
You think white palms won't blossom? So you didn't raise it right.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, White palm flowers are white, a curved single white leaf surrounded by a yellowish (and, of course, other colors) stamens, yellow-white flowers with green leaves, giving a clean and elegant feeling. But to the regret of many people,.

White palm flowers are white, a curved single white leaf surrounded by a yellowish (and, of course, other colors) stamens, yellow-white flowers with green leaves, giving a clean and elegant feeling. But to the regret of many people, many flower friends who have white palms at home only see their leaves, but do not have the chance to see their flowers.

The growth of white palm is still very fast, generally planted in a year can grow a whole flowerpot. The florescence of white palm is concentrated in summer, which is generally in full bloom from May to August, and the florescence can be as long as more than a month. So for those who sigh why they haven't seen the flowers yet, don't worry, you need to be patient, and this is the season for white palm blossoms.

It is not that when the flowering time comes, it will wait for the flowers to bloom. We need to know some habits of white palm first. It prefers a ventilated and sunny environment, so if you keep it in a dark, unventilated room, it's very bad for growth, but it's hard to blossom.

In terms of watering, spring and summer is the growing and flowering season, should be more watering, autumn climate is dry, but also the right amount of more watering, while slow growth in winter, slightly less watering. Evaporation is large in summer. After enough water has been irrigated in the soil (no stagnant water), extra water can be sprayed on the leaves to add more water.

White palm likes fertilizer, if it is to blossom, fertilization is a very important process. When mixing soil, rotten leaf soil and peat soil can be used, then perlite is added to increase air permeability, and finally mixed with organic fertilizer or plant ash to increase nutrition. After the root growth is stable, fertilization can be applied in the three seasons of spring, summer and autumn.

Fertilization can choose liquid fertilizer, once in 10-15 days of the growing season, or compound fertilizer, about 15 days, or appropriate amount of potassium fertilizer, which is beneficial to leaf growth, or spread a small amount of plant ash on the surface of the soil, which can also increase nutrition. A little gibberellic acid can be sprayed in late spring and early summer to promote flowering. At ordinary times, pay attention to more loose soil, which is not only beneficial to the root system to absorb nutrients, but also increase ventilation.