
It's the sweetest fruit ever made a tribute by Kangxi, vitamin high, known as the king of melons.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Nowadays, living conditions are getting better and better, and fruit has become a frequent visitor to people's table. Summer is the season when a large number of fruits are listed. Many people choose fruits according to their criteria of moisture and sweet taste. There are many fruits that meet these two conditions, more than...

Nowadays, the living conditions are getting better and better, and fruit has become a regular guest on people's dinner table. Summer is the season when a large number of fruits are on the market. Plenty of water and sweet taste are the criteria for many people to choose fruits. There are many fruits that meet these two conditions, such as watermelons, peaches, melons, etc. are juicy and sweet fruits, especially melons, with a strong fragrance, sweet taste comparable to honey, many people like to eat. There is one of the sweetest fruits, which is so sweet that it is called "the king of melons". Have you ever eaten it?

This kind of fruit is cantaloupe, which is the only fruit named after a place name in ancient China. When it comes to its naming process, it is also related to the famous Emperor Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty. Hami area in ancient China has always been under the jurisdiction of King Hami appointed by the emperor. During the New year, King Hami would go to Beijing to meet the emperor and present gifts. In order to please the emperor, King Hami once traveled by boat for more than 20 days and transported the melon produced in Hami to the capital intact. After Emperor Kangxi ate the melon, the dragon Yan Dayue officially named it Hami melon and made it a tribute.

Later, cantaloupe has been sent to the palace as a tribute. Until the reign of Guang Xu in the Qing Dynasty, the emperor sympathized with the hard work of the people. "because the Lord was sympathetic to his subjects, he was afraid of a long way to go, and he had a long way to go." No longer use it as a tribute. However, cantaloupe has long been famous all over the world, and some folk vendors transported it to all parts of the country, which was a very valuable fruit at that time. Hami melon has a long history of cultivation. With the development of modern technology, there are more and more varieties of Hami melon, but the quality of Hami melon in Xinjiang is still the best.

Cantaloupe has a very high sugar content, and 20% of the pulp is sugar, so many people with diabetes dare not eat it. But for those who like fruit, cantaloupe is an irreplaceable delicacy. Cantaloupe has a high content of vitamins, especially B vitamins and vitamin C. eating about half a cantaloupe a day can supplement the water-soluble vitamins needed by the human body and ensure the normal metabolism of the body. In addition, cantaloupe is also rich in antioxidant capacity, often eating cantaloupe can enhance the skin's sunscreen and reduce sunburn.

There are many varieties of cantaloupe, there are net melon, yellow melon, green melon, the flesh inside also has yellow, white and green, although the growth is not the same, the taste is also different, but they are all delicious. Readers, do you like eating cantaloupe?