appropriately, and the fertilizer and water can be diluted about 500 times. After November, it is best to apply fertilizer once in about 10 days, using thin fertilizer, generally diluted about 800 times.

Finally, we should pay attention to the problem of watering, because different seasons, the amount of watering is also different, there is different growth stages of the rose, the development is different, the amount of watering should be well controlled.

It is more appropriate to water before 10:00 every morning in spring, summer and autumn. In winter, it is generally after 2 p.m., the water temperature must be grasped well, it is better to be about the same as that of the soil, and the temperature difference should not exceed 5 degrees. Watering should grasp the humidity and water can be poured out to the bottom of the basin. Too much water is easy to cause soil erosion, or cause rotting roots.

Draining water

If watering too much, it is necessary to properly drain or release water, check the dry and wet condition of the basin soil around 4: 00 noon every day, but replenish water appropriately, if the weather is particularly dry, do not be limited by time and watering times. Keep the soil moist.

If there are more Rain Water in summer, it is also necessary to do a good job of releasing water. Rain Water causes waterlogging of the cultivated rose, which can be trenched and drained. Potted rose can be properly tilted to pour water out of the flowerpot.

Controlled watering

If it is necessary to properly control the watering of the rose in winter, because this is the period of hibernation and energy reserve of the rose, but the rose has not reached the budding stage, in order to prevent overgrowth and root discomfort, it is necessary to properly control the amount of watering. The soil is a little moist.