
Duck palm wood, rubber tree, fortune tree, copper coin grass... summer maintenance methods to know in order to be green

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, There are many common ornamental green plants, such as duck palm tree, rubber tree, fortune tree, copper flower grass, etc. Summer is coming, maintenance of these flowers, the main points to know, will be green, vibrant, play a better decorative effect.

There are many common ornamental green plants, such as duck palm wood, rubber tree, rich tree, copper grass and so on. Summer is coming. To maintain these flowers and plants, you need to know the main points so that they will be green, vibrant and have a better decorative effect.

Duck palm wood

Duck palm wood has strong ability to adapt to the environment, exuberant vitality, bright and shiny leaves, is an ideal potted plant for home decoration, summer maintenance of duck palm wood, we should pay special attention, otherwise it will die.

Duck palm wood is more resistant to drought, but at the same time it likes higher air humidity, basin soil should be kept moist, just found that the soil is not completely dry, it should be watered in time.

And duck palm wood growth is relatively rapid, every 15 days to apply liquid fertilizer, its leaves will be more green oil, not yellow!

As the duck palm wood grows too fast, it should be pruned frequently, and the dense branches, old branches, diseased branches and yellowing leaves should be cut off in time to avoid consuming too much nutrients.

Rubber tree

The branches of the rubber tree are tall and straight, the leaves are bright and shiny, and they are evergreen all the year round. They are very popular. What should we pay attention to to maintain the rubber tree in summer?

Usually put the rubber tree in the position of sufficient light, pay attention to ventilation, you can choose loose, fertile, good drainage sandy soil.

But starting in June, the temperature is higher and the sun is stronger, so it can be placed in a place of bright astigmatism, so that it does not have to move repeatedly and will not be exposed to the sun.

In the growing season, the application of low concentration liquid fertilizer every 20 days can make the plants luxuriant, the leaves greener and the gloss stronger.

Make a fortune tree

The rich tree is evergreen all the year round, its leaves are green and luxuriant, and it has a strong decorative effect, and it also has the beautiful implication of attracting wealth and wealth, which is an ideal potted plant for home decoration.

The rich tree is more resistant to drought and can be watered once a day in summer and sprayed on the leaves to maintain humidity and make the leaves more green and bright.

The rich tree does not have a strong demand for light, and the summer light is relatively strong, so it can be placed in a place of bright astigmatism to make it grow well. When the summer weather is hot, it is necessary to reduce fertilization.

Tongqian grass

The leaves of Rabdosia angustifolia are smooth, glossy, evergreen all the year round, can be hydroponic or soil, and the effect of decorating balconies and windowsills is very strong.

Summer maintenance of copper grass, to pay attention to two points, light and water, can put it in a sunny place, but at noon to cover.

Soil culture of Rabdosia angustifolia, watering once a day, water culture, to ensure that the water level in the bottle does not pass the root system, otherwise it is easy to make the leaves wilt and wither, affecting the ornamental effect.